
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Haughton man asks deputies to kill him

From the Bossier Press Tribune

A Haughton man has been arrested for sixth offense marijuana possession, two counts of battery on a police officer with injuries, two counts of resisting arrest and for having a defective license plate light.
According to the Bossier Sheriff’s Office, Christopher Shaun Campise, 29, of the 3200 block of Pinehaven Lane, was taken into custody Wednesday night after he was stopped on I-20 for having no license plate light. A search of his vehicle yielded a bag of marijuana.
When Bossier Sheriff’s deputies attempted to handcuff Campise, he pulled away and tried to run. He shoved the deputies, refused to obey verbal commands and yelled that he wanted to die and wanted deputies to kill him.
Eventually, he was taken to the ground and handcuffed, but during the altercation, depuies received cuts to their hands, elbows and knees. Campise was not seriously injured.


  1. Is being a stoner such a hard life in Haughton? I thought you could get a pizza delivered most anywhere, but I'm new to this area.

  2. I think the Sonic was closed and the Circle K was out of chips. .

  3. In lieu of death, he gets a nice stay at Larry Dean's Farm.

    Death...or bologna sandwiches all weekend...hmm.

    Hope your weekend is going well Jim!!

  4. Sam, good to hear from you. Yep, I'll bet he has lost the munchies by now.
    You know, he's gonna need a good lawyer . . . .


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