
Monday, October 6, 2008

Bossier Clerk says reporting problems are solved

I'm sure that anyone who was keeping up with election results Saturday night was aware that the totals from Bossier Parish were the last to be posted. Just when Caddo and Webster Parishes had reported all precincts, the first Bossier result went up on the Secretary of State's website.

I met this morning with Bossier Clerk of Court Cindy Johnston and asked her about the problem. She reported that they had a computer problem in transmitting results to Baton Rouge and had been aware of it all day. In fact, a representative of the Secretary of State was at the Bossier Courthouse most of the day attempting to fix the problem.

Finally, two hours after the polls closed, they got it ironed out and were able to get the numbers posted.

Cindy assured me that everything went very well with the voting and with getting the totals from each precinct, and that she expects the November 4th election to come off without a hitch.

1 comment:

  1. Cindy is a great clerk and can fix any problem usually as soon as possible. I am sure she worked hard all day on this issue. Her office was extremely helpful as we called to get numbers for the District Judge race. I wish next time a "mock report" could be completed a week or so before the election to make sure everything is working properly. It doesn't look very good for our parish, but I know Cindy did everything possible.


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