
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sherb Sentell rehired as prosecutor

Sherb Sentell has been rehired by 26th JDC District Attorney Schuyler Marvin.
Sentell will be prosecuting misdemeanor cases in Minden City Court. Within a few months, Marvin anticipates assigning Sentell to district court to prosecute felonies.


  1. Once again, commenting to subscribe. This should be interesting.

  2. Looks like your plan to get Sherb has FAILED!!

  3. Alrighty then, thanks for the comment.

  4. Made a piece of art about this whole thing. I call it "Sherb Sentell III Grabbed and Pushed His Wife." It's hanging out at my blog if you care to see it.

  5. OMG! wasn't the guy cleared of all that stuff? do we have to go through all of it again, jim?

  6. Give the guy a break, he was cleared of the charges. Get over it. Why dont you focus on what his prosecution percentage is? Or what kind of job he did at the DAs office to begin with? I was at the civil service hearing on the cop that arrested Sentell. He and his partner's story did not match, period.

  7. i guess he couldnt round up any business-that is where most of the assistant da's come from, guys that arn't good enough to get paid by the private sector.

  8. Seems Sherb is busy making comments today.

  9. He is a heck of a prosecutor. That's about all I agree with marvin about

  10. Let me make one thing clear. The officers were not lying at all. The reason that Sherb was not prosecuted was political. Those officers did exactly what they were suppposed to do. If it were anybody else they would have been transported to the Bossier Max, booked in, and Schyler Marvin would have prosecuted him. The whole thing was political, and those 2 officers were thrown under the bus. Sherb is just like any other member of the good o'l boy system. He got a get out of jail free card because he worked for the D.A.

    Mike Moore

  11. Mike is 100% correct. Show some support for the men that were doing their jobs. The video from HorseShoe shows what was going on and the video in the car made it very clear that he thought he was above the law. I have no doubt in my mind that he made the threat and he got away with it because of who he is.

  12. Who cares how good he is at his job!! This guy abused his wife!! How would all of these "Sherb fans" react to seeing their sisters/daughters slung around and grabbed by the throat like that? Losers always try to look for kinks in the armor of authority. Cops have a hard enough job to do without having to be shit on by the DA's office. I'm going to smack my wife around and hope Sherb is assigned to prosecute me, I'm sure he will sympathize and cut me some slack! I guess sometimes they ask for it huh Sherb?

  13. What a slap in the face to all voters...i am appalled.

  14. To Anon @ 9:03: Be glad you have a 2nd chance. Anon@ 12:21- The Blog only stated facts-that he was being rehired. Anon@ 1:40-In your opinion, who's story was correct? Would that make a difference when it comes down to Sentell's character?

    It made The Shreveport Times also and they rehashed the nasty truths.This blog had a snipe. Get over it.

  15. This story is much ado about nothing. These are the facts -
    1) Sherb Sentell has no criminal record.
    2) The Attorney General, from Baton Rouge, not from Bossier or Minden, reviewed the evidence and saw no crime.
    3) One officer LIED and was fired for getting caught LYING. He ultimately got 90 days without pay after appealing his firing.
    If you don't like Sentell, Marvin or their group, that's ok but don't distort the truth because of hatred.

  16. I am totally unbiased. The videos were all revealing. They were enough for me to form an opinion. More poor judgment by an elected official. Hope he enjoys while he can.

  17. To be fair Jim is just doing a follow up

    I know Sherb and I think he is a fine person and after reviewing this incident I have no problem if he comes back.

    That being said I don't think there is anything bad about giving an update

    I mean it is in the Shreveport Times for goodness sake

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. To the last commenter - you can keep your bullshit over at the Times, it's not going to fly here.

  20. Everyone else please feel free to contribute pro or con.

  21. Jim - what is the statu of the officers that lied and got to keep his job - can we start a blog on that as well

  22. I just looked at the posts. comical. Ada's drunk, corrupt cops caught on tape, some crazy lady making "art" about it (I looked at her "art" and I now know why they have starving artists shows), a Benton hillbilly running a blog about it.
    Come on Hollywood, this is a great B movie.

  23. Other than that, how did you enjoy your visit over here?

  24. jim can you keep the profanity to yourself? i don't know what the guy said to tick you off (if he/she used profanity i understand), but if not, don't they have a right of free speech like the rest of us? i'm just sayin!! when you use profanity, it is just as bad as the post you deleted.

  25. ok so now i am more interested. what was the post about? Or do you simply delete posts you disagree with?

  26. The officer lied, period. Everybody saw the video from the vehicle. Not one time did he commit public intimidation, not once. The officer stated that Sentell used public intimidation conveniently when the camera had turned off and his partner was conveniently out of the vehicle.

    Horseshoe video, he was drunk and grabbed his wife. Okay, I did not seen him slugging her or slapping her around and the fact remains that she did not want the police or to file any criminal charges.

  27. Way to go Sherb!!!!

    Anyone that bad mouths the DA's office has never worked closely with them. The majority of the people are good people. Sherb made a mistake, but this could have been handled a whole lot differently. To avoid the officer transporting Sherb to lie.

