
Friday, December 17, 2010

City Marshal Race: experience vs. experience

Now that Sam Wyatt has indicated that he will run for Bossier City Marshal, a race is beginning to shape up.  Lynn Austin, who served at one time as police chief, has announced his candidacy.  Austin served as interim chief for a couple of months after Mike Halphen retired and before Shane McWilliams was named chief.  He also has served as Lo Walker's right hand man as the city's CAO.
Wyatt has more recent police experience, particularly in the area of sex crimes, which has been a project of the Marshal's office.
A couple of other people have expressed interest in the race, including Carl Richard, a Shreveport Deputy Marshal.


  1. Which candidate are you backing? It appears that the answer is Wyatt...not a bad choice!

  2. Sam Wyatt is smart, experienced, educated and would be a fantastic City Marshall. Lynn Austin is just more Bossier Politics. Humm, which should we choose?

  3. Didn't Wyatt post previously that he wasn't going to run? Did I imagine that?

  4. I support anyone not connected with the present city government. Politicians or dept heads

  5. I predict Austin wins big.

  6. Anon @ 2:59 were you referring to a hair dying contest?

  7. I know that i saw a post by sam wyatt indicating that he was endorsing Lynn Austin - is he flaky or is he dilusional. I also heard that the Sheriff told Sam Wyatt and Carl Richard seperately that he would support each of them for City Marshall - ha - I bet when Lynn Austin wins big - the shaky crazy eyed red head will say he was behind him the whole time

  8. Austin was a police officer, then Police Chief, then worked security for the School Board, then worked as Lo Walker's right hand man, and now wants to be City Marshal. Talk about feeding from the public trough!!

  9. We need new leadership in Bossier. Austin is too connected. Good Ole Boy Politics has kept the area down for too long. When I moved here 10 years ago, I couldn't believe the croynism. It needs to change.
    Sam has my vote

  10. Commenting just to subscribe to comments.

    HA! Word verification: shithy

  11. Well Andy maybe some people comment just to give their thoughts and not to promote their own website.

  12. Andy said...
    Commenting just to subscribe to comments.

    HA! Word verification: shithy

    December 18, 2010 12:42 AM

    If you are so against anonymous postings and want people to give their name how come we don't know your last name? Sort of hypocritical don't you think?

  13. Well Anonymous at 2:37 am, I do not have an opinion on this race. However, I am interested in reading what others have to say about it.

    If I subscribe to follow-up comments, I get an e-mail containing the comment. That way I don't have to keep coming back to check.

    I could have written, "They're all good men," subscribed to comments, and left it at that. But, I was told by Jim once to just comment as I did if I was interested in the subject.

    Anonymous at 2:52: Anyone that has visited my pitiful little blog for a few times knows who I am.

    My name is Andy Reeves. For all but 4 of my 51 years, I've lived in Bossier. I live at 1020 Whittington St., in Bossier now, as I have for the past 14 years. My phone number is 318-469-0107.

    What's yours?

    Now that we've got that out of the way, I'm interested in who to vote for in this race. Ya' happy?

  14. I know him, his names Anonymous Q. Asshat.

  15. Hey, not lowalker, thanks for identifying him. In fact,I've met that guy.

  16. notlowalker: In the post previous to yours you're saying you know Andy and you're calling him Anonymous Q. Assshat?

  17. Andy and some of the posters sound like they're in kindergarten. Let's discuss the race for Marshal. If they post under anonymous so be it. They could put any name and nobody could be sure if that is their name or not. e.g.They could put "Bill" and their real name is "Joe".

  18. Somebody's got WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS.

    I'm just trying to find out some info here about who I should vote for.

    And, I also found another picture of A.Q.A...and he's got his buddies with him, too.

  19. Oooops! I forgot to address the comment from another Anonymous.

    Yes, occasionally I do slip back to my juvenile self. For that I apologize, Anonymous at December 18, 2010 5:19 PM.

    So, who you gonna vote for, and why?

  20. Andy I'm trying to decide and thought Jim's blog and the ideas here might help me decide.

  21. I am not any of the anonymous posters on this thread so far. But the reason that I am anonymous when I post is that my name is James Smith, but I am not that James Smith, and I am not the other one that you have heard about either. There are probably many reasons that a person might not state their name, but when you have the same name as numerous other people, it would generate confusion to give your name.

  22. I believe the race will be between Austin and Wyatt. Richard has too many skeletons. Austin is a retired police chief, then retired from school board, then retired from ???. When does greed play a factor in this. How many retirements is enough. Austin is not a bad guy, but come on, you've had your time, now it's Sammy's time.

  23. Sam is the only choice!!

  24. I predict Austin 57, Wyatt 37, Richard 6 percent - Austin wins first round - Wyatt set up to replace Austin if he does not get nasty, Richard embarrassed and so damaged by his skeletons that he cant even get his job back at the City Marshall's office in Shreveport

  25. If you vote for personal reasons than your not a team player. Who has the most experiance and who can lead this dept. in the right direction... Austin. He is a proven leader.


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.