
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Council hopefuls pulling the strings

A lot of politicking is going on in Bossier City right now, and it’s not all for City Marshal. Although that is the only election scheduled in the early part of this year, it’s not the only position that is available for the taking.
The District 5 council seat currently held by James ‘Chubby’ Knight will be vacated on March 31st and a successor to Knight will be appointed to the council until an election can be held, which will be in October. People who are interested in the position have been asked to submit resumes for the council to consider.
I already speculated that, in my opinion, one of two former council members will be appointed. First, Larry Hanisee, who served previously on the council and was narrowly defeated by Knight for the seat in the last election, has submitted his resume.
Dr. James Rogers, who filled the position prior to Knight’s election, has also been mentioned. He has not turned in a resume.
Businessman Tommy Harvey, who has owned the UPS store on Airline Drive since 2008, also wants to be considered for the position.
Another candidate is longtime Police Chief Mike Halphen, who indicated last year when he retired that he was going to consider an elective office.
Educator Elliott Knowles, former director of the Rutherford House, also has submitted a resume.
Marsha McAllister, who ran for the at-large city council seat against incumbents David Montgomery, Jr. and Tim Larkin, has announced that she will run for the seat in October. She came in at 20% of the citywide vote for the position, which wasn’t bad for a first run, particularly in a citywide election. So far, she has not turned in a resume but I wouldn’t be surprised if she does.
Anything could happen in the next couple of months, but at this early point in the process I am hearing that Hanisee is already the front runner.
Time will tell.


  1. I should think that Hanisee would be the front runner. When they drive someone crazy and destroy his health running him out of office, it is bound to be the one that he defeated in the election that they are trying to get into the office.

  2. In response to the sign, no he is not missed yet.

  3. Funny thing he was out on the town the other night and was in the same state he was when he left if you know what I mean.

  4. How did the council run anybody out of office? His problems were with the court system. Crazy!!!

  5. In reference to the poster, "Miss Me Yet?", I would like to respond, since I did actually work under him. My response is not no but HELL NO.

    Hope Halphen does run, He'll find out how well he is really liked.

  6. Tommy Harvey is one hell of a good guy, I hope he does run.

  7. Is David Jones running in his district again? If so, is anyone running against that idiot. He might be the most arrogant man I have ever seen.

  8. What did David Jones do to make you feel that way?

  9. Well Jim I was in a Mcdonalds one time and saw David Jones flip a lady off one time. The lady was in line, and I guess Jones needed something after he got his food. He walked up to the front counter and cut in line in front of the lady. She said something to him, and as he was walking out the door he gave her the finger. I saw this with my own two eyes. I think he is just an arrogant man with a power complex. I would really love for someone to run against him in that district which by the way I live in. I doubt anyone will just because Jones is in the good o'l boy network here in Bossier City. I'm not sure if anyone would have the guts to run against him.

  10. If I'm not mistaken, he said he wouldn't seek another term. I could be wrong, but I believe that is the case.
    I wouldn't be surprised to see him run for mayor in 2013.

  11. Jim,

    Like I told you in 2009' I will not run for anything after

    This term.


  12. Okay folks, you can stop kicking David around, he's done after this term.

  13. Halphen was good ole boy who appointed his friends/drinking buddies to high positions in the department. Good thing the new chief dosen't keep that policy. (Cough, cough) At least the new chief comes to work sober. As far as the city council race, does it really matter? They are all the same

  14. Halphen running for an elected position???? Well if it's not for city council or for city marshall or for sheriff, what the hell could it be?? the only thing I can say is congratulation Bossier City/Parish... he ruined one department, now he's trying to ruin another!!!!!!!

  15. Halphen is running for for an elected position! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... doesn't he know all the hard working people in this parish are sick and tired of him, larry dean and the rest of the good ol boys. We are trying to run them out of this parish to south louisiana with the rest of the crooked politicians!!!!

  16. Like David Jones or not, he's one of the few councilmen that has the ability and connections to get stuff done. Too many other council members just ride the train for several terms and produce nothing. The scary question is who will replace him and is he or she able to produce????

  17. What is the good old boy network? Did the voter vote and elect these people? YES. Do you have a problem with honoring the voters voice!

  18. At least he has the guts to stand up to Shreveport. Hope someone will on the trash issue.

  19. @ January 28, 2011 6:44. The new chief coming to work sober is about all that has changed.

  20. Do the Bossier City Council Members even read this blog?
    If so, I truly hope you are listening to the people you are representing!
    You have the opportunity to fill the District 5 seat with a honorable Bossier City business owner, a USAF (retired) CMSGT, a leader that would lead from the front and by example and with someone that is "NOT", a member of the "GOOD OLE' BOY" system!
    The more research, as a "District 5" member that I am doing, the more I would like to say to the councilmen, that your choice should be a easy one!
    "Tommy Harvey"' as stated above by someone else, is a hell of a choice and one that Bossier City District 5, would be honored to have represent us!
    Good Luck, Tommy Harvey...hopefully the council members are reading our opinions.
    I happen to know your wife Paulette, your daughter Belinda and that beautiful grandaughter Kaleigh. You'd be a great asset to the citizens of Bossier City!

  21. I just hope that people will remember what this city council and mayor have done to this city. Someone posted about David Jones being someone that "can get things done" in the city. Well, we know he can vote for the mayor's budgets every year that got the city in the trouble it's in now. The citizens can NOT forget the layoffs in the Police, Fire, and other departments within the city.

  22. The best thing for Bossier City and Bossier Parish is to flush out city hall and the parish courthouse which have become full of turds.

  23. This City and Parish needs to be consolidated then we could have less people to pay and less people wasting our money

    then we could flush the toliet only once

  24. Speaking of that -

    We need to consolidate Bossier City and Bossier Parish.

    Then split Bossier and Webster -

    what a savings - a big savings

  25. Does anyone have any insight as to who all submitted their resumes for the council seat?


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