
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Election Results - School Board

UPDATE: Jack Raley returns after defeating Mike Dooley.

UPDATE:  Barbara Rudd has defeated incumbent Lindell Webb in District 11.
Kay Padgett Byrd and Martin Bourgeois will meet in a runoff on Nov. 2.

UPDATE:  In District 9 with all precincts reporting, incumbent Eddy Ray Presley has 192 votes to 189 for Ed Jackson.
Kay Padgett Byrd is ahead in District 12, but a runoff could develop.
In District 11 Barbara Rudd is on the verge of defeating incumbent Lindell Webb.  One precinct is still out, but the vote is 391-348.

Allison Brigham has been re-elected in District 3.
Tammy Smith has been re-elected in District 4.
Glen Bullard has been elected in District 6.
Sandra Darby has been elected in District 10.

The other races are too close to call or too incomplete.
Sammy Kershaw is looking very, very good in Bossier Parish.
Cedric Glover is hovering around 49% in Shreveport with about 1/3 of the votes in.  If he can get 50% plus 1 vote he will be elected ouright.


  1. well - it appears that all the nay says - the mike tuckers - the evodna's - all the folks that predicted doom from the air repair crap - went completely bust tonight - the administration wins - the good ole boys win - even the lone negative webb loses - ha - i wish i could see ole gamblin addicted tucker's face tonight to see that he came in dead last - ha ha ha ha ha ha - what a joke - perhaps - he can get back to betting on black and woring about who is in his daughet's school fixin the ac

  2. truth detector comes in last in a race of 3 - go find some truth at your house if the ac is working

  3. hardly a victory. only 6.5 % of Bossier Population showed up to vote for the School board.

    6.5% decides the nitwits that run a $190,000,000.00 budget. 190 MILLION budget!! we deserve what we get!!.

    Appathy breeds socialism.

    Did you know that one of the employees for air repair was a convicted sex offender. He was allowed to put in ac units at bossier parish schools. The walk the halls with our kids. I challenge Jim to get anyone on the board to tell him what they have done to stop this.

    Nothing has been done to protect our kids and nothing will be done. This is a group of nitwits in charge of 190million. God save us from appathy.

  4. I agree with the last post. hardly a victory. 7500 voters out of 110,000 population. Not really an informed populace. Very complacent and appathetic. The school boards current budget is about $1800 per citizen of the parish per year. Plus all the cookie sales and t-shirt sales. What an inefficient system. Such a waste of capital. The ten million dollar fiasco with air repair cost each citizen about $90 dollars each.

    Bossier deserves what ever it gets from this crew. Such a waste of money.

  5. anon at 927: nothing has been done. do they do background checks for contractors employees? I doubt it. they just let them come on in. an accident waiting to happen.


  7. As I have said many times on this blog, the naysayers have no stroke in this community. They will not rally the troops - they will not get an effective organization - all they can do is point out the errors of others - send foia requests and grandstand. I can't wait to see the blog posts from the evodna's of the world on what is going to happen in city elections because of her goofy tirade about the apartment complex in south bossier - let me save you the trouble - nothing - as with the school board elections - the good people won - the misguided people lost - and it will be the same in the city and the parish elections - the people that have only one solution of "no" and make baseless allegations - keep failing - so nice to see their failure live - hope they slept good after taking such a public rebuke - ha

  8. Do you really think that the good people won? Do you really think elections rubber stamp ideals? Our school board wastes money. 6% vote, and 94% pay. The people that benefit from the current system will soon out number those that don't. The school board is one of our largest employers, and soon there will be no controlling the budget.
    This is socialism, redistribution of wealth from hard workers to people who "coach graduates". Such a waste.
    It would be ok if they were not funded by taxes.

    Fact: sex offenders roamed the schools putting in ficticious air conditioners.
    Fact: No one knows where the money is going.
    Fact: we spend more money per student than we ever have and we have fewer national merit scholars that caddo.
    Fact: No one holds them accountable, because everyone is reltated to someone that benefits from that payroll.
    Too bad those that we elected, are such cowards. No one stands up for the taxpayer anymore. Such a waste.

  9. We are alive a time when the press and governemnt have infiltrated each other. The press is supposed to watch the government and report facts to an educated population. Now the governemnt determined the level of education society gets, it controls society--the uneducated vote less and waste perpetuates itself. Federal, state and local levels this is present. First time in american history. Most likely will be our demise.

  10. I think that all the waywards should hide in the basement until armageddon comes - the rest of us will get back to living in the best parish in the state - and we will continue to support the leaders in all areas of government that make this the most progressive area in the south - btw - shreveport is in need of leaders like mike tucker, morgan johnson and evodna springer - i think you would fit in well with that sinking ship

  11. Sadly I think that some of what anon 11:20 said is true. Nothing will probably change when it comes time to elect new city leaders(city council,mayor). People seem to forget after some time goes by what has happened in the last year. It is my hope that we have some people that have the courage to at least get out there and run for office. I think everyone could agree that the current good ole boy regime at least at the city level is not working. The problem is I'm not sure their is anyone out there that will have the guts to stand up against what we already have. Do we have any viable candidates yet? If so who are they?

  12. Sadly I think that some of what anon 11:20 said is true. Nothing will probably change when it comes time to elect new city leaders(city council,mayor). People seem to forget after some time goes by what has happened in the last year. It is my hope that we have some people that have the courage to at least get out there and run for office. I think everyone could agree that the current good ole boy regime at least at the city level is not working. The problem is I'm not sure their is anyone out there that will have the guts to stand up against what we already have. Do we have any viable candidates yet? If so who are they?

  13. I think Jim posted some time back about a guy who is gonna run for state rep. that the good old boys dont want in there.

  14. And from what I hear he's going to have a good old boy running against him.

  15. I think Duke will take him. IMHO

  16. Jim give us your thoughts on the Bossier City elections. I know that there a ways away, but do you think it will be like the parish elections, or do you think there will be alot of changes. Do we know of anyone who is running? If so will they, in your opinion, do a good job?

  17. The biggest change, of course, will be a new mayor.
    Some on the council won't run again, and a couple of them will probably run for mayor.
    I think a couple of councilmen may be vulnerable. Overall, the barking is worse than the bite will be.
    The school board race is a good indicator, only one incumbent defeated, at least one just didn't have the heart for the battle.

  18. Oh, I do know a couple of people who are contemplating the run, and either or both would do a great job.

  19. I agree Jim. A lot of people want to gripe, but few are willing to do the job.

  20. Can you tell us who they are Jim? If you do know of people who are willing to give it a shot I think you should really encourage them to do so if you think they would be good for the city. It is a shame that our city is in the shape that it is in. If the current administration can't do any better than it has then it is time for a change.

  21. I'll ask them if they mind coverage at this point - but it is still 2 years away.

  22. When the rubber meets the road, those willing to serve their communities will continue to give of their time to make a difference and the rest will keep complaining about low turnout at the polls, blah, blah, blah. Nothing will ever change if people don't wake up and take charge. It's not just an issue in Bossier, it's a NATIONAL issue with our leaders in DC. Quit being complainers and be "fixers" of the problems! If you have a problem with our government, run for office and be a part of a "fix"!


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