
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sibley man confesses to rape of child

A Sibley man walked into the Webster Parish Sheriff’s office yesterday and confessed to forced sexual acts with a young girl. The unusual part of this was that no report had been made.
“It was an unusual confession,” criminal investigations supervisor Maj. Steve Cropper said in the release. “In this case we had the confession of a perpetrator, but no victim. So this investigation began differently.”
Phillips turned himself in after his young victim divulged her experiences of abuse to her church youth pastor and mother, the release states.
James Reuben Phillips II was booked on a charge of aggravated rape of a child under 13 years of age. He was transported for booking to Bayou Dorcheat Correctional Center.
Full story in The Times

1 comment:

  1. I just wander, if the victim does not step forward, can there be prosecution based on his statement? Of course I am sure he gave them a name and the police will be checking it out. How do you teach your 13 year old daughter to trust people and at the same time teach them not to trust everyone. I saw where a man was picked up a few days ago for child porn just miles from here. We have had people around us that we know go to jail for incest. I knew deacons and pastors who got in trouble for this stuff. Here is part of a message I will preach this Sunday. Don't follow your heart. All we hear these days, is just follow your heart. Thats why we got so many people in jail, because they followed their heart. We are so vigilant of what and who comes into our lives and our daughters life. We just can't trust anyone anymore. Ours is a paranoid world we live in. Facebook and texting was not around when we grew up, now the predator comes into your living room to hook your kid while you are watching a family movie together. What happened to the days of party lines when everybody knew everybodys business and what was going on? I work with kids and have to always make sure I am not alone with a girl at anytime, lest I get accused of something. Or rumors start flying either.


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