
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sure those Public Safety cuts were wise?

Yes, I know what the supporters said, BCPD is overstaffed. Take six minutes and listen carefully. This is made by someone in Riverwood in North Bossier.
Really think the cuts are responsible?
WARNING: Bad Language!


  1. How many officers did the police lose?

  2. Ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting live from a section 8 housing project near you............

  3. 7:39 - 1 active, 5 in academy and a number of positions they won't fill.

  4. So we lose protection but the mayor gets a raise for his office and they are able to display $38000 worth of Christmas lights that look like S*(^!

  5. It seems since they fired two officers due to the Sentell case they could leave the active duty employee alone and keep that officer.

  6. They only fired one paid officer. The other was a reserve officer.

  7. Neither should have been fired going on the little info provided.

  8. liars should always be fired

  9. these men did not lie.

    I can't wait for the next criminal to use the Sentell defense. "Your honor, I know that two police officers are saying I did it, put they don't have it on film, therefore you must aquit, and send a recommendation to the police department that they be fired."

    These guys did not lie. Why would they?

  10. The lied because they are liars - they wanted to make headlines getting a drunk da so they made stuff up - then when questioned - they told their story to ia - then the story did not match - all of these men are losing their livelihoods becuase of their own actions - one da could not hold his liquor and made a fool of himself, his wife, and the office he worked for. Two cops lied - everyone lost

  11. If this guy gets up in your face, the police won't get there quick enough.

    That's why the State of Louisiana recognizes the right of the citizen to protect themselves with handguns, concealed or otherwise.

  12. Anon would you know the scoop unless you work for the police dept.? No explanation has been given publically from the dept. It doesnt make sense that these 2 men would make up stories. just sayin

  13. Is this thugtastic moron wanted for a crime or something?

  14. I'm not exactly sure what has happened, but the mayor has it out for BCPD and BCFD. I am amazed and appauled at the lengths the man has gone to, in order to get rid of police and fire positions...We're paying that Riverwood thug's way, and the mayor wants to cut our safety. Unbelievable. I am a family member of one of those cops he wanted so badly to leave jobless and penniless and the most insulting thing is that my family member makes less money than it cost to put up the lights. If they paid him the 38K they'd spent on lights, he'd have actually gotten a raise. Even my 9 year old can budget better than this....
    I know, let's leave that upstanding, taxpayer out there to sell dope, rob, kill,and God know's what else. Then we'll hang a crapload of overpriced lights and top it off with fewer police and fire personnel. I swear, our city is run by a bunch of bumbling clowns...and from what I understand, the mayor insisted that one other officer be laid off in addition to the one who was fired...You see, all of the jobs that would have been lost under the mayor's proposal will still be lost next year. The city council's budget was just a temorary fix. If enough people don't retire, quit,or get fired, the city will lay-off the remaining personnel in 2010. We won the battle in the short term, but the city will still lose the war if nothing is done. Both of these departments are already dangerously short-handed. If the mayor gets his way, it will be disasterous.

  15. Brim over I to but I dream the collection should have more info then it has.


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