
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fleming 32%, Gorman 30%, Thompson 15%

Today, the Gorman For Congress Campaign released the results of the most recent public opinion survey in the race for the Republican primary in Louisiana's Fourth Congressional District.
The survey was conducted of 300 likely Republican primary voters by Public Opinion Strategies over September 9-11. The margin of error is 5.66 percent.
The survey shows a dead heat between Chris Gorman and John Fleming with 30 and 32 percent of the vote, respectively. Meanwhile, Jeff Thompson trails with 15% of the vote. Twenty-three percent are undecided going into the final days of the extended GOP primary.
According to pollster Gene Ulm of POS, "Chris Gorman is the front runner in several parishes, including Bossier Parish, which comprises nearly one quarter of all GOP voters in the district. Furthermore, he continues to have the best name recognition and favorability of any candidate in the race."

From The Dead Pelican

Meanwhile, Jeff Thompson picked up an endorsement from Jerry Jones, former Shreveport City Attorney and candidate for mayor.
Running with the McCrery endorsement has him at 15%. This one should drop him to about 12% or 13%

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