
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More on the school transfer policy

I received this comment on the post the other day about out of district transfers in the Bossier School system.
  • I am very surprised that you didn't do your homework on this. You need to get the facts of how many people apply for out-of-district, how many are approved, and how many are denied. One of the cases that you are referring to involves a monther that lives in Bradley, Arkansas and works at the Bossier Parish courthouse with Schyler Marvin. HE issued a court order for the child, for no apparent reason other than the mother works for him. Who is doing favors?? Ms. Hays DID NOT deny her, she sent the paperwork in. The mother, impatient, started this whole mess when she was not notified that the child could be enrolled. The child's father lives in Blanchard. I'm sure that every person that wanted to be approved will LOVE to hear that someone from Arkansas can go to a Bossier school because of who she works for. I think that some things need to be clarified. Ms. Hays has worked in the parish for years, and has worked up through the ranks. She has not ever been given favors, and most people who work with her love her. She is a hard worker and she has a lot of responsibility. I have always thought that you have a fair, un-opinionated blog, but this is the worst I have ever seen. This is a matter of public record. How many people think that it is fair that someone can come in from out-of-state and attend our schools, not pay our TAXES, not vote in our area, but benefit from our educational system? Just because she works with the DA and can get a court order? I think you need to do a little more investigating Jim...
This was my reply.
  • I do try to be fair to all sides, and I will investigate it further.
I did dig into that case a little deeper.  The mother does live in Arkansas now, but shares custody with her husband on a 'week on, week off' basis.  I don't know who she works for, but if you say she works for the DA, I will accept that.  You go on to say that "HE (Schuyler) issued a court order for the child, for no apparent reason other than the mother works for him."
First of all, the District Attorney cannot issue a court order.  The orders that were issued were signed by Judge Robinson, in response to arrangements worked out between the parents and their attorneys.
I already quoted from the order issued which said "that the child be enrolled in Benton Elementary School for the school year beginning in August of 2009, and “continuing until further order of this court”.
There was a fax from one of the attorneys stating that it was understood with Judge Robinson that if there was a problem with the school district, the child would be enrolled in a school near the parents.
Apparently, there was not a problem.  The child attended school for the full year.
The parents were told in June of this year that a new court order would have to be issued every year.
Apparently someone in the system did not find Judge Robinson's wording “continuing until further order of this court” acceptable.  On June 28th a new court order was petitioned for and signed.
It was at this point that Mrs. Hays refused to honor the court order.
Mrs. Hays' superiors overruled her, from my understanding, and honored the court order.
An order from the court is not a 'suggestion' that you do something.  When a judge signs the order, you do it.  The school board had legal recourse if they wanted to appeal that ruling.
Finally, you said  "Ms. Hays has worked in the parish for years, and has worked up through the ranks. She has not ever been given favors, and most people who work with her love her. She is a hard worker and she has a lot of responsibility."
I'm not disputing what you say, but I am disputing her right to ignore a court order.


  1. Jim has spelled it out in black and white for you Hays groupies! She disregarded a court order. It's crystal clear to me she makes up the rules as she goes. I could careless who or where the parents work or don't work. A court order is an order.... You don't question it, you follow it to the T!!! Get her out of central office~ Louisiana is an at will state regarding employment~ terminate her imediately!!!

  2. Please - not more bashing of Debbie Hays. Really - more. Lets vote the current school board out, I mean really - the Air Repair Problem -over a 1million $$$$ lost on non existient work and equipment- ex cons that got over $8.5 million in contracts to walk our halls - I mean really -Mrs. Hays doesnt' enroll Arkansas residents in Louisiana schools and we get two blog post for that -

    This city and parish is chalk full of diverters - trying to focus on silly things - and not on important things- like mismagement and the like at our School Board

  3. Jim - funny how facts and logic pretty much trump everything?

  4. Rex - that's the truth!
    Anon @3:30 - " I mean really -Mrs. Hays doesnt' enroll Arkansas residents in Louisiana schools and we get two blog post for that . "
    You are being disingenous. The child is with his father in Louisiana half the time. The blog post was written because Mrs. Hays defied a court order. You can't do that.
    As to the Air Repair situation and the superintendent selection, I covered all of that thoroughly at the time.

