
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chubbygate: The Conspiracy

The arrest of Bossier City Council Member James "Chubby" Knight on charges of bank fraud has, needless to say, created a lot of conversation and speculation.
"I've never done anything illegal," Bossier City Councilman Chubby Knight told KSLA.
Not so, says the Bossier City Police Department and the 26th JDC District Attorney.
The Police Department began their investigation when the bank that cashed the bogus check for Knight filed a complaint.
Knight’s attorney said that they know who is behind this ‘political vendetta’ to get Knight, but he’s not telling. According to the Times, the attorney said "This is all driven by the Bossier power bosses . . . . that machine wants you to know if you cross it, ... it will erase you, even your memory."
I don’t know how the big boys plan to erase the memory of Knight, but I’m interested to see.
In order to believe the conspiracy theory, you have to believe that:
  • Knight, after spending years in business and retiring back to Bossier City, could not recognize this scam when he saw it.
  • That he had no suspicion that the check was fraudulent, even though he took it to three different banks before getting it cashed.
  • That the ‘political machine’ influenced a Bossier City detective to work up the case against Knight.
  • That the police chief, Shane McWilliams, was involved in the conspiracy against Knight. I can assure you that the detective did not present the case to the DA without the approval of the chief.
  • That the DA joined in the conspiracy with the detective and the chief.
  • You have to believe that Knight’s attorney knows who is behind the conspiracy, he’s just not willing to tell anyone.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Who pulled the strings and got the detective, the chief and the DA to play along?  Or is this just a publicity stunt to get Knight and his attorney in front of the cameras?


  1. He's represented by Joel Pierce. Need I say more. Every client he has is involved in a conspiracy. Phillip Vernon??

  2. "that machine wants you to know if you cross it... it will erase you, even your memory."


    Sounds like something straight out of the X-Files. Good one. I hope these two keep em' coming. You can't buy this kind of entertainment, even in Imax or 3D!

  3. Everybody knows that the powers that be here in Bossier have one of them "memory eraser" machines.

    They keep it in a vault at the CIC. If I was Chubby, I'd be looking over my shoulder.

  4. The more Knight talks the more I find him to be stupid and a LIAR.

  5. I wonder if I could borrow the memory eraser. I need to use it on my wife.

  6. Anon @ 11:54, Nyuk!

    Dude, I'm 31 years married, and I don't think they make one heavy duty enough for my wife.

  7. Just so you know, I've never met Chubby Knight but I wholeheartedly believe he is innocent. First of all he had absolutely nothing to gain by knowingly cashing bogus checks. We're talking about a local business man/city councilman not some vagrant just passing through town. If you believe he knew better because of his vast business experience you must also believe that he knew that if he cashed bogus checks made out to him he would ultimately be responsible for them when it was discovered they were no good.

    You think Chubby Knight sought out and partnered up with these Nigerian con artists. Then after they cooked up their scheme they manufactured bogus checks. Chubby then had the checks mailed to him so that he could cash them here in the states and wire some of the money back to Africa. Who ultimately holds the key to whether charges will be filed? Answer--Schuyler Marvin. Need I say more?

  8. Trying to case Nigerian checks shows mental incapacity for elected office.

  9. "Chubby then had the checks mailed to him so that he could cash them here in the states and wire some of the money back to Africa." (actually went to California)

    Yep Ed, when you get to that point that's what happened. Whether you like Schuyler or not, it's a good prosecution. Unless our collective memories are wiped first, in which case he might slip through.

  10. You missed my point Jim. This is a very common scam that people all over the world get caught up in. And believe it not one of our local Benton citizens had this very thing happen to them except for it was for about three times as much but without any prosecution. As a matter of fact, there is not one case that I have found where this scheme has happened(and its happened hundreds of times)where the person(the mark) has been prosecuted. Whats so different with all the other DA's out there?

  11. So great Ed is convinced of Chubby's innocence - since he has never met him and has never seen the file. He must have similar powers to the "mind eraser" that City of Bossier City has. I love the Ed is not bitter and continues his frivolous rants against the DA's office. Ed could you please post your email address so i can send you a plea for your home address. You see - I am a foriegn diplomat that has just found a large bag of money orders, and if you will just send me your address, i will send these money orders to you. Please take them to a bank, cash them, and return a finders fee to me. If the bank refuses to cash them, keep going to other banks until you find a sucker, I mean a willing bank, to cash them. Be very persistent - even if the bank tellers tell you over and over - they are fake - just keep going around until you find a place to cash them. It will work - you will get rich quick with no strings attached.

  12. And by the way, whos the victim here?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anon @3:56. I hid my email address in a law book just to keep you from seeing it.

