
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bless your Pea Pickin' Heart

Bossier Sheriff Larry Deen says, with the last peas being picked, the harvest of crops is about to come to an end at the Bossier Sheriff’s Office property near Plain Dealing and at the Bossier Minimum Security Facility (formerly known as the Bossier Parish Penal Farm).
“As of today, thousands of pounds of vegetables have been harvested,” said Deen. “Those vegetables are being used to feed the inmate population in our three corrections facilities, which amounts to a significant savings for taxpayers.”
With the use of inmate labor, the process started in February with the planting of potatoes. Then, in April, corn, tomatoes, squash and other vegetables were planted. So far, 30-50 boxes of tomatoes, 1,200 ears of corn, 3,600 pounds of potatoes and 1,200 gallons of peas have been put away and will be served to the 1,200-1,300 inmates who are being held in the maximum, medium and minimum security lock-ups.
The combined yearly food bill for all three Bossier Parish corrections facilities is approximately $740,000 (roughly $130,000 at the Bossier Minimum Security Facility, about $386,000 at the Bossier Medium Security Facility and around $224,000 at the Bossier Maximum Security Facility). Without the vegetable supplements, the price tag would be approximately $775,000, meaning the program is saving taxpayers an estimated $35,000 a year. Since 1995, when the program began, Deen estimates as much as $500,000 taxpayer dollars may have been saved on the food bill for inmates.


  1. The total savings seem pretty paltry at first glance. I mean, really...$35 grand annually is like a drop in a bucket.

    However, I have ALWAYS believed that prison work is good...even if only for the prisoner him/herself. I've got some experience with my own family, and with other friends that have had accommodations at the gray bar hotel at one time or another.

    Labor is good for a man. The fruit of that labor is even better.

    Does it make any difference in the big scheme of societal outcomes? Dunno!

    But, I tend to believe that the guys on the pea farm do sleep better at night, and cause much less trouble than if they'd been hemmed up all day.

    I know it works pretty good for me.

  2. Jim - are you trying to get baswell's job?

  3. I like it and think it's a great idea. Gives them something to do/accomplish.

  4. Considering all the money he is paying his secretary, not to mention the multitude of promoted officers making 60k plus in the wake of the most serious economic downfall in the past 30 years, I would say 35k dont mean squat. Of course I forgot he has many of them working jobs for his favorite companies where prisoners only keep a small portion of the earnings, which is fine. Maybe someone needs to look into the companies and see who is making "donations" to his wife's church for the slave labor...or maybe its legal?

  5. This is a load of BS!! You have the info wrong. They serve the inmates grits for breakfast, bologna sandwich on white bread for lunch and they alternate it with a hot dog. Then for dinner they serve rice and beans. Obviously all the other vegetables are being used elsewhere.Probably for personal use. Whoever wrote this has been given the wrong info. Thank you for this info though. It's been informative.


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