  5. But his father DOES NOT live in BOSSIER PARISH!!! Is everyone ignoring this?? He lives in CADDO!!!So WHY is there a court order for him to go to Benton Elementary???

  6. Don't ask me why there is a court order, that was worked out with the lawyers and the parents. It wasn't questioned last year and the child attended the full year.
    The point is, you can't just defy a court order. The option is to go to court and ask that it be overturned.

  7. Jim -post the docket number and the actual documents you are referring to- i.e. judgment, faxed letter, etc.

    And, although you devoted some blog time to Air Repair- you didn't do enough of that - we need a where are they now blog post about the people that stole so much money for our schools - and where are we on obtaining restitution.

    And, what ever happened to the Mold problem at Haughton High school and the 1million dollar contract to Air Repair. -

    Especially with School Board elections coming up - people need to be reminded about the lack of supervision and oversight. -

    Post a where are they now and a when can we exepect to be paid back blog post

  8. Really??? Come on folks a court order is a court order!! Who are you to question it?? If a judge orders a child to go to a specific school, then that's where the child attends!!! The docket number was posted in the last blog, maybe you should go to the courthouse and request a copy of the court minutes- YOURSELF!! No one is bashing Hays just for the fun of it. Apparently some people feel it's ok to ignore court orders and policy and procedure. I'm well aware that this is not the first or the last time Hays has caused BPSB undue stress due to her inability to follow the rules. There is a child in Plain Dealing that was given a majority to minority transfer to Airline High school, only to have certain BPSB employees badger the child to stay in Plain Dealing. That was all Hays!!! Even when she does seem to be following policy she finds a way to go around it and get what she wants- not what's best for the child!
    As for the Air Repair fiasco- they have all been arrested and convicted! Jim did a better job reporting the investigation in his blog than the Shreveport Times! I guess you want to ignore the former employees convictions and let them come back to work???

  9. I think we can all agree that we have a problem with the school board. But this thread and comments are directed at the people who enforce the transfer policies adopted by the school board. The day-to-day operators. There are several parents/ families from Bossier that have been run over by Debbie Hays and her cronies. I have had direct contact with Debbie Hays and can tell you that she has over stepped the legal boundaries of her office and the BSB. My question is that since her employer knows that she is breaking the law (as referenced in docket 120863) why are they unwilling to take action? They seem to be so scared that they are willing to do their best to cover it up or push it out of sight. I can understand why some people such as Amy Masters (secretary at Benton Elementary) do her bidding. Amy's dad and husband work for Debbie Hays' big brother. But Scott Smith and DC (Debbie's direct supervisors) are not related to the Dean family or employed by them so what's the deal? If something is not done about Debbie one of these parents that live in Bossier are going to sue Debbie Hays and/or the Bossier School Board. What will be bad is if Debbie's supervisors are not able to fix it with a phone call. Has anyone on here really thought about the consequences if someone went through with a lawsuit like docket 120863? All teachers that teach in a school district other than where they live would have to enroll their children in their home district (example: If you teach in Benton and live in Haughton your kid(s) will have to go to a Haughton school. If you are a secretary, counselor, cafeteria worker, or assistant principal working at Legacy but you live in Plain Dealing...your kid will go to Plain Dealing). Now, I'm sure some of you that read this work for the BSB and enjoy this privilege but what about the general public who work out of their school district? Are you better than them or do you just have better connections? Debbie is only in her position because of one person...her brother. That means the mindless people (Amy Masters) that help with her illegal endeavors are basing their employment on one person...her brother. You should be making sure the entire school board is happy with your performance not one person. I only reference Amy and Debbie because those are the two I have personally delt with.

  10. Im just glad the little person is enrolled in school Kudos to the parents, teachers, staff, taxpayers, etc.

    Maybe this little person will be president one day.

