
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sentell will not be prosecuted

Kurt Wall of the AG's office has announced that Sherb Sentell will not be prosecuted. The AG received an affidavit from Mrs. Sentell asking that the charges not be pursued.
Attorney General's statement:
After conducting a thorough investigation into the case of any alleged criminal conduct arising out of an apparent domestic dispute in a public place involving former Assistant District Attorney Charles S. Sentell, III, the Attorney General's Office has found no merit to the allegations worthy of prosecution. Furthermore, after receiving a request for non-prosecution by the alleged victim, Ms. Julie Sentell, she was interviewed by a relevant expert witness in this matter. The interview(s) also support non-prosecution. The case in its entirety substantially lacks merit for any further action of criminal consideration, and any complaints are hereby finally dismissed for at least these reasons.
Kurt Wall
Director, Criminal Division


  1. Wow - i wonder how the blogs will go crazy - Sentell is guilty even though he has been now exonerated - but the cop that lied and was fired has been wrongfully accused - let the distortions begin

  2. Did you see the video from the police car. This guy was a prosecuter??

  3. Hmmmm... I can't say that I'm "surprised." Dunno. I hope that the family is working things out.

    But it still frosts me a bit about the firing. I did not see the video from the cruiser. I shall research it, and will certainly have a more firm opinion.

    Regardless, if a man's wife does not want to pursue charges...maybe...just maybe they should not be pursued. I don't know the entire history of the relationship, what lead up to the event, etc.

    And, I don't think he's been exonerated. He certainly is not free from any question of guilt...just not gonna face the music. Yet.

  4. can you put a link to the videos?

  5. Here are the links. I'll be putting them up in a blogpost later tonight or tomorrow.

  6. Jim, you predicted this correctly

  7. The comments were made....period!

  8. You think he would have seen enough of these tapes to know what NOT to say. What a __________!

  9. So much for Marvin's domestic abuse program. He's a very good friend of the AG! Protecting his boy!

  10. It's not if you're guilty or innocent, it's who you know! His wife said nothing would happen to him. She was so right!

  11. This "dude" clearly threatened the officers and had you or I made the same comments we would've probably gotten a well deserved roughing up on the way into booking. "Dude" Sentell is a real piece of work and his poor wife and kids have to deal with that every day...

  12. Pretty boy's reputation is null and void....dont be surprised who steps out of the picture in the near future!!!

  13. Pretty is as pretty does . . .

  14. He had terrible handlers for being a local celebrity! He should have turned this thing upside down and made a big example out of himself...gone to Celebrity Rehab or something!

  15. Celebrity Rehab!! ROFLMAO!!!

    Andy -

    Several states, including LA, do not allow the victim in a DAB case to drop charges. This only makes sense, as many victims fear their attackers, and are rightfully afraid of repercussions.

    As others have stated, I guess this doesn't surprise me, however, I had hoped justice would have prevailed. I'm a little unclear on what was "dropped" - DAB AND Public Intimidation, or just the DAB?


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