    I bet the officer does not have a job after the city appeals the civil service's decision to the district court, any takers?
    Remember it was said here first.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Jim, although Benton is a wonderful place, it ain't on my list of vacation spots so I don't know what "visit" you are referring to.

  30. I meant the visit to the blog. Not every day you get a Benton Hillbilly's take on things :-)

  31. Anon at 7:13:
    I'm reposting you comment here without the last part. If you have knowledge of such an incident, you can email me at
    It will be confidential.

  32. I bet alot of folks would be surprised to see the transcript from the civil service hearing with the police officers. Why dont you post that, to show that the two officer's, the reserve officer and the full-time officer, stories did not match. Somebody was fibbing.

  33. Anon@ 7:21: I believe one of the reserve officers was relieved because the report could not back up the dash cam-his bad. I have no doubt that Sentell directly threatened jobs. This wasn't his first drunk episode at the Horseshoe. Perhaps he was just too comfortable this time.

  34. As I understand it the only fact in question was not whether or not Sentell made statements that the officer deemed as threats, but the time at which he made the statements. Come on people, how can you listen to those tapes and the things that were caught on tape and still be so naive to think that Sentell didn't go on to directly threaten the officers' jobs. He dropped every name he could think of and even said, "you don't want to do this man". Is it really so far-fetched that he would tell the officer's that he'd have them fired....then his good buddy the DA did act on the threat to have the officers fired. Wake up and smell the abuse of power!
    One could also make the argument that his wife begged the officers not to arrest Sentell and refused to persue charges. Well, that's typical of an abused spouse, especially when the abuser posesses as much power as an assistant DA. She was probably afraid of the repercussions. I hope that I am wrong, but I would venture a guess that what we all saw on that tape was mild compared to what probably happens behind closed doors. Louisiana law also states that if an officer fails to intervene when there is evidence of abuse, the officer can be held liable. If that's a problem, call your legislator and get the law changed.
    My final point is this, if you ever get the opportunity, go on a ride-along with a police officer. You'll quickly learn that they often stay busy the entire shift and are forced to delay the writing of report for hours. Is it so out of the realm of possiblity that the officer might document a time differently than another? It doesn't mean it didn't happen. These guys go out there and do their jobs for an embarassing wage. They put themselves into situations most of us would run from. And I can personally testify that the officer in question is the last one who would lie. What would he have to gain?...but what did Sentell have to lose? It's not rocket science people.

  35. Well well well, I come from whole family of officers (father, brother and cousins) and i can tell you they lie, exaggerate the truth, make mistakes, fabricate evidence and do all the dirty things we hoped they wouldn't do. But so do DA's, lawyers, doctors, nurses and every other walk of life. Before you profess the purity of any of these folks, know this. They lie. They cheat. They steal and at times, we all have. Some get caught and some don't. If you deny that you have ever lied, cheated, stolen (maybe it was your sisters gum but you stole it) then you are a liar. These are ordinary human being, making errors like all of us. They've been punished and let's move on. We are no better than they are and they are no better (or more honest/dishonest) than us. Imperfect humans who drank too much, lied too much and all got caught. Water under the bridge.

  36. Anonymous @ 7:51

    You are correct. At the civil service hearing the only fact that was in question was what time Sentell made his threats, not that he made them. I also understand that Sentell even envoked his 5th amendment right not to testify. Now, I'm just some dumb person from Benton, but typically you don't plead the 5th unless you don't want to incriminate yourself. Duh. But I'm sure since ol' Sherb is so super fantastic and seams to love commenting on himself, he'll set us all straight.....and as far as the state's attorney conducting an investigation goes, that's hardly worth mentioning. How could he or she have possibly conducted a thorough investigation into the events of that night without ever speaking to the officers involved?
    Anonymous@ 8:07, We certainly are all sinners and we are all guilty of occasional lies or other infractions no matter what our jobs. No one said that anyone was pure as the driven snow. But just because these officers testified to different times, doesn't mean that Sentell didn't make the threats. I believe wholeheartedly that he threatened those men. It's pretty obvious that he then acted on that threat. I can understand dropping the public intimidation charges on Sentell because his threats couldn't be proven. But the fact that he and the DA have gone out of their way to ruin a man's career in an effort to prove what big powerful men they are is shameful.

  37. Anon at 751 - you have an opinion, entitled to it, might be right and I can't change it but -
    1) 5th amendment is often invoked and should be whether one is guilty or not. The notion that "if i didn't do it then i'm gonna tell my story" is a stupid notion if you are accused of a crime. Innocent people are not only in prison, they have been executed. Hundreds have been released after DNA excluded them as suspects in crimes after a jury convicted them of it. Google Calvin Willis. After he served 21 years in jail, he was released because DNA EXCLUDED HIM!!!! You want to give us 21 years of your prime life so you can chat with the police or do you want to exercise your 5th amendment right to shut up. If you're smart, and based on your post I'm not sure, you better shut up and be silent.
    2) whose life has been destroyed by this arrest?

