
Monday, August 4, 2008

Carmouche trounces Republican candidates in poll

Six hundred likely voters in Louisiana Congressional District 4 were interviewed in a random sample taken July 16 - 21, 2008. Respondents were screened for voter registration and their likelihood of voting in the 2008 Presidential election. The sample was balanced according to all known demographic factors. All interviews were conducted by telephone. The margin of error for this survey is ± 4.0%, with a 95% confidence level.
Paul Carmouche begins this campaign with 60% name recognition and a 4-to-1 positive/negative ratio associated with his name. By contrast, the three Republicans candidates, Chris Gorman, John Fleming, and Jeff Thompson, have a name identification ranging between 17% and 33%. They are only known by the core Republican voters.
When paired with each of these three opponents on a trial heat, Paul Carmouche defeats all three, with leads ranging from 13 to 19 points. Also, Independent candidate Chester “Catfish” Kelley holds 5% of the vote in all three match-ups.
In Caddo Parish where Paul Carmouche has served as District Attorney, he leads all three opponents by a 2-to-1 margin, and even at this early stage, he receives support from a majority of voters. In Caddo Parish, Paul Carmouche does very well with both Democratic and Republican voters.
Thanks to The Reduct Box

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