
Sunday, March 7, 2010

How to deal with a terrorist

Lafourche Parish sheriff’s deputies cited a fifth-grader on a count of terrorizing after he allegedly told two students that his big brother would shoot them, deputies and school officials said.
The threat, reported to school officials, prompted a lockdown at South Thibodaux Elementary School shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday, sheriff’s deputies said in a statement.
Floyd Benoit, parish public schools spokesmen, said Thursday that school officials quickly determined the 11-year-old’s brother was 27, working offshore and not a threat to the school.
Deputies said the school returned to normal by 9:30 a.m. Wednesday.
From The Advocate

This is a 10 or 11 year old kid.
1. Tear his butt up in front of the class and make him offer a sniffling apology.
2. Parents tear his butt up when he gets home and keep him grounded for a week or two.
3. Big brother tear his butt up when he gets home from working offshore.

Terrorizing problem solved.


  1. I'm thinking they ought to tear his butt up...I mean, like my Daddy used to say, "I'm gonna whip you until you can't sit down, or stand up."

  2. Punish him for what he did, and embarrass him good so he won't do it again, but it might also be a good idea to find out if he is being bullied. Sometimes they are being threatened and trying to protect themselves--I mean it's the kind of crap they see on tv, works on tv, they reason...Stuff also gets taken out of context--me and my daughter had a joking conversation overheard once and the cops came to the house saying she was a terrorist...had some serious explaining to do.

  3. Wow, my principle would have gotten me and then my parents. I didn't worry about my older brother since I were him. But I don't see the school doing corporal punishment because you might get in trouble for it. And if the parents do it, the authorities might find out and it is on then. Last year I went to see the counselor about my sixth grade daughter's school work she was doing and getting bad grades on. I mentioned jokingly maybe she needs a whipping and I was quickly warned if I said that again she would report me to the authorities. She also warned me that she did not accept any religion that says corporal punishment was ok, no matter how light. Needless to say I shut up, got my information and left never to ask for her help again. So I don't see the schools punishing them. Yet the parent will be held accountable for what their child does. She did get 3 nominal licks and straightened out and did good since. She even admitted she deserved it. I bet that is the only one she has ever got. Don't get me wrong. This is a last resort. And there is a line you don't cross. Don't use your hand. Because that is for love. Use a switch that will break with to much force. Don't punish when you are angry. Know a set limit. Start young. Explain that you have so many minutes or this is your last warning, so they know the limits and be consistent. Sorry I hijacked this one Jim.

  4. Glad you did Darrell, we all need to have a discussion about it. When I was in school we did have corporal punishment. Of course we didn't call it that, we just called it a whuppin' and tried not to get one.
    I wasn't always successful :-)

  5. Ya' know, Darrell has a very interesting insight into this subject.

    I guess we have all got kids...and we all have our own experiences (where we failed them by too much punishment, and by too little). I know I do!

    Jim, I'm with you...I got whipped from 2nd grade through 7th. Regularly. At school, and at home.

    I reckon that's why I'm so well adjusted...

    Our sons were spread out over 16 years in their births, and we shifted in our thoughts on discipline as each of the boys reached the disciplining age.

    Darrell makes a couple of really good points...stuff that I learned (probably way "too late smart") along the way. It's good discussion, for sure.

  6. You know, I had 2 kids that are grown now. I can hardly remember having to whip them except a little when they were small. A few years ago they said they were afraid to try drugs cause they knew there would be heck to pay. As I said we hardly ever had to punish them. I think they learned it early. My son came home trying to hide his ear. I finally caught site of a piece of straw. All I had to do was tell him it better grow over. And it did. You have to know your kids and how they react and what works with them. I am going to make an observation and don't misunderstand what I say as something I was against or being racist. Just an observation. When I was in the 2nd grade our school started integrating in 1968. I remember in elementary the black kids went to 2 different black teachers to be punished. I guess this stuck in my mind because I spent so much time visiting my principle who was always getting at the seat of the problem. Us white kids went to the white principle. As we got to Junior High I remember the parents of the black kids saying you are not spanking my kids. Then I remember the white parents doing this. It seems those kids that their parents stuck up for them grew up to more problems. My parents loved me so much they said give him an extra and call us so we can add to when we get home. That is just the way it seemed as I grew up. Remember the andy Griffith show where the little boy was riding his bike on the sidewalk and defying the officers. Opie learned a good lesson from that young boy. Especially when his father finally decided to take him to the woodshed.

  7. This is my theory now. Sometimes a little spank on the hand up to about age 3 (just a gentle tap) can make a point. That's my theory now that I have 6 grandchildren. When I expounded it to my kids, they looked at me like I was crazy.
    "Who are you?", I believe was the question they asked. This does have a serious point. Both Darrell and Andy touched on it, we live and learn.
    Would I do things differently now? Probably.
    I was the youngest of five kids, my dad died when I was 8 years old. He never spanked me. My mother used a little fine switch on our legs - it stung!
    When I talk about a whuppin', I'm not talking about anything at all abusive.

  8. Jim, I just had to laugh at your kids wandering "Who is this?" I am waiting for that day. LOL


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