
Saturday, March 20, 2010

To Kenya: A Higher Calling

I have known Naomi Reeves for several years. Naomi spent most of last summer in Kenya aiding a group of missionaries. Now, she has been accepted as a missionary and will be returning to Kenya for a full two years.
Check out Asinyen, her blog.
At the bottom of this page you can sign up for regular newsletters from Naomi.
(That’s Naomi on the far right in the picture above.)

He Leadeth Me…
I never dreamed of serving “on the field!” Until last June, the Turkana were not even a blip on my heart’s radar. As one of the most-quoted passages of the Scriptures proclaim, though, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). I can testify that God’s Word proves true, yet again (Psalm 18:30)! Last summer, I planned to get away for 10 weeks and to take refuge in Him with no distractions. I planned to whole-heartedly serve the Turkana and temporarily aid the missionaries who labor in their districts day after day, month after month, and year after year. I planned to get a small taste of “missionary life.”
To my surprise and utter delight, for CHRIST is my Delight, GOD had other plans! He has prepared a place for me in KENYA!
When I recognized His pull and submitted myself to it, I started making plans to go back. Again, God gently reminded me that we are blessed when we do things His way. I have had an amazing (not easy, mind you– it is painful to crumple my plans) and beautiful year of trusting and obeying and submitting myself to the will of God. He has blessed me richly and taught me so much about Himself and about how He leads His people. In hindsight, I am so happy that I didn’t miss out on traveling with Him.
At this moment, I am preparing to go BACK to Kenya! I have sought the counsel of my pastor and elders and of other mature godly men and women. I have recently finished the application and interview process and have been accepted as a missionary for Pioneers*. I will arrive in Orlando for a week of Pre-Field Training on February 28th.
Trinity Baptist Church, in Shreveport sends me with their confidence, blessing, and support. I will return to Nairobi, Kenya with a two-year commitment, as quickly as the LORD leads and provides.
This God—his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord proves true;
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.
~Psalm 18:30
Would You Like to Know More?
Over the next several months, I would be happy to meet with any and all who are interested in hearing more about how God is expanding Christ’s Kingdom, and laying hold of Turkana hearts.
If you, your church, Bible study group, Sunday school class or friends would like to hear a testimony of God’s faithfulness and outpourings of grace on the other side of the world, please feel free to contact me.
Naomi Reeves


  1. Jim, I love this post. Can I make a few observations that really jumped out at me in this blog post. She said, "Last summer, I planned to get away for 10 weeks and to take refuge in Him with no distractions." I am jealous. Some of the mission trips and youth camps I have taken the kids to have always been an opportunity to get a closer relationship with God. And you come back to everyday life and eventually the cares and duties of the world creep back in. I am heading off on a 2 week vacation this week, and this will be a focus of mine. "In Him" We are to only to want to be "In Him" Jesus is all we are to want. What flows out of that is from God, not self. John 7:38 (NKJV)
    38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." This is what is flowing out of this young ladies heart. Whatever you pour into a cup, when it overflows, that is what comes out. Look at some of the meanness in the world today and see what is being taken into their hearts. I heard a song this morning and the singer sang about drinking from his saucer because his cup ran over. Naomi, keep drinking in Jesus. I also see obedience, sacrifice, trust, reliance gratitude in what Jesus did for us here. You know not to take away from what she is doing, but first off this is a normal, logical result of her following God so closely. Some would say mission work is not normal. But with God it is abnormal to not be a missionary. As a christian we are called to missionary work, the only difference is the place and people we are called to and how much it will cost us. Imagine if we raised our children to be ministers or missionaries. At least when God calls they would think it is normal. My daughter and nephew, as soon as they turned 13 expected to go on mission trips. There was no convincing. Why, because they saw us going. I have a friend I grew up with that I never would have thought would be a christian. Now he is a preacher, missionary and he and his wife sold a successful business to start and run an orphanage in Africa. You never know what God has in plan for you. Fathers and mothers are called to be ministers in their own homes also. Thank God for those who answer the call. Naomi, may God bless your ministry.

  2. That is very nice, good for her.


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