
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

National Republicans throw Kennedy under the bus

UPDATE October 18:
Committee reinstates ads
The Advocate article

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has decided to pull its television advertising out of Louisiana, a decision that drastically reduces the party's chances at its lone takeover opportunity in this election cycle.
The ads, according to buy information obtained by The Fix, will end next Tuesday -- two weeks before the Nov. 4 election between Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) and state Treasurer John Kennedy (R).
NRSC communications director Rebecca Fisher offered no comment when asked about the move to pull down the ads.
The decision to stop advertising in the race against Landrieu reflects a recognition by the NRSC of the stark financial reality it faces in the fall campaign. The Republican committee has been consistently outraised by its Democratic counterpart and, as the political environment has worsened for the GOP in recent weeks, several Republican senators that appeared safe -- Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and Saxby Chambliss (Ga.) to name two -- have suddenly appeared more vulnerable.
Washington Post


  1. This guy is a complete fraud - whether you like Landrieu or not - she is no phony - you know exactly where she is - this guy is the biggest opportunist i have ever met - when he ran for governor as a democrat - i was five feet from his face when he responded to a question about abortion that he"supports a woman's right to choose in all circumstances" - now he supports John McCain and is pro-life - what a complete fraud - everytime i see his commercials i want to scream - you are a liar

  2. The ironic part is that the Republicans could have taken this seat with a good candidate. Instead, they picked an unsuccessful Democrat hack, who couldn't even get past the primary in 2004.
    Another of Karl Rove's great ideas.

  3. If Jay Dardenne had run - it would be Senator Dardenne for sure


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