
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Councilman Darby: Not right to cut fire and police

Better watch the 5 and 6 o'clock news tonight, it will be on Channels 6 and 12 for sure.
Councilman Jeff Darby said that he will not support the mayor's proposal, that the budget decieved and that he has his own proposal.
We will blog in more detail later; we also hope to hear from someone who ran for council earlier this year and warned about the budget problems.


  1. Way to go Mr. Darby. You are looking out for the citizens of Bossier City. You show some courage unlike our mayor who is looking more and more like a lying coward.

  2. I will be very interested in darbys proposal. The mayor has no choice in this matter. At least he has the courage to make tough decisions instead of let the city go broke

  3. You don't think he should have addressed it previously and given the people the chance to have some input?

  4. The mayors foolish spending is the reason the city is broke. He knew the city was broke long ago and chose to ignore the problem. We are paying him big bucks to address problems before they reach the point where public servents lose their jobs

  5. darby is a straight shooter and wont stand for any bs

  6. None of that matters at this point Jim. The fact is, cuts must be made. If anyone has a better solution I am sure the mayor and council will surely be interested.

  7. I agree with that.

  8. I agree with that.

  9. its either cut the police and fire by a relatively few positions or cut crucial services such as our EMT services. Its 6 million dollars! Its not like they can cut out a city council conference and save 6 million. Come on, get real

  10. Anon at 6:03:

    Exactly who do you think provides those EMT services? The Bossier City Fire Department! How well do you think they will be equipped to do that with 38 less EMT's? And for the record, the current class of recruits would all be certified as paramedics. The first class ever. Get your facts before you speak, assclown...

  11. Thank God this Darby has some backbone, unlike his BPSB brother that owes everybody in 3 states & can't utter a preposition without approval.

  12. Councilmen Darby listed several ideas at the meeting that would save money and save jobs.

  13. Mr. Darby is a grand stander - he has known about this for two years - they all agreed to wait til after the elections to come up with a solution - come on people - dont be so dumb - this is a problem anyone could see - if you spend more than you take in - you have to cut or go broke - remember this - the mayor cant spend a single penny without council approval - check where mr darby was last year on the budget - oh - he was a green light

  14. Has anyone looked at an itemized budget? No more "sweet" deals for developers who can well afford paying to get water. Each city department should have cuts, not only fire and police....approve a budget that is not going to hurt the "little" guy. He is already hurting!

  15. The Mayor either lied to the council and public or he is totally incompetent. He needs to resign, be recalled or fired.

  16. The council would not let the public speak, they don't care or want to hear what we have to say?? Who do they think they work for. The entire counsel except Mr Darby needs to be fired and you can bet come next election they are gone.

  17. I am not going to say Mr. Darby has all of the answers but at least he is willing to stand up for the people being laid off.

  18. All Darby did was make sure he did not have to vote on anything. I have watched him for years and he abstains on any tough decisions. No backbone. Just says what you want to hear.

  19. There were other job cuts within the city..not just the fire and police departments.

  20. There were other job cuts in the city, but they were not anywhere near the same number. When was the last time you called a city dept other than police and fire for an emergency. I don't want to see anyone lose their job, but come on. The police and fire lay offs are first responders not people in an office.

  21. That is a good point. We should not forget that 37 other jobs were eliminated; everyone is concentrating on the fire and police cuts because of the nature of their jobs, but on a personal level job loss affects every family the same.


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