
Friday, September 10, 2010

Recall Larry Deen?

Should Bossier Parish sheriff Larry Deen be recalled?
That seems to be the conclusion of Jeff Sadow on his blog, Between the Lines.
In an article this week about the sheriff, Sadow discussed the tax ‘roll-forward’ and the hearing that was held for the public.
He also gets into facts and figures regarding the financing of the sheriff’s operation for the last 10 years as compared to the same period in Caddo Parish.
His conclusion: “While we could wait to deny him reelection, given his indifferent performance, wastefulness, and the contempt that he shows to dissent it would not be untoward to recall him now.”
While that is obviously an exercise in rhetoric, the sheriff is up for re-election next year.
From what I hear, it is likely that he will have an opponent.
Having an opponent who can unseat a popular incumbent, however, is something else entirely.


  1. IF anyony had the guts to write a letter to the state legislative auditor, then they would invesitiage this tax roll back and might, most likely find it was doen wrong. Why won't anyone in Bossier do that.

  2. LARRY DEEN HAS DONE AN AWESOME JOB!!! If anyone doubts that, just watch the evening news. His strategy of keeping the garbage across that damn river is WORKING!!!! KEEP IT UP LARRY!! The idiots looking to find kinks in his armor are doing what losers typically do!

  3. Say what you want about Deen. I will trust my safety and protection with him more than I would with those bums in Bossier City hall. LARRY DEEN HAS DONE AN AWESOME JOB! His operation exodus is forward thinking that will serve the citizens of this parish well when the crap hits the fan. Unlike bossier city where the motto is cut public safety so that monuments to personal interests and tennis courts are the priority.

  4. Anon @ 9;36 said, " Unlike bossier city where the motto is cut public safety so that monuments to personal interests and tennis courts are the priority." And what a nice tennis court, in north Bossier City, we have. Oh and we have a nice Cyber Innovation Center (9
    CIC) we have that isnkt veing used to its potential, because the damned thing was built before the Air Force announced it was going to place Cyber Command in San Antionio. I remember old Lo Walker being all giddy when the Secretary of the Air Force announcing Barksdale as the provisional Head Quarters for Cyber Command. Hell Lo Barksdale was already provisional headquarters when the announcement was made. Old Lo was so excited and said that was Air Force talk that Cyber Command was coming. Just how did you make full bird LoV
    ? Was it because of the Peter Principle: promote the inept to get them out of the way? Had to be.
    Funny that the CIC was built a short distance away from the Villagio, another adventure of the guy who built the Board Walk. Coincidental? I don't think so.

    Then there is the parking garage at the Board Walk... A multi-million dollar structure paid with city funds and built adjacent to a private entity, the !oard Walker. Rumors are there was some quid pro quo for that one? How do you like that big house for half price Lo?

    The list of b.s. in Bossier City Hall is almost endless. When election time comes its time ti clean out the nest of vipers and insist that the department head are replaced too.

  5. No one can beat Deen, but I hear that a former law enforcement official is going to try.

  6. Let him try if he can stagger away from the bar.

  7. Deen will decide who will be the next sheriff. It will be one of his boys. Maybe Bloxom. That is probably the better choice rather than Wittington.

  8. @Anonymous 12:35-

    Why don't YOU write the state legislative auditor? Or do you not have the guts?

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