
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Don't vote. You'll only encourage them.

No one knows who originated it, but the title of this post is one of my favorite political quotes.
Now to the point.
Our representative, Dr. John Fleming of Minden, appeared with David Vitter to speak to the Republican Women of Bossier. His speech is catching some attention (mainly from Democrats) around the country for this statement:
"We have two competing world views here and there is no way that we can reach across the aisle -- one is going to have to win," Fleming said.
“We are either going to go down the socialist road and become like western Europe and create, I guess really a godless society, an atheist society. Or we're going to continue down the other pathway where we believe in freedom of speech, individual liberties and that we remain a Christian nation. So we're going to have to win that battle, we're going to have to solve that argument before we can once again reach across and work together on things.”
Fleming went in two years ago in a squeaker of a general election when he defeated Paul Carmouche. This time, he has no serious opposition. He will win in a landslide.
If you don’t like him, don’t blame me. Just stating the facts.
As an interesting side note, term limited State Representative Jane Smith was there. A couple of people are already jockeying for position to take her seat in the legislature. As far as I know, only one has made his intentions pretty clear, and that is Duke Lowrie. Next year will be interesting.
Now back to, well, now.
Down in the 3rd congressional district things are getting heated.
There is a three way race for the Republican nomination. The best known candidate is Hunt Downer, former Democratic Speaker of the Louisiana House of Representatives.
The Tea Party of Louisiana (which really isn’t THE Tea Party of Louisiana, but a local organization), has started an internet assault on Downer.
It’s called “Down with Downer’. That’s original. Just a thought here, since John Fleming owns a whole gaggle of UPS stores could he cash in on ‘Up with UPS’?
Okay, I’m sorry, I said it was just a thought.
Anyway, the Tea Party of Louisiana (but not really) put up this YouTube video accusing Downer of being a ‘RINO’.

Chris Comeaux, a lead organizer of the Tea Party of Louisiana, said "You can't let candidates out there claim the tea party banner when time and time again they've voted for big government," Comeaux said. "There is no gray area here. You're either following the founders' view of a limited government or you're not."
Downer apparently upset some people when he canceled his commitment to attend a tea party forum last week in Gonzales sponsored by the Baton Rouge Tea Party and the Tea Party of Louisiana.
Downer campaign manager Buddy Boe said his boss "has great respect for the tea party" and has enjoyed speaking to party voters over the course of the campaign. He noted that the Gonzales debate was "sponsored by a group outside the district."
Yep, it’s that season and Lord help me, I love it.


  1. Fleming is your typical republican fool that watches too much Glen Beck.

  2. how can someone who is an m.d. say something that jaw droppingly stupid?

  3. Fleming is the kind of person who will get this country on the road to recovery if we survive the social agenda of Obama.

  4. Downer didn't care when about being out of the district when he spoke to the Northshore Tea Party or the Greater New Orleans Tea Party whose membership is mostly from out of his district. Sounds like a flip-flop.

  5. Fleming was right, we are going down the socialist path with the current democratic agenda. More people should listen to Glen Beck, sounds like him and other conservative talk show hosts were all right about Obama and the democrats running, or should I say destroying our country.

  6. Ed, is that you agreeing with yourself?


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1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
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