
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sentell threatened to use his 'political influence' to get officers fired

On the way to jail, police said, Sentell - who had told them numerous times he was a prosecutor -- threatened repeatedly to use his "political influence" against the arresting officers if he was arrested.
Sentell's comments were captured by an in-car video system, police said. What happened inside the casino was recorded by its security system.


  1. He just looks like a wife beater.

  2. i would like to see the video. i know the casinos have cameras everywhere

  3. Kudos to the BCPD officers that were involved in the arrest that were not intimidated by Sentells' Gestapo tactics.

  4. I am in shock over this report! I worked with Sherb for almost 2 years and I never would have thought he was like this...I want to see the video as well.

  5. We all knew he was a ticking timb bomb.

  6. Well, I'm not trying to interrupt, but Rhianna and Chris Brown had the best fight of the year. BEST FIGHT OF ALL TIME. I'm just sayin'.

  7. Here ya go (video link)

  8. It has now been announced that BCPD Internal Affairs is investigating the police officers who arrested Sentell. It did not take long for the DA's office to make good on Sentell's threats.

  9. "Bossier-Webster District Attorney Schuyler Marvin said there are concerns the arresting officer's report is contradicted by what was said in a video system inside the police car in which Sentell was driven to jail.
    Marvin said comments made by Sentell and the officer were not always appropriate but there are questions whether Sentell's rise to the level of public intimidation."

    So they will release the tape so everyone can hear what was said?

  10. Marvin was elected to do a job, and defending C.S. Sentell III is not in his job description. He is demonstrating corruption of the
    26th judicial district attorney's office with this behavior.

  11. halphen needs to get off his ass and release the tapes, and the tapes of the scott gray shooting

  12. What say you Jim? I think you are witnessing first hand the type of thugs we have in the DA's office. They will destroy anyone or anything that gets in their way. Won't they?

  13. What happens when people in responsible positions are accused of irresponsible acts?
    Aside from the tarnish to their personal reputations, it also rubs off on the organizations they represent.
    An assistant Bossier Parish district attorney is accused of domestic abuse battery, and perhaps more damaging to the justice system, using his position to intimidate investigating officers.

    fyi Times Editorial 10/7/09

  14. The officers who took him to jail have already been fired or placed on leave. Evidently, he has more pull than the arresting officers knew about. They have been thrown under the bus.

  15. yeah, I bet the officers have a smear campaign coming their way in the very near future.

  16. Oh, it's already in full force.

  17. Halphen is a MASSIVE tool if he lets that happen.It will show how weak heis. The way Marvin has responded so far tells me he IS a tool, deflecting attention away from what happened and calling Sentell "Lt.Col"-really? What they have in the works now is almost comical (you don't have to respond to this one Jim-I'm sure it will eventually surface).

  18. By the way....gee wiz, I wonder who set the bond?? Was it the duty judge? Nope, it was the DA's special go to judge Mike Craig. You remember the guy Schuler Marvin ran against Judge Burchett. Nice courthouse we got up there.

  19. Mrs. Sentell and changed her story, and now says her remarks to the arresting officer were "sarcastic". I know that her wealth and exalted status are tied to her marriage, but she should realize that the violence against her is likely to escalate against her. After all it all her fault, and if she had not given Lt. Col. Sentell reason to get rough with her, then none of this would have happened. I hope she is able to live out her natural lifespan.

  20. Even Helen Keller would be able to see what is going on now!!! Just as I was leaning toward feeling sorry for Sentell, I am now appalled at the turn of events...but God's justice will win in the very end...that I am confident....have never seen it fail..........Thanks to the officers who were doing their jobs...they can hold up their heads and sleep well at night.

  21. So the law must deal with them as diligently as any average citizen. For the integrity of their organizations, supervisors must also scrupulously review and mete out discipline where violations and poor judgement are evident. Even a whiff of special treatment compounds the error and further taints the institution. That means keeping the public informed on a timely basis at every step of the justice process.
    Public trust and confidence is a frail commodity that must be jealously guarded
    excerpt from Times Editorial 10/8/09

  22. Marvin will get what he deserves in the next election cycle if this all gets swept away. I don't believe for a moment that the public will tolerate this activity. I love that Sentell was quoted as saying he never touched his wife when the video clearly shows him grabbing her and at one point pushing her against the wall with his hands near her head or neck. His wife must be terrified of him because my wife would have just kicked his a**. Guys like this that can't hold their own against a man like to show their dominance to their women. He should be fired immediately, but the DA doesn't have the decency in him to do what is right.

  23. the officers were terminated becasue they lied about the facts on the felony charge, not the battery charge. i don't expect the Chief to condone his officers lying in their reports

  24. officers plural? I am only aware of one reserve officer being fired, and no reason was given.

  25. The reserve officer was fired, and the full time officer was placed on administrative leave pending further investigation. The accusation is that they lied about Sentell making threats against them. The truth seems to be that those threats are being fulfilled.

  26. I thought it was on the in car video that was supposed to be released yesterday?

  27. Marvin is as busy as a cat covering Sh-t, isn't he???

  28. The DA's office is corrupt in many areas, not this just one. Somebody please investigate and it will be evident what is going on in that office. I know that a sexual offender is the worst label anyone can be given and I expect a true offender to be prosecuted. But, when someone is innocent, falsely acused of such a horrific act when they are innocent, and then terrorized into making a deal that labels them for the rest of their life, something is terribly wrong. When there is no evidence to prove contact, when there is no victim and when there is good evidence to prove innocence, just what is going on? When lawyers make deals with DA's (research that one)because it helps their case, tell me that is not corruption. I thought we voted these people in to help the public? They act like we are working for them and could care less about our lives. They are only concerned about their political careers and the #'s they can bring in just before the next election. Research that too if you'd like. People are just a #, nothing else to them. By the way, this is not personal. I just happen to have some knowledge about this.

  29. I will begin this comment by admitting that I've only seen some of the footage of this alleged abuse. And to be honest, it looks like everything was blown out of proportion. I know Sherb Sentell personally, and have even visted with his wife several times. They are both wonderful people with morals who love each other. What happened here is a misunderstanding that involved alcohol. Sherb Sentell is NOT a wife beater! Mrs. Sentell didn't even want to press charges! And believe me, it's NOT because she's afraid of him. Again, I've known him and his family personally for years. And I know that sometimes you think you know someone but you don't.. but after seeing the video, again, I think things are being dramatized.. just a bit.


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