
Thursday, April 8, 2010

McWilliams named Police Chief

Mayor Lo Walker announced this morning that Shane McWilliams will replace Mike Halphen as police chief of Bossier City.
We will be blogging more about this in the next couple of days.
Here's the video from KTBS.


  1. Totally unexpected. This is going to shake some things up.

  2. I guess Lo is happy now.

  3. Possum, I imagine Lo would be happy with whoever was appointed, considering that he's doing the appointing.

  4. Things need to be shaken up.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I am very happy with the appointment. I am an officer at the Bossier City Police Department and can say that Chief McWilliams was very well respected by his peer and has done an outstanding job his whole career. I am very happy that the BCPD does not have to go through a Halphen Administration "Part 2", which could have been the outcome if another candidate was chosen. McWilliams is an awesome choice.

  7. Wow, all I can say is Wow. A good man is not the chief of police in Bossier City. McWilliams is an excellent choice and will be a leader at the police department. McWilliams has actually been a supervisor at that police department and led his people in the right direction. McWilliams is not a power hungry arrogant person, such as the last chief or his assistant. Great, Great choice. Men and Women in BCPD should be proud.

  8. Good Luck Shane, We all know you will do a great job.

    McWilliams will be good and fair to all. He is not in it for himself but the good of his officers and the public.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. McWilliams is a good police officer, a great supervisor, and a good person. The police department is better off with him at the helm. Leave the previous administration in the dust, they were nothing but a disaster. I think they are just now realizing how bad Halphen was.

  11. Some one explain to me what Halphen did that was so terrible and corruptive? And tithe person who said ding dong the drunk is gone, how do you know he was a drunk?

  12. Absolutely the best person for the job. I think I can honestly say that Lo Walker has made one great decision as mayor, that maybe the only one. McWilliams is a good man, a family man and a christian. He is not one of Halphen's croonies that assisted in almost ruining that police department.

  13. McWilliams made his own way by his own merrit not by being someone's drinking buddy. He is the best man for the job and will be a breath of fresh air for the department,

  14. I've moderated a couple of comments. I like for everyone to express themselves freely, but attacking Mike Halphen on a personal level isn't building up the new chief.
    Please watch the personal attacks.

  15. Jim,
    I personally feel that deleting the negative comments was a good idea on your part. I agree that everyone should be free to express themselves, but the blog was not about Halphen. Regardless of what he did while he was the chief of police he still has a family and it is not fair to slander his name after the fact. This blog was about the new chief and what he can do for the department.


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.