
Monday, October 12, 2009

Webster Parish Chief ADA Sherb Sentell resigns, Attorney General to take over case

Bossier/Webster District Attorney Shuyler Marvin accepted the resignation of Webster Chief ADA Sherb Sentell today. Marvin said that the decision was mutual. "I thought it was in my office's best interest that he no longer work here," Marvin said today. He has called in the State Attorney General's office to take over the criminal case.
Sentell and his wife are scheduled to hold a news conference on Tuesday at his lawyer's office.
Read the story on the KTBS website. We will blog more later.


  1. "I thought it was in my office's best interest that he no longer work here," Marvin said today.

    Drop the "office's" and it's more likely the truth! An amazing turn-around from "he was trying to give her a kiss" to this! :) Are they gettin' scared?

  2. Good job Mr. Marvin, keep everything above board and no one will question YOUR motives and ethics. This is the right course of action. Attempting to discredit cops to save someone's
    a$$ is not,it will backfire and everyone loses!

  3. I am thankful Sherb has opened his eyes. I hope him well.

  4. the first and foremost great error the da's poor judgment was "investigating" the charges....then, and after too much time and too many comments turning the case over to the ag....his ego has hindered the preservation of law and order not to mention the confidence in an office that is there to serve the public...not his agenda!!! Shame on you da!!! I am ashamed you ever got my vote!!!

  5. Hopefully, he will apologize at this new conference and after some time passes, this will be forgotten.

  6. Hopefully, he would resign, but that would be too much credit...he needs to tighten his belt, have lots more fund raisers...any formidable candidate with an R behind his name could easily win!

  7. I think its great that the public did not allow this to get swept under the rug. We all know Sherb would have gotten away with this if it were not for the continuous public outcry against him and his actions.

  8. The DA investigated as an employer; not otherwise

  9. Too bad you bunch of numb nutts are more worried about the ADA getting arrested for a misdormeanor than an UNARMANED man getting shot to death ! ! ! ! WOW talk about priorities ! ! !

  10. Marvin will have no creditability if the police officers tape is not released! Why did the offices take the tape to his home? Maybe so no one else would be around to hear the discussion!

  11. What kind of a DA reviews something this critical in his home? Brings up a lot of questions!


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