  15. Is that where you keep the old charter as well?

  16. Old Charter? Not a bit surprised your information is as bad as your ability to practice law.

  17. it must be cherubic chubby's mind eraser - it always makes me think old charter - and i hope it convince someone to grant me a law license - old charter and a law license would help me a bunch - thanks ed

  18. I bet old ed would have alleged coverup - favoritism and everything unethical is marvin had let Chubby walk - what a moron - ed and chubby - ha ha ha

  19. You better believe I'm going to call your ass out on all the unethical BS you pull. When you start something you better be willing to accept that the possible conclusion of what you started wont terminate when its convenient for you. It will live on for generations.

  20. Who exactly are you going to "call out on all the unethical BS"??? Please tell us all.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Whomever does anything unethical. And by the way, get a name, step out of the shadows and quit living your life as a meaningless coward.

  23. Who are these unethical people you speak of? Call their names if you aren't a coward. Since you are the king of all that is ethical and moral.

  24. I think my response to Jim speaks for itself. Look, my responding to an anonymous knownothing has come to a head. In the meantime I'll let Mr. Knight be exonerated and when I see something I dont like that I believe to be unethical, politically motivated, or wrong you'll see my pretty face again. Until then get a name.

  25. What ever happened to " Innocent until proven guilty"????

  26. Councilman Knight might not be guilty of any crime, but it is obvious that he is not very bright. And the con artists always depend upon human traits like gullibility, greed, and the desire to get something for nothing to attract their victims. In defending himself from the charges, Mr. Knight is demonstrating his lack of qualification for political office. Nevertheless, this is the first instance that I have ever heard of the victim of a scam being prosecuted. And I would not put anything past Marvin and his cohorts in the 26th District Attorney's Office.

  27. I think the difference here is that it sounds like they have bank people that told Chubby the checks were bad, but he did it anyway. That is what got him in trouble. HE even admitted he had doubts about the checks, I think it was the story on ktbs. And to believe it was a conspiracy, you would have to believe that all of those bank people are in on it too.

  28. Can Chubby plead guilty to being a dumbass? He's certainly guilty of it. He should resign immediately and let some 5th grader finish out his term. They obviously have more sense.

  29. The banks were in it on too! They don't want Chubby to be Mayor! The banks, the DA, the 26th JDC, the BCPD, the police chief, the entire city, and everyone in Nigeria is out to get Chubby.

    Isn't that normally some sort of paranoid delusional disorder? Perhaps Chubby needs to be placed in a nice "happy place" instead of being prosecuted...where he can quietly eat his checkers.

  30. Ed Burchett never knows very much about the issues in which he gets involved. I worked hard against his father's reelection efforts and he regualarly spewed info that was not only incorrect, but totally made up garbage.

  31. Fair enough then Clint, just name one issue. And if you cant name that issue then the rest of this board will know just how full of crap you are.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Wait a minute, dont see that anywhere. What about the issues you speak of?

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Clint, your argument is as weak as your masculinity. Try again.

  36. Clint, I removed your two remarks because at the time all of that transpired, I removed Ed's comments because the individual named asked me to remove his name from the comments.
    I'm doing the same here. You are welcome to repost your remarks without identifying the person.

  37. I understand Jim, but i'm not going to bother. I believe everyone on here can spot the village idiot when he arrives. Stand by for his rambling monologue.

  38. Chubbygate: The Conspiracy....LOL.

    Jim, I don't always agree, but this article is spot on. Using what some of us have, "common sense", it is obvious that if Chubby had gotta a check and tried to cash it not only would he be stupid but a victim of a scam. BUT the fact that Ole Chubby got a few checks, "had his doubts about them", went to two banks asking if they were legit (being told they were not), then cashing them makes him a crook.

    The fact that all three banks, the cops, the judges, and the DA are all in on it is played out and just plain stupid. Nobody believes you Chubby!!

    Edburchett, I am sorry but you are lacking in the common sense area. Please don't vote or offer your opinion to the public.

    The memory eraser!?!?!?, What the hell was that stupid stuff all about. Hi, T.

  39. Jim, I agree the prosecution is a good one, Good Job Mr. DA.

    If Mr. Knight had any dignity he would step down. Only an idiot would think this is a conspiracy, wake up morons; Elvis is dead, there is no bigfoot, Lee Harvey killed JFK, OJ killed Nicole, CHUBBY COMMITTED BANK FRAUD, period

  40. Wonder which cracker jack ADA Schuyler will put on this one. Hubba Hubba Hubba

  41. Hey Chubby, take your ball and go home. your a loser, and a criminal, stop kidding yourself.


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