
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bossier City Councilman David Jones discusses alternatives to police & fire layoffs

Tomorrow we will address today's short council meeting. Tonight we will put up David Jones' comments at that meeting.


  1. He sounded like he was speaking to the people who may be laid off even though they were not in attendance.

  2. Thanks Jim! I'll be making more videos. I hope I can get some citizens to talk the next time so we can put it on Youtube. If you guys see me at the next meeting, please say hello!

  3. Sam, thanks so much for doing that. It is great of you to do the vids for those who can't make the meetings.

  4. I was talking slow so The Times might get something right.

    David Jones

  5. David, you might want to concern yourself less with The Times & more with the people of Bossier City. Your attempt to gain some compassion from those in attendance was laughable. Your responses to citizens' e-mails is the real you. "Moron, coward, uninformed and ignorant," those are your true feelings about the people of Bossier City. We know you're one of the administration water boys, but nice try.

  6. Not about the citizens of Bossier. Just you

  7. lo walker had a look on his face like he was frightened to death---and maybe its just the audio quality (lack) but david jones sounded extremely nervous also. I know this is a sensitive matter, but if you are doing your job and doing your job and the best you can, there is no reason to hide. i might feel a little better about all of this if our mayor would stand up like a man and account for what has been going on, on what the game plan is, instead of ducking and dodging questions from the media. Hiding from questions only raises more questions, so its hard not to assume the worst.

    If we can figure out a way to get to the moon we can figure out out to save a few jobs by making up this money----Get to WORK CITY COUNSEL!!!

  8. For the record, I believe Mr. Jones is working his hardest to achieve a fair outcome for everyone. It's easy to lay blame, but a true leader speaks up and speaks out, and he has done that.

  9. I was at the meeting and I believe Mr.Jones was sincere in his statements. I'm ready to see some new proposals from him and other council members. First and foremost, I will be interested to see if the proposed 5% pay increase for the Mayors Office is still included. I can tell you this, if it is, things are going to get real ugly, real fast during that next meeting and they WONT keep me quiet this time! Enough is enough!!

  10. The police and firefighters get an automatic 2.5% raise each year, sort of like congress. Does this mean you begrudge anyone else a raise.

  11. They get a 2% longevity raise each year. Not a 5% "in the budget" raise. Not to mention the PD is the lowest paid of the major departments in this area, but they sure love to say Bossier has the best police department in the safest city in the State of Louisiana. Know what your talking about before you post.

  12. 2% or 2.5% the question was should others not get raises?

  13. Maybe because others aren't getting shot at on a regular basis!

  14. You would be surprised how ofter there are police calls for shots being fired in Bossier. Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

  15. I would begrudge anyone getting a 5% raise who already makes double and triple what our police officers and fire fighters do. They put their lives on the line everyday and the mayor wants to lay them off and give his OFFICE staff a 5% raise. You can spin it how ever you want it is still bullshit!

  16. Shots being fired and being shot at are two completly different things. Spent 20 years in large police dept and never was shot at. Still answered many calls for shots being fired. And remember, The mayor doesn't give raises, only the coucil can do that. Don't expect 5% to stand.


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