
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vote for Judge Burchett Saturday

Saturday is a big day for voters in Bossier and Webster Parishes. Not only will congressional candidates be selected in closed primaries, but we will choose between Judge Dewey Burchett and Michael Craig for judge.
The closed primaries have confused some people. Since Judge Burchett and Mr. Craig are of opposite parties and are the only candidates, there is no need for a primary. You may vote across party lines in the judge's race, although in the congressional races, you can vote only for those candidates of your party.
This means that Saturday is your final vote for judge and that the person with the most votes will win outright. I have heard some confusion over this and hope that it is clarified for our readers.
Judge Dewey Burchett has served the people of Bossier and Webster Parishes for the last twenty years.
He currently teaches seminars on legal subjects to judges, lawyers and law enforcement officers. Judge Burchett has been married for 41 years to his wife Pat. The Burchetts have two sons and a granddaughter.
Judge Burchett understands public service for what it should be. He is an upstanding individual, an extremely capable Judge, and is deserving of our support to continue in that capacity.
Re-elect Judge Burchett.


  1. Your explanation of the primary system is slightly wrong. We are back to closed primary voting for Federal elections (Congress and US Senate). All other elections including all local (LA) elections are still open primary meaning you can vote for anyone regardless of party. Only Federal elections have changed where party matters.

    Great work with your blogs Jim!

  3. Anonymous - thank you, I have changed the wording of the blog.
    Sam - thanks for the compliment.

  4. Ya Good Luck Judge Burchett your sure gonna need it!!! Do they let Child Molesters vote? I'm sure the Good ole boy Judge knows the answer to that.

  5. Do Not Vote For Burchett!!!!!!!

    This guy is an embarrassment to the judicial system and should be replaced immediately. His rulings are totally incoherent and sometimes ramble about topics that have nothing to do with the case at hand. In my case, he didn't even address some of the issues that should have been part of the ruling. I'm not sure if its a lack of concern or just inability to remember what has transpired during an all day hearing, but he's way out of touch. If you want more info than this, just do a little research prior to casting your ballot. I know very little about his opponent but I feel better about that than I do about voting for someone who has proven their incompetence.

    Everyone get out there and vote.


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