
Monday, March 1, 2010

Sexual Assault at Rusheon Middle School

The motto of Rusheon Middle School is posted on their website.
RMS is a place where all students can be safe, successful, and supported!
That motto was put to shame last week.
KTBS has reported on the arrest of two teenage boys, ages 13 & 14, for sexually assaulting two 13 year old girls at Rusheon Middle School in Bossier City.
According to a news release, the incident occurred after an out-of-town band trip. The boys reportedly forced the girls into a boys’ restroom, then sexually assaulted them.
All of the individuals involved in the incident are students at the school. The two boys were arrested Saturday morning after an investigation. The 14-year-old suspect was arrested on a charge of simple rape, and the 13-year old suspect was booked on a charge of simple battery. Both were booked into the Bossier Juvenile Detention Center. Detectives are continuing their investigation into the incident and say more arrests are likely.


  1. This school is going to hell !!!! Last week it was drug arrest and this week it's sexual abuse. I am a close monitor of this school and this principal is the WORST. She's gotta GO

  2. Hold your horses just a sec. It appears these 2 morons acted on their own without the principals help. What is he/she supposed to do - hide in the bathrooms at all times?

    Now, the principal and staff may be horrible, but what happened to self-responsibility? Why aren't the parents of the boys getting dragged through the ringer for not teaching better values?

    It's high time some parents start taking the blame, the guilty students/kids take the blame, and we have less commentary from nanny-state people.

  3. The other sad part is the opinion of superintendent D C Machen that "parents can't be notified everytime an incident happens." Sort of like when parents weren't notified that work release prisoners had been employed by Air-Repair for a period of years, and had been in every school in the parish doing A/C work. He is the one that MUST go.

  4. "D C Machen that "parents can't be notified everytime an incident happens."

    From my understanding this incident happened on Friday. Is that correct? If it happened on Friday, I don't think letters could have been sent out in time for the parents to have received them on Monday. And if the schools notified parents for every incident that happens wouldn't they spend all their time notifying parents and not educating the students?

  5. Anon7:52am - You ever heard of School Loop? No, I didn't think so. You obviously don't have any children in Bossier Parish schools if you don't consider a rape the type of "incident" parents should be made aware of ASAP.

  6. Fed Up has a point. I have one child still in the Parish School system, and School Loop works well for informing parents.

    But, I'm not sure that it would have been a good idea to blast the news out about the assault of these two young girls. I mean...what would it have accomplished?

    The miscreants were in custody. The news outlets reported it.

    I'm just saying...May it not have been more worrisome to receive an e-mail saying, "Hey y'all! Two girls got raped at Rusheon!" when the perps had already been handled? Maybe?

    I'm not questioning DC's judgment on this call.

    Now, as far as the "work release" prisoners working in the schools...well, I'm gonna have to look into that one Fed Up. That certainly would be something parents should know about.

    I'm not willing to lay ANY BLAME right now on the administration at Rusheon, and especially not on the band director.

    It's not like this took place on the bus, or anything. Heck, I was in the band myself at Rusheon about a million years ago. You get off the bus from a trip, you head to the restroom to empty the bladder...nobody stood guard to make sure nothing happened.

    I'm laying the blame on this at the feet of the perps. NOBODY can keep evil kids from perpetrating evil. The fact that it happened on a school campus makes it hit closer to home, for sure. But, without knowing the situation, and "being there," I think it's kinda unfair to draw any conclusion...other than these boys that did this are rotten, need a good butt-whipping, and some good long time incarceration to "think about" the consequences. really hurt my heart for those little girls. I told my wife about it, and she almost broke down crying. May God comfort, and heal them.

  7. @FedUp
    You're assuming all parents, or even most parents, are registered for School Loop. Unless you register for it, you don't get the contact. At our school, only about 30% of the parents have even bothered to register.

