
Sunday, May 9, 2010

State Legislature: Get a clue

The State House of Representatives seems to be in a quandry over the practice of representatives changing their vote after a measure has already been voted on. It has, in fact, become a point of embarassment.
The rule was changed early in the Jindal administration in a smoke and mirrors attempt to fool the people into thinking that the practice had been eliminated, when in fact it had become easier to practice. Now, in a further attempt to fool the people, the legislature is considering a new rule, or possibly even a law, that would change nothing.
Speaker Jim Tucker said that he was researching the way other state legislatures handle vote changing.
How about researching the way that the Louisiana Senate handles it. They have a rule that says ‘When the yeas and nays are taken on any question, no senator shall be permitted, under any circumstances whatever, to vote after the decision is announced from the chair.’
In the Louisiana Senate, no vote is ever changed after the fact. Ever.
Is it really so difficult to adopt that same rule in the House?


  1. Jim, you already know this, but others may not.

    The House has a rule that prevents vote changing. They just suspend it on EVERY vote.

    Or, at least that WAS the practice at one time.

  2. You're exactly right. Before the 'reform' was instituted a couple of years ago, a member had to have a 2/3 vote approval to change their vote. After the 'reform', just a simple majority. According to C. B. Forgotston, no change was made in the Senate Rules because the senators, as a matter of practice, do not allow a member to change their vote after the vote is announced by the presiding officer of the Senate.
    Simply a matter of adopting a principle and sticking to it.
    The state legislature - adopting a principle - bwahahahahaha.

  3. I had no idea this garbage was going on. Of course, it doesn't surprise me either unfortunately.

  4. I agree. Robert Adley is a perfect example of a politician who believes he is smarter than everyone elso


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