    Good Luck to All.

  11. Jim,
    I think you need to take a second look at the comments posted on your blog. There are new internet laws on slander and libel, and you are not above them. You might want to take this as more than a suggestion.

  12. The comments are people's opinions and thoughts. While comments can be annoying to one person or another, and while I don't always agree with the comments, I don't see anything that has reached the level of slander or libel.
    If you would like to point out the comments you are referring to, I will give them another look.

  13. I'm sure it was just an accident that my post was removed. Just in case, here it is again:

    When libel is clear on its face, without the need for any explanatory matter, it is called libel per se. The following are often found to be libelous per se:

    A statement that falsely:

    •Charges any person with crime, or with having been indicted, convicted, or punished for crime;
    •Imputes in him the present existence of an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease;
    •Tends directly to injure him in respect to his office, profession, trade or business, either by imputing to him general disqualification in those respects that the office or other occupation peculiarly requires, or by imputing something with reference to his office, profession, trade, or business that has a natural tendency to lessen its profits;

    You need to read the last part. Mrs. Hays is employed by the Bossier School Board, and the comments on your blog are DIRECTLY attacking her. One comment indirectly stated that a school board member is investigating her, and she is going to lose her job. Is this a fact? Another stated that she makes over 100k a year. It is a FACT that she does not. Another attacks the fact that she approved a student for transfer to Airline from Plain Dealing. And what exactly what they were complaing about that she did?
    You are ignorant if you think people don't read this and form an opinion about her based on anonymous bloggers. She has a JOB, that supports her. I doubt you would let a friend of yours be attacked on the internet on your blog, with the possibility of said friends' reputation being damaged.
    Do you have any idea what Mrs. Hays' is in charge of? Out-of-district is just one of her many responsibilities. She approved HUNDREDS of applications, with very few denials. The people writing on this blog either have a problem with:
    a. her brother
    b. getting denied themselves
    c. just ignorant

    fact, or opinion, it needs to be removed!

  14. REMOVED AGAIN? Funny... no one else's is... I thought you were FAIR to ALL opinions... Here's a fact! LIBEL ON THE INTERNET!

    When libel is clear on its face, without the need for any explanatory matter, it is called libel per se. The following are often found to be libelous per se:

    A statement that falsely:

    •Charges any person with crime, or with having been indicted, convicted, or punished for crime;
    •Imputes in him the present existence of an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease;
    •Tends directly to injure him in respect to his office, profession, trade or business, either by imputing to him general disqualification in those respects that the office or other occupation peculiarly requires, or by imputing something with reference to his office, profession, trade, or business that has a natural tendency to lessen its profits;

    You need to read the last part. Mrs. Hays is employed by the Bossier School Board, and the comments on your blog are DIRECTLY attacking her. One comment indirectly stated that a school board member is investigating her, and she is going to lose her job. Is this a fact? Another stated that she makes over 100k a year. It is a FACT that she does not. Another attacks the fact that she approved a student for transfer to Airline from Plain Dealing. And what exactly what they were complaing about that she did?
    You are ignorant if you think people don't read this and form an opinion about her based on anonymous bloggers. She has a JOB, that supports her. I doubt you would let a friend of yours be attacked on the internet on your blog, with the possibility of said friends' reputation being damaged.
    Do you have any idea what Mrs. Hays' is in charge of? Out-of-district is just one of her many responsibilities. She approved HUNDREDS of applications, with very few denials. The people writing on this blog either have a problem with:
    a. her brother
    b. getting denied themselves
    c. just ignorant

    fact, or opinion, it needs to be removed!

  15. Just curious as to why you keep removing my post? No problem with attacking others, but you can't handle it on you? If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!!

  16. I have no idea what you are talking about.

  17. 1/2 way intelligent administrators of our school board should know the proper way to contest a court order. Don't back down Jim. You might yet drag the parish into the 21st century. Buford Pusser tactics have their place; but shouldn't be used with a child. Slander & libel? That's just a dog howeling cause it got hit too hard!


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.