
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Iguana Bill Passes Louisiana State Senate

When Senator Buddy Shaw's Iquana bill was due to come to a vote today, Senator Rob Marionneaux, according to the Times-Picayune, strode to the chamber podium with one of the bright-green lizards on his arm in an attempt to poke fun at his colleague for offering an iguana-friendly bill.
But after all the laughs, Shaw's bill passed 21-14, much to the approval of a young couple from Bossier City who are making a serious effort to limit a public nuisance and reduce animal suffering by decreasing the number of iguanas released into the wild by pet owners unprepared for the real responsibilities of keeping the popular reptiles.
Sara and Chris Gwerder operate Raptor Rescue, a nonprofit organization modeled after dog rescue groups to provide a temporary abode and to locate new homes for rejected or abandoned iguanas. Sara Gwerder, who testified in the Senate Commerce Committee last week, works for the U.S. Air Force.


  1. Jim, The Times reports Adleys caffeine bill got ZERO votes and dies in committee. Any surprises? Does he have any other bills filed? Let's track 'em.....

  2. the only thing worse than trying to stop the rampant spread of lizards in our community is the attempt by adley to shutdown starbucks - what the f - doesnt he see we have serious problems in our state - and the fact that he did not get a single vote goes to show - he has alienated every single member of the legislature - he has alienated the governor for no reason at all - king adley is a complete flop and the only thing getting any time in baton rouge is his large ego. He should come to these terms - he is not liked - he has zero influence - and but for his flunkie bobby - no one cares what he has to say about anything

  3. And yet his only opponent in the last election was a 19 year old college student who didn't campaign.

  4. I predict a spirited campaign in his next election. Time for change folks!!!!

  5. Forget about the budget... have you seen all the lizards running rampant on Airline Drive???

  6. the only thing more ridiculous than this is Senator Adley's bill to ban energy drinks.!

  7. Coach Montgomery, help us all. Run against this moron.

  8. Coach Montgomery? And you call Buddy Shaw a moron? Montgomery was pat of the problem not a solution to the problem.

  9. I meant ..."part" of the problem...
    I was typing in haste. Too many energy drinks.


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