
Friday, September 18, 2009

Bossier Murder trials continued until next year

Charles Rodgers Pilkinton
A motion for continuance was filed yesterday on behalf of Charles Rodgers Pilkinton, who was scheduled to be in court on September 28th to begin trial. The motion asks for the case to be continued until January.
Pilkinton is accused of killing 66 year old Raymond Tobin. Investigators said that Tobin was seeing Pilkinton’s estranged wife. Officers were called to a disturbance on Inda Street in November of last year and found Tobin shot in the head and slumped over in the driver’s seat of his car. Pilkinton was arrested at the scene and charged with 1st degree murder, a charge which was later reduced to 2nd degree.
Pilkinton’s son-in-law was a supporter of and a contributor to DA Schuyler Marvin, so Marvin asked the State Attorney General to take over the case, which he agreed to do.
Lance David Thamm
In another case, Lance David Thamm (pictured here) was also set to go to trial on September 28th, but due to a scheduling conflict his attorney, Pam Smart, asked the court to reschedule. The trial is now set for March 1st.
DA Marvin has filed a notice of intent to seek death penalty with the court.
Thamm is accused of killing his 17 month old daughter, Isabella, by jamming her head into a door jamb.
The baby was crying and fussing and it apparently got on Thamm’s drug-riddled nerves. Thamm and his wife, Vanessa Ferris, both had a history of domestic abuse. Thamm’s son by a previous marriage was taken away from him by a Texas court a couple of years ago.

· Killed by Her Protector
· Thamm Charged Twice for Domestic Violence
· Mother of Murdered Child on Probation
· Guest Blog from Isabella's Mother


  1. you do know that a "motion" for continuance does not mean that the case has been continued. a case is not continued until the Judge "grants" the motion. get your fact and headlines right!

  2. Tell you what, if Judge Bolin does not sign the motion, then it's my bad. If he does (which he will) then it is your bad, fair enough?

  3. It is time for Lance pay for his actions.

  4. Lance and Vanessa were the parents of the boy too, not from a previous marriage. After his abuse and eventually being adopted by her sister, they moved away and had the girl. Noone in her family knew until she told them Bella had died. His family knew everything.

  5. I went to high school with Lance. He was a piece of shit back then too. I hope they fry the son of a &^%^%. He was the bane of my existence in High School.

    1. Went to elementary, middle and high school with Lance and hung together for the first few years after HS. He was a good guy back then. He graduated college with a degree, however he started hanging with a rough crowd which lead to drugs and his 1st wife Tina that was no help to him but dragged him down with her issues. Anyhow, lost track of him around 2000, I heard he was on a bad path. Blown away with what happened to him, diffently not the guy I once knew long ago

  6. I knew Lance in 7th grade. Never imagined he'd end up like this.


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