  8. Oh, so you're not interested in a daily update on your child's progress in school? Well then I guess school loop wouldn't be for you. You have time to comment here, but you're too busy to connect to a simple way to keep up with a child's assignments and even contact their teacher if need be. I can see why YOU would reject that program. Do you "even bother" to keep up with the whereabouts of your child on a daily basis?

  9. Where were the duty teachers or personnel during this occurence! Restrooms should be monitored at all times. That is the one place that many wrongs can happen. Parents expect a school environment to be safe for their children. This is unexcusable.

  10. Fed Up, do you "even bother" to read the comments? Andy never said that he wasn't in the program. And he cares very well for his son.
    I started to delete your comment, but I don't make a habit of doing that. I will let it stand on its own.

  11. Try to keep up Jim, I was obviously responding to the anon below Andy's post that specifically was responding to my previous post. Got it?

  12. Fed Up,

    What bothers me is YOU are accusing everyone for not caring, but in truth YOU don't know a thing or the background of everyone YOU are accusing.
    Secondly, YOU probably aren't even aware the the anonymouses YOU are accusing arent one and the same.

  13. Fed Up,

    What bothers me is YOU are accusing everyone for not caring, but in truth YOU don't know a thing or the background of everyone YOU are accusing.
    Secondly, YOU probably aren't even aware the the anonymouses YOU are accusing arent one and the same.

  14. It doesn't really matter that it's two different anons. One thinks that a letter is the only way to communicate with parents. It's definitely not. The other tries to justify not using school loop because only 30% of parents at their particular school use it? Let me ask this, if 70% of parents at your school got together and decided they didn't want their children taught mathematics and science, would you go along to get along with that?

    Now Andy, surely you are aware that when the whole Air-Repair debacle was made public you read that the majority of their employees, against state law, were dropped off by sheriff dept transport at their office every morning and that their largest client was the BPSB. Machen was the asst superintendent in charge of the maintenence dept and the BPSB attorney at the time, Mr Jackson, was also the attorney for Air-Repair as well as other private companies doing business or had done business with the BPSB.

  15. @Fed Up
    Since I'm one of the Anons you were addressing (the one below Andy) let me clear it up for you.

    I have a child in Bossier Schools and I'm registered on school loop. I get the email every day at 5:00.

    I'm not "justifying" not using school loop because I use it. I'm saying that the parents who are complaining about not being contacted could very well be NOT registered.

    Those are the ones you need to be upset with. I think they ALL ought to register.

    You didn't read my original post clearly. You instantly assumed I wasn't registered because so many other parents at our school aren't. I said NOTHING to lead you to that assumption.

  16. Anon 5:47pm - Then I'm curious as to why you would feel the need to tell me that you have to register to get the updates when you can obviously tell I already knew that by being registered and having full knowledge of the program?

    I also wouldn't care about the statistical analysis of who is and is not registered for SL at your school. The parents of any BPSB student not signed up for school loop doesn't care about their child's education & safety as much as you & I in my opinion.

    My beef was with the anon trying to justify why parents couldn't be notified between Friday & Monday AFTERNOON. This school board administration prefers that nothing like this ever be made public because they don't want any scrutiny about anything.

    There is another incident (of a sexual nature) at another school going on right now and I can assure you that you will never ever hear about it if the BPSB administration has their way. The sad part is they had no control over it and the majority of the students at that school know about it, but we as parents have to find out by word of mouth.

  17. what most people dont know is that the girl was pushed into the bathroom then left when asked to play along with them... then she turned around and came back in on her own accord. Shes lying to cover her indecent acts since she was caught.



  20. Rusheon is a feeder school into Bossier High School. Do not believe after Rusheon it gets any better, just more ignored. A gun was brought to Bossier High at the beginning of the school year with the intent to shoot kids during after school activities. A convicted sex offender was a student. Do you think I know any of this from the school informing me, so my kids could be safe? Not a chance! I was informed by my kids after the fact and went looking for the info and verified it. I can do everything I can as a parent, but when you're up against BPSB it becomes the " Look over there, it's a puppy!" game.

  21. And a lot of spam on this one, too!

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