
Monday, August 2, 2010

Former BCPD officer speaks out for Philip Vernon

I received this email this afternoon and am putting it in as a blog post.

My name is Mike Moore. I am a former full-time Bossier City Police Officer. I left BCPD to pursue another opportunity in the hopes that it would save another officer’s job amid the budget crisis our city faced this year. I, unlike many others, was lucky enough to have stable financial support from my family. My proudest achievement was the day I was sworn in as a Bossier City Police Officer. It was my lifelong dream to serve my community as a police officer. As you can imagine, my decision to leave was one of the most difficult that I have ever made. Not a day goes by that I do not think of my fellow brothers and sisters who serve our community still. Having said that, I still feel an obligation to protect and defend those men and women when they come under fire.
I am writing in response to posts regarding the officer involved in the incident with Assistant D.A. Sherb Sentell. It is not my wish to bash Mr. Sentell or our city. I simply want to offer another point of view regarding the incident. The officer’s name is Phillip Vernon and I am proud to call him my friend. I worked alongside Officer Vernon on the night shift for more than a year and a half. His service to our city has never been anything less than exemplary. There was never a doubt on those nights that Officer Vernon would be a reliable source of assistance, knowledge, and service. He never took his responsibilities lightly and it reflected in his work, his demeanor, and his professionalism.
There is no typical night in Bossier City for a police officer. They perform their duties no matter the situation, time of day, or weather. They run to the things that most of us run away from. They always show up during every holiday, event, or disaster often sacrificing time with their own families to serve the needs of the community. It is not unusual for an officer to respond to call after call after call. It is not unusual for an officer to be in the middle of handling one situation while others in need await the next available officer. The men and women of the BCPD pride themselves in the services they provide our citizens. The needs of our citizens have always been and will remain the top priority of our police officers. Phillip Vernon is no exception. It is his desire to serve our community with the same dedication and conviction.
The question remains, did Mr Sentell threaten officer Vernon’s job? I don’t know Mr Sentell. Perhaps, he is the upstanding citizen he and others claim he is. I do, however, know Phillip Vernon. He is a man of character and integrity. He had nothing to gain by lying about Mr. Sentell’s actions. I believe wholeheartedly that Officer Vernon did exactly what he thought was right. He did exactly what he would have done no matter who the man or woman was in that patrol car. He did exactly what any of us would have done in the same situation. As I see it, the officers involved in Sentell’s arrest couldn’t have won that night. If they had let Sentell go, and he had harmed his wife, what would we all be saying now instead? They did what they were instructed to do under the law and as they would have no matter who the victim or suspect were. I believe that ultimately it didn’t matter which officers had been involved. The outcome would have been the same.


  1. I'm confused. First, Officer Vernon said that it happened outside of the vehicle and wasn't recorded, but that it did in fact, happen. Then, after that didn't work, he, through his attorney, claimed that he was "coerced" into making that statement in his report by another officer. Which one is it because it can't be both. And I know Officer Vernon also. Let me just say this. Sherb Sentell is the worst kind of public official. He proved it that night on his video statements, and shame on Marvin for even entertaining the idea of rehiring him, much less actually doing it. My hope is that it will be his downfall come the next election. With that said, officers are to be fair and impartial. I know this because I've been one for 15 years. It's very difficult at times, but like it or not, we are held to a higher standard. I lost all respect for Vernon the day he accused another officer of tainting his report. What happened to accountability? How do we expect the people we encounter to be accountable if we are not. It's a sad situation all around and there were no winners. But the most disturbing of it all was Vernon's unwillingness to admit that perhaps, just perhaps, he made a mistake in the events in question.

  2. At what point was he "coerced"?

  3. You'll have to ask him that. That is his allegation regarding statements made or not made by Sentell.

  4. This is just a terrible situation all the way around.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. That has nothing to do with this blog.

  7. No offense Mike, you weren't there. You were a very young and excellent officer. Wish you would not have left. Too bad you are taking up for the wrong guy. Sentell made a mistake, Vernon made a bigger one by making stuff up. If you were at the civil service hearing you would understand that.
    Anon at 1717, good point, you are spot on!. You like me are obviously looking from the inside out. Vernon, shame on you.

  8. Mike Moore and his wife are a couple of blow-hards. He left because both of their mouth put him in a bind.

  9. I feel the last comment was uncalled for. I'm sure a lot of the police officers and fire men, who's jobs they helped to save, would not feel the same way.
    Of course I am bias because I also stood up and spoke out last fall.
    Unlike you I will stand behind my statement by listing my name....

    Heather Carter

  10. Heather Carter and Carrie Moore both addressed the Bossier City Council last year when the admnistration announced public safety cuts.

  11. Addressing the city council does not make one a blowhard. It is a citizen holding their leaders accountable as we all should. We cannot allow people who spend taxpayers money to go unchecked.

  12. Wow. That's all I can say. Although I understand Mr.Moore's desire to defend his friend, I have to question his motives in sending this email. As he's worked with both Vernon and the officer Vernon has accused of "coercing" his statements, than surely he realizes he sent this email to the FATHER of the officer Vernon is accusing. As someone who also has worked with these two officers, I can tell you that if you're talking about character and integrity, Vernon's not my pick out of the two. Sorry Mr.Moore, but the road to hell was paved with good intentions.

  13. Anonymous @ 0852

    That's really classy. You sound like a city official whose pouting over being called out. Instead of worrying about Mr or Mrs Moore, perhaps you should be worrying about your own job.

  14. Anon at 3:53:
    Mike sent the letter - it is well written and presents his point of view. I asked him if I could publish it as a blog post.
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and if they express it properly I am happy to publish it.
    This blog isn't just about me. Regardless of what some people think, I don't have an agenda other than to get a conversation started.

  15. It is well written. I am proud of him for doing what is right and standing up for Officer Vernon. He didn't have to do this. It would have been easier for him to forget about it and go on with his life instead of being criticized for voicing his thoughts. Follow his lead.

  16. I have worked with Moore and Vernon. I can say that Moore is a good guy, sorry to have lost him. As for Vernon, He's a wolf in sheeps clothing. Vernon is all about Vernon, nobody else. Sorry Moore did not see that, but he did not get a chance too.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. To the last poster, your question was totally irrelevant to this post.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Restate your opinion without name calling, please.

  21. How is that name calling? It speaks to his character. He is, plain and simple. Would you rather I said untruthful, deceitful, or any other list of adjectives. Ok, I'll let you pick...

  22. My comment may also be irrelevant, but I just hope that a competent attorney with credible qualifications has the courage to run against Marvin in the next election. I know that the DA's office would destroy anyone who opposes him and loses, but I sure hope we can get the rat's nest cleaned up.

  23. comments deleted, posts removed.
    Looks like Jim picks and chooses, not displaying all posts.

    It is his blog!, but its not very diverse.

  24. I'll tell you what commenter, why don't you write us a guest blog and submit it? You can address some of that diversity you desire.

  25. Officer Vernon, we are proud of you! People make mistakes and sometimes don't always do what is concerned "best". You did your job! You will always be the person I look up to, and get advise from! Thank you Brother Phillip, for being our hero!


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