  38. sorry. anon at 849 is the subject. after reading your post for the zillionth time i agree, you are dumb

  39. Okay Anonymous at 9:48,

    I appreciate the lesson on the 5th ammendment. I've learned something. If I'm wrong on that, score one for Sherb. Shame Sherb didn't shut up in the back of that patrol car though. If he's such a fantastic attorney then why didn't he shut his pie hole when it mattered? While I appeciate your concern for my intelligence, my lack of knowlege regarding the nuances of the 5th amendment is hardly the point. The point is, it's not hard for even a dumb gal from Benton to imagine that Mr. Fantastic threatened the officers' jobs. Like I said, he clearly acted on it. Two officers were fired. Just like wonder-lawyer said he'd get done. The officers simply couldn't prove it. Yea Sherb! You got away with public intimidation and roughing up the Mrs.
    As to your second question, that officer was fired because he couldn't prove Sherb's threats. He was reinstated, but will never be able to work as an effective police officer again. His credibility will be called into question every time he enters a courtroom or files a report. He didn't lie. The civil service board had to reinstate him because he didn't lie, but his career is ruined all the same...Sherb got off scot-free, this officer will continue to pay. You're right, Sherb should have shut up. He just didn't shut up when it mattered.

  40. anon at 1008.
    First - your are welcome for your basic civics lesson.
    Second - the officer was fired because he got caught lying trying to obtain a false conviction.

    I don't give a flip about Sherb, the officer, or any other dirt turners from Benton involved in this stupid story, but people need to realize that lying officers cost Calvin Willis 21 years of his life and it could happen to you. When a cop lies, he should be prosecuted as a felon, not fired or given some "time off" for making a "mistake in his report". That "mistake" - lie - gets people put in jail. That is not a mistake by BCPD. It is a crime and the real travesty is that these officers weren't prosecuted themselves.

  41. What alarms me perhaps more than the clear evidence on the video of the abuse in the casino, and the drunken outbursts in the officer's car by a public official, is the inability to take any responsibility for ones actions. Everything is forgivable, and we do all make mistakes-many many mistakes. But when I see a guy that is only about covering his tracks, and attempts to place blame outside of himself (ie the officers) as well as threaten their livelyhood, that is when I have a major concern and feel this person has NOT taken responsibility and will most likely repeat this behavior. Not only that, but it speaks to the character of Sentell-the fact that he will put his own interests, whether personal, or political, in front of what should be values of honesty and integrity in the office of the State of Louisiana. We already have enough dirty politicians, and here we have one on video tape that has the audacity to proclaim his innocence blatantly in the face of hard core evidence that is right in front of our face. To hell with what could be proven in court, we all saw what happened, period.

  42. Anonymous @ 9:50

    Nice manners. You must have gone to the Sherb Sentell school of etiquette.

    anon @ 10:27
    The officer was reinstated because he didn't lie. He still works for BCPD. If there was not enough evidence to prosecute Sentell on the public intimidation charge, why not just drop the charge and leave well-enough alone. Let Sherbie walk until the next time he beats down the wife.

    You sure seem to have a real problem with the police. Why all the vitriol?

  43. That brings up a good point. What is the status of the officer who was fired? Was he reinstated? Did he appeal? Is his appeal or whatever they call it still going on?

  44. I'm confused. One blogger says the officers career is ruined and another says he is back at work without any discipline for his actions. Which is true?

  45. Facts the video at horseshoe shows him grabbing his wife by the arms, if a crime or not depends on what she says about his actions if was ok.

    Second while he probably did say some intimidating thing to the officers, it cant be proven because the p.d. didnt document correctly.

    Third if the DA was taking care of him why did it go as far as it did and give him all the bad pr. I say the DA let happen what needed to happen, he could have phoned a friend and this all swept under the rug but that didnt happen.

    To all that contend that Sentell was guilty could you have convicted him if you where a judge on the facts you see alone? Mayby without due process.

  46. Jim, why don't you get a copy of the transcript from the civil hearing where the two officers story about Sherb did not match??? Maybe this is the reason he was cleared???

  47. Did anything happen to the police officers that was involved in a drunken fight the following weekend after the Sentell incident? You want some names?

  48. Not on here, I have an email address on the blog.

  49. What drunken fight?

  50. The weekend after the Sentell arrest a BCPD officer - not on duty- was at Horseshoe as a patron, was very drunk, (like Sentell) caused a disturbance but instead of being arrested was escorted off the premises hurriedly by other BCPD officers protecting their own. The story and officer name are widely known in the legal circles. Contact former Chief Halphen. He knows the details intimately.

  51. Maybe you don't have the full story.

  52. Shifting focus to distort the truth is the oldest tactic in the book of corruption. I could accept the reinstatement had there been a public apology to the people he represented, but foremost to his wife with an affirmation that he loved her. Instead, blame was placed on officers who had nothing to gain..just doing a job and one that is a thankless one at best. This person has lost all credibility to perform in prosecuting others. And the source for rehire has too!!!

  53. Old news people move on

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