
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bossier City Police officer reinstated, will get 90 day suspension

Fired Bossier City Police officer Philip Vernon was unfired by the Civil Service board this afternoon. Instead, he will receive a 90 day suspension for filing an inaccurate report.


  1. So Jim, what do you think about this?

  2. I have no desire to second guess the Civil Service Board.
    The chief thought he should be fired, the Civil Service Board thought a 90 day suspension was sufficient.

  3. Good for Vernon. Maybe this will send a message to certain people.

  4. What message? It's okay for a police officer to lie? Yes, being drunk in public and domestic battery is a crime, but being a lawyer and an arrogant egotistical anus isn't.

  5. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Vernon knows what he did. And so do I.

  6. Jim, I've got no real opinion as of now. I just wanted to let you know that that video is SO STOLEN, and I mean it!

    Seriously, I don't know what to think. I've tried to put myself in the position of the officer. I've tried to place myself in his shoes on that night...

    With a raving drunk in the car...throwing every high-profile name out that he could remember...slurring around "lawsuit,"...and f-ing this and that while naming off lawyers.

    Heck, maybe the guy did think his job was being threatened. Dunno. Once again, I offer a decisive, firm "I don't know." But the guys charged with making the call made it. That's why they make the big bucks.

  7. Stolen? I think not. Bloggers don't steal, they just 'borrow'. .

  8. Dude, I STEAL! But, I do tip off the scene of the crime. That one was too good not to post.

    So, I stole it.

  9. I wonder who the one person was who did not want him to get his job back?

  10. Congratulations to the officer! Thank you civil service board. What a travesty of justice to do otherwise. Sentell's mouth never stopped, so I can only imagine he said after the video more intimidating remarks. I think the officer's only error was the sequence of remarks. He will learn from this, but have seen no likelihood of those who were involved will learn anything. My best to the officer.

  11. board made the right decision---halphen was proven he made a BAD decision----to see the evidence and determine anything otherwise is a joke.

    §122. Public intimidation and retaliation

    A. Public intimidation is the use of violence, force, or threats upon any of the following persons, with the intent to influence his conduct in relation to his position, employment, or duty:

    (1) Public officer or public employee.

    Now if anyone can honestly tell me that Sentell was not using language and threats of a lawsuit to influence Vernon's actions that night in regards to his duty or employment, I guess I dont understand the English language.

    its sad this is even being debated

  12. this officer is either dishonest or uses INCREDIBLY poor judgement. To make that arrest with NO evidence to support it tells me that he has no business wearing a badge. don't we pay for training of these guys? I say good riddance of the guy

  13. I have to agree with the last poster. I dont personally know the guy, but we have a mutual friend. I dont think you can characterize this as a 'mistake' on his part. unfortunately, his honesty will always now be questioned. He would have been better off if he had quietly resigned and not made all the publicity occur

  14. threatening to sue is not a crime. police academy 101 teaches us that. 90 days off without pay. he did something VERY wrong or they'd have given him his job with back pay.

  15. sentell assaulted his wife---witnesses confirmed it as did the video---his wife apparently felt in her best interest not to pursue further (woman is probably used to the treatment)-furthermore sentell actually like a complete fool. public drunkeness is a crime, lying to officers is a crime, and intimidation of a public official is a crime---go back to law school sentell


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