
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Councilman Williams will work for solution to Kerr walkway

District 3 City Council member Don "Bubba" Williams says that he had no prior knowledge of the closure of the walkway from the Coleman Park neighborhood to R. V. Kerr Elementary.
Williams asked the city administration to consider a plan opening the walkway in the morning and afternoon for the elementary school kids, but was told no. 
That doesn't mean that he is quitting, however.  He said that he will keep working for his constituents and seek an equitable solution.
We will keep you updated.


  1. I really hope something can be done! Thanks for all the hard work and updates, but I will not stop until my children get home the safest way possible!

  2. I really don't think the city council cares about the citizens. At least those south of I220

  3. I sure hope Councilman Williams does because Me, My Friends, and My Family are counting on him to take down the gates blocking my daughters safest way to school.

  4. Jenny - do yourself a favor and call the news media - all three channels and news paper. The only thing the city understands is bad news coverage.

  5. Really, Jenny call the news media. and ask them to fix the sidewalk. Tell um you don't want fancy non occupied buildings, or the city building parking garages. Just ask em for a little strip of concrete so your child can get to and fro school safely.

    You deserve it. Your kids deserve it. Call the Pressssss!!!

    Thats all the City understands

  6. August 18 5:38 post. That is NOT a true statement.

  7. The statement made by Councilman williams is not true???

  8. No they mean the post about not caring about anyone south of I220

  9. Got a "wonderful" E-mail today that I would like to share with you:

    I have sent Don Williams, President of the City Council an email, asking that the city extend the school zone further south, so that the traffic along that area of airline will only be going 25 mph. I suggest you do the same. It's the intelligent resolution.

    I responded:

    I sent Don Williams an e-mail and spoke with him personally on the telephone regarding opening the gates for morning and after school traffic. It's the intelligent resolution.

    Received another:

    Actually they are jumping the gate any way until they close it and those folks move their fence over it won't make a difference.
    Thanks for quoating me, you must have liked it. However, THAT obviously is not the intelligent resolution since the gate isn't effecting them at this point. BUT since YOU don't live over there you WOULDN'T KNOW that little fact. (Her Husband)knows him personally, they served together.

  10. Just a note: Willams was the president of the council, but David Jones is now serving in that capacity.

  11. I'm still confused on why it was closed to begin with, I was hoping someone would have clarified that for me by now. Did those "folks" just get tired of it being there? It was there when they moved into the neighborhood. And who are these kids who are causes all these problems?


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