
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Maggie Lee Henson and a Father's Prayer

Maggie Lee Henson is one of the students from First Baptist Church in Shreveport who was injured in the terrible accident that took the life of fourteen year old Brandon Ugarte.
Maggie is suffering from severe brain injury and is being treated at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.
Maggie's dad, John Henson, is associate pastor for emerging ministries at First Baptist Church. He has written in his blog about taking Maggie to the church that morning and about his prayer that the trip would be a safe one.
Rev. Henson and his wife Jinny, needless to say, are with Maggie in Jackson.
A page has been set up at Caring Bridge that allows you to check on Maggie Lee's progress and leave comments for the family.
The Baptist Press has an article about the response in Jackson.
Please take time to say a prayer for Maggie and her parents, and visit the Caring Bridge website and let them know you care.


  1. The outpouring of love on that caring bridge website to this family that is expressed in the Guest book is amazing.

  2. Maggie Lee Henson and her family has been such a reminder to me that you can give God Glory in tough situations! Thank you


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