
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Proposed budget asks for Police, Corrections cuts

The legislature will convene week after next and tackle the proposed 2011 budget.
Among the cuts proposed by the Governor is a 5% across the board cut in police supplemental pay. This would equal about $25 per officer.
The only local legislator we have contacted, Henry Burns, said that he will vote against this cut.
The new budget also calls for cuts in the corrections budget, but I don’t have any details at this time.
We will outline more details of proposed budget cuts in the coming days.


  1. They have to cut somewhere, not a bad place to start.

  2. That's real smart anonymous, no wonder you don't put a name up there.

  3. I'm waiting for the other Anonymous to suggest cutting out the "ping pong ball" slush fund for the firemen.

  4. One Who Protects Jerks Like AnonymousMarch 23, 2010 at 7:46 PM

    Old Anonymous is one who probably hates the police until he needs one, then when they come he kisses their butts telling them how great and under paid they are. Then bad mouths them when they leave
    You know how I know? Because I've seen them throughout my career.

  5. The police have had enough cuts with their insurance going up, losing training officer pay and educational pay. Anonymous, would you put your life on the line day after day for total strangers for their salary?

  6. I have no beef with the police. At least they don't have fools like yourself calling them all heroes. And besides, they actully serve a purpose.

  7. Anonymous,
    I see where no one has even attempted to call themselves a hero. BTW, What purpose do you serve?

  8. @ Anon 7:53 am-I think the hero comment is in response to my post about putting their lives on the line day after day.

  9. Anon 12:33.
    Ok, but I see it differently. What about the other question? Care to answer?

  10. What other question?

  11. What purpose do you serve?

  12. Why am I a fool for standing up for the police? I don't believe they are all heroes. Some of them would throw their "brothers" under the bus to protect themselves. You are right, they do serve a purpose. Like them or not, they are not paid enough to die protecting us. Yes, they do choose this career knowing what the salary is but that does not mean they deserve a pay cut.

  13. I'm gonna start using Blue Horseshoe from now on as my username so that we don't have any more anonymous imposters. For the record this is cats in a tree guy. Like I said before, I have all the respect in the world for the police. Although I have no respect for the chief in Bossier. Think he's pond scum. Firemen on ther hand do absolutely nothing. We would be better off with a volunteer fire department. Save us millions of tax dollars . Hiring these firemen around here is just another way of redistributing wealth to a bunch of white donothings!!

  14. Blue, thats an interesting point about the fireman, however I will bet the multiple babies that this one fireman delivered would disagree, or the man that rode a telphone pole down breaking every bone in his body except his skull who leads a good life today, or the many elderly who need assistance all thru the night while you sleep might disagree. I could tell countless stories that you could never even dream of. However the one you should remember is the next one, you know that one where its you who will need help. Please give that opinion at that moment and refuse service! You and Lo should share thoughts yall seem to be on the same page! LoL

  15. Fire and Police SupporterMarch 27, 2010 at 5:27 PM

    Anon @ 10:44-That was perfect. I am sure I will be called a fool again because I support the police and fire departments but I don't really care. Thank you for choosing this career.

  16. You know this whole saga in Bossier City is akin to wag the dog. All anybody focuses on is the cuts in fire and police and that within these departments are the seat of all of our budget problems. I would submit that our problems are rooted other places but its convenient and easy to direct all focus on these dept's because the public is so pasionate about these two. As citizens you have to decide to either to continue to feed the pig or cut it off. The pig uses the F.D./P.D. as a tool against the citizens to further their agenda. Which is economic development. Not all eco devel is bad but it has gone astray in our fair city and its time to clean the pig pen in the process. Unfortunatly some good ppl will be hurt, and i hate that, but it is a necessary evil!


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