
Monday, September 22, 2008

Dumbass of the Year Award

Maybe he should try snatching purses from old ladies . . . .
Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator found himself a victim of theft when a Shreveport man stole pipe from his farm.
Johnny Henderson Jr., 51, is charged with stealing more than $7,000 from Prator’s property on state Highway 3049 on Sunday, the sheriff said.
Prator was on his way to Shreveport when he passed by the farm and saw the gate was closed. A few minutes later, the sheriff passed a truck and trailer loaded with aluminum pipe that looked like property belonging to him. Prator drove ahead to check the gate again and this time found it open. He put out a broadcast for the truck and trailer, then stopped the vehicle himself south of the George Road. The driver had pulled over to tighten the rope around the pipe.

From The Times

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