
Friday, October 8, 2010

Bossier City Marshal Johnny Wyatt killed in car crash

I'm sad to report that Bossier City Marshal Johnny Wyatt has been killed in a one car crash.
The accident happened at I-220 and Shed Road.

I'll put in more details as they become available.


  1. Oh man! That's sad news, Jim.

  2. Yes it is, he was a good man.

  3. I don't know who you are "Jim" but posting this man's name without his family being notified first is pretty reckless of you. Nice job of journalism dude. Not even news sites have released it.

  4. @9:21......Mr. Wyatt's family was imediately notified. Do you even know who Johnny Wyatt is??? You obviously don't know Jim!!!

  5. I absolutely know who Wyatt is. I work in the media moron and to release his name without consent from the Bossier City police department is irresponsible journalism idiot.

  6. Anon @ 9:21, what knowledge do you have? How do you know that Mr. Wyatt's family has not been notified?

    Are you one of them, and just now found out by reading about it on this post?

    I doubt it. If you were, you'd be on the phone contacting family, not wasting valuable time (our time) with a silly comment like that.

  7. Oh, so you work in the media moron...

    That explains it. I mean, the sentence with the commas missing.

  8. I just heard the terrible news from a fellow deputy, looked online for some type of confirmation. Johnny was a good man and a good friend, he will be missed by many.

  9. Welcome to the age of technology anonymous "media worker". It's been posted all over Facebook since shortly after the accident occured. Many City of Bossier City employees have already posted the information. It doesn't make it right, but it's the age we live in. And really, name calling is not necessary, however, anger management sounds like it's in order!

  10. "I absolutely know who Wyatt is. I work in the media moron and to release his name without consent from the Bossier City police department is irresponsible journalism idiot."

    You work in the media and you're calling a blogger a journalist? That's rich.

  11. It is a very sad thing. Johnny Wyatt was a good person, we need more in office like him.

  12. Channel 12 has it on Twitter:
    "Sources tell KSLA News 12 that an elected official was killed in a car crash tonight. Watch KSLA News 12 at 10 for a live report on this breaking story."
    They don't want to give a name because they want to string everyone along to watch the news.

  13. Yeah, I kinda' got frustrated with anon at 9:21, and got off topic.

    Sorry. Shoulda kept my stupid mouth shut, and just felt badly for the family.

    He was a good man, and our prayers go out to his family, and many friends that will miss him.

  14. Since when is journalism responsible in this day and age? Jim is a blogger... He was only paying respect to a great man... You should have enough respect for the dead to keep your mouth shut!!!

  15. Sorry to hear this. As far as I know, he was a good man.

    @Andy - you should know about feeding the trolls. :)

  16. Anon @ 9:21 meant to say "I work in the moron media".

    As for Johnny Wyatt he seemed to have been a man who was truly dedicated to his mission. He looked like he would have been a man I would have like to have met.

  17. Spent some time today with johnny and he was in good spirts. He will be sorely missed.

    Trust me the family was aware.

  18. I saw him a couple of weeks ago. You know, he always seemed to be in a good mood. There wasn't a lot of negativity about him.

  19. JW died of a heart attack.The car cash was the result of the attack. He was a trained race car driver. PO sr.

  20. I suspected something like that. When I saw the news report I figured a heart attack, or stroke.

    Lord bless him, and his family. He was a good man.

  21. There are no words to comfort when death has taken someone beloved. There are no answers to the "Why?" My prayer for Mr. Wyatt's family is for the Peace of Christ to give comfort in the difficult days ahead, and that in the dark night of their soul, hope will remain.

  22. Knew Wyatt well. He was a good man. He always talked about his mission to protect children from internet sex crimes. He is a hero for what he has accomplished in this area as well as others. I would listen intently as he would get excited about another "bust" which meant another ignorant sex offender off the streets and off the internet. We lost a friend and leader, but his legacy will live forever. I also know that he was "saved" (had our Savior in his heart) and can now life forever with our Maker!

  23. He was such a good man - he will be sorely missed. He was one of our City leaders and a man that influenced many - he will not soon be replaced - i will miss him dearly.

  24. I was his hunting guide/ hunted with me years ago (which seems like yesterday) down in old Mexico for Whitewing Dove - left a lasting impression one hell of a guy! My condolences to the family. I travel quite a bit - I started thinking about Mr. Wyatt and started to look him up. Im real sorry for the loss.

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