
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Child rape reported at Day Camp

KSLA is reporting on an alleged rape of an 8 year old by a 14 year old at a Shreveport summer camp.
Police say they were called out to Calvary Baptist church on Linwood last Monday, where a 14 year old reportedly raped an 8 year old during a summer camp.
I know someone whose child was attending this day camp - was being the key word. 
There are a lot of unanswered questions.  For instance, why weren't parents notified of the nature of the incident which had occurred?  This is the letter that was sent out to parents.
Of course the names of any minors involved could not, and should not, be released.  Parents should, however, have been informed of the nature of the incident, and they were not.
There are some other unanswered questions about this, which we will address later.


  1. I guess it would have been bad form to say 'this is the best summer ever' and then follow it up with 'oh, a child was raped'.

  2. I'm just wondering why it took an entire week for news agencies to report this? And by that, I mean just the ONE channel that I've seen it on. Calvary must have some friends in high places, huh Jim?IF these parents have any sense, they'll send Calvary a message by snatching out their kids.

  3. More is going to come out on this. I don't know what the association of Calvary and the camp operators is other than they used Calvary's campus.

  4. My understanding was that there were kids from Providence House mixed in with the camp kids. Have you heard that too?

  5. The summer program is an unlicensed child care program that is using the church facilities. It isn't ran through the church nor are the workers affiliated with the church. This is what happens when the state does not force groups like this to abide by the same rules and regulations as other child care facilities. If they were forced to abide by these rules there would be a lower teacher to child ratio and the teachers would not be only a couple of years older than the participating children.

  6. This is an outrage, and I would not have been able to deal with it if it had happened to one of my children when they were that age. Or if it happens at any age, for that matter.
    To read where these people dismiss this as "an incident" that happened, it just makes my blood boil.
    I am a throw-back to the 19th century, but I see this as a big deal, and the perpetrator, even if he is only a teenager, should be locked up for the rest of his life where he can not rape anybody but other rapists.

  7. Channel 3 has it on their website now.
    "Investigators say a counselor called police when he found the suspect and victim coming out of a changing room. The suspect was arrested and remains in the juvenile detention center.
    Authorities believe he may have committed a similar crime previously, but not at the camp."

  8. Calvary Daycare/Calvary Baptist nor Calvary Academy had anything to do with this very unfortunate incident. All questions or concerns should be addressed to Rock Solid c/o Shelley McMillan

  9. Channel 12 news reported on this without even making a simple phone call to get the real story. No wonder why most people don't watch that local network.

  10. when was the letter received?

  11. This letter was received last week

  12. I am a parent of a 7 year old that attends RS. We did not receive any notice of the "incident" until the day after RS was exposed on KSLA! There are reports that the 14yr old is from a home and has prior accusations of rape and that the pastor and director knew of this and thought they could help rehabilitate him! What are you kidding. Putting my child's safety in harms way. Should have a raised a flag that a 14 yr was having to be babysat at summer camp! And Calvary is responsible for knowing that they were allowing an unlicensed camp run at their facility!!

  13. I agree with the person that said Calvary must have friends in high places! Lots of 'incidents' happen at Calvary Academy on a regular basis - but somehow - they manage to keep it out of the news! It's about time SOMETHING is exposed on that campus. By the way - KSLA has pulled the story. Go figure!

  14. Come on guys, as if Calvary is THE ONLY private school with friends in high places. There are other schools in the area with just as much scandal that never makes the news. Also there are PLENTY of "incidences" that go on in PUBLIC schools you never hear about. You can pass judgement if you wish but what if someone took your worst moments and judged you simply by those? I am not in any way condoning how they did not immediately inform the parents, But i do believe many are being extremely unfair to the school in general. There are good and bad in every group and it is immature to judge an entire group by one or two. Because most commonly the BAD ONES get most of the attention. It is important to note that this boy did not attend calvary for school or church, while some are insinuating that because of that he should have been watched more carefully, how is that fair to other boys who also do not attend the school but do the day camp? It is not. This is a horrible situation but please try to think logically before spewing your hear say gossip all over the internet.


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