
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pilkinton Murder Trial set for May 10th

The trial of Charles R. Pilkinton for second degree murder has been rescheduled for May 10.
Pilkinton was charged in the murder on November 15, 2008 of 66 year old Raymond Tobin. Tobin was found slumped over the steering wheel of his car on Inda Drive shot twice in the back of the head. According to reports, when police arrived at the scene Pilkinton admitted to killing Tobin.
Pilkinton was represented by Shreveport criminal defense attorney Daryl Gold when the case went to trial last fall.
When the jury was unable to reach a verdict as to Pilkinton’s guilt, a mistrial was declared.
Bossier DA Schuyler Marvin said at the time that he would retry Pilkinton.


  1. From what I hear a recusal of the Bossier DA's office and a Change of Venue would serve justice in this case, and I don't mean for Pilkinton but for justice itself.

  2. Let's not waste any more taxpayer money, please. No road trip!!!

  3. Marvin never really recused himself. In his own words "I brought in Strider to make it look like I stayed out of it" Marvins biggest finacial contributors are the Covingtons and it was the wife of his long time friend Mike Covington. Robin Covington's dad who is the accused. But, I agree with the person who said lets not waste any more of "OUR" money, the taxpayers. If Cliff Strider, the best damn prosecutor in the state of Louisiana couldn't get a conviction on the first go round; no way in hell they will the 2nd time. Now the defense knows the state's strategy and Gold ain't known to roll over and lose to many trials. Marvin is just mouthing off so it will look like he ain't siding with his buddies. Yeah he set a trial date Mark my word after ten or more continuances and Gold going in the hospital the day before trial five or six times; we will just one day forget abut the case, as Marvin hopes. By the way the state's case is week and sometimes a shooting is justified, this is one of them times. Pilkinton did what any other man would have done if his wife's ex lover, current stalker was following her around threatning her.

  4. Why is it that the police can shoot people just because they thinks they are armed. The get cleared everytime/ Pilkinton thought that dude had a gun and he is entitled to as much protection of the law as the police who make mistakes about guns.

  5. Lance Thamm trial is also postponed from March 1.

  6. Didn't know that, thanks. Looks like Thamm is set for April 26.

  7. Thanks for getting a date. That was info I did't have.

  8. The man that was killed in cold blood.had met her in church and she was living apart and was seperated from her soon to be ex husband.tobin was hunted down and killed in cold blood.The soon to be ex wife had called tobin and asked him to come over to see her because she needed a FRIEND to talk too.This is what happens when you try to be a friend to someone!

  9. At the time of Raymond Tobin's death he was insured by Standard Insurance Co. Prior to Nov. 14, 2009 the beneficiaries were his three children. On Nov. 14, Tobin received an AD&D change form bearing the signature of the Insured seeking a change in beneficiary on the Policy to Lori H. Pilkinton, "friend". He was murdered on Nov. 15 by Mrs. Pilkinton's husband with two shots to the head...the day after. Anyone find that curious???

  10. Is this the same Pilkinton who was married to Louise Tauzin, who commited suicide in June, 1982?
    I just wondered.

  11. Ray Tobin premeditated Charles Pilkinton's death. It is part of the court records as testified by Tobins best friend under oathin court. he gave the pistol to mr. tobin to kill Mr Pilkinton. He locked himself in his house to prevent being called as a co conspirator with mr tobins end of world scam that invovlved mr pilkinton's wife and many well known good Christian women spread throughout the world. He had scamed10s of thousands of money from these women. From all reports his base of operation was in ohio. He had his so called end of world compound scam with a so called priest located in a little house in Ohio. According to court filings of his will the priest was his sole beneficiary. He had disowned his children. Read the court case and find out the truth. Mr. Pilkinton, did one thing protect his life that is the reason for the hung first jury and the offer made and finally accepted by mr. pilkinton from the state prosecutor. There is a woman in Shreveport who is behind all these fabrication who might need to be investigated by the inquisitor.


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