
Friday, January 21, 2011

Rollin' with the Big Dawgs

First Buddy Roemer and now Scott Tubbs. Buddy said he was considering running for president, Tubbs says that he is.
There is a little difference in the two individuals, however. Roemer is a former governor of Louisiana and is pretty well known in Republican circles. That’s not to say that he could be successful, but who knows?
Tubbs, on the other hand, currently owns a used appliance store in Bossier City. He has a checkered background, including that pesky conviction for arson.
He does like to roll like a big dawg though, as witnessed by this video he put up on his YouTube page a couple of months ago. He also has a website.
KTBS also has a story about his announcement.


  1. I think Barbara Norton oughta run.

  2. If she can refrain from cussing out the policemen at this year's Black History parade maybe she will.

  3. Poor Scott Tubbs has lost his mind and i cant believe channel 12 gave him a platform - what an imbicile. He is a nobody to anyone other than himself - how sad.

  4. ha. i actually used ktbs' coverage of tubbs in class today. nice way to illustrate the difference between whether a person can run for potus (i.e., meets the constitution's qualifications) and whether they should. plus it was good for a laugh. most of the kids thought the guy was a joke.

  5. Wheeler, it is bizarre. Great lesson for the kids though.

  6. I keep reading and hearing about Buddy Roemer running for president and everytime it is followed up with "he is very well known in republican circles." i didn't think he was that well known. I had forgot he existed until now. Both of these guys better hurry up and write a book. That is one of the qualifications now isn't it, that you write a book? Buddy may have a book out, but I bet it was old, so he would need a new one. Seriously though, I see Buddy more as a running mate. But as it usually seems to work out, only a northern or east or west coast or Alaskan candidate would choose him to draw in the southern vote. For that reason I don't see huckabee or jindal choosing him. But I could be wrong. Maybe Edwin Edwards will choose him for the first dem/repub ticket. All them dead folks from new Orleans would vote for this ticket.

  7. Darrell, I think Buddy is well-known in Republican circles. In fact, at a very crucial point in the 2008 campaign he stepped in to help his buddy McCain the Loser stay in the race.

    I did a short post about it.

  8. Thanks for the article Andy. I didn't know all that. Of course I had not heard of Barak Obama until he ran, so it is not such a far reach that someone could rise to the top.

  9. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. This may be a last ditch effort to save a struggling business.

  10. This guy is the BIGGEST douchebag EVER. He is not only creepy, but apparently outside of his mind. Surely he'll call his car in stolen and then set it on fire for the insurance money. Again.

  11. Scott Tubbs did what he wanted all of you to do "Trash Him" the post,blogs,comments left by you and others got his name out there where he was noticed by a political group out of Texas where they expect to raise about 2.4 million it was on CNN. I'm really not a fan of the guy but people against him SHUT THE F**K Up and stop giving him ATTENTION you all played into his trap, Think before you post next time

  12. Yeah Jim! Think before you post next time!!!


  13. I just want to roll with the homies, I want a ride in the SUV with the bodyguards. Then we'll see who messes with My Bossier! We might make a run over by Andy's house.

  14. Nyuk! Bring it on, Dude!

    Hey, if I decide to run for President will you help me raise 2.4 mil, too?

  15. Durn tootin', but from now on I charge 20%!

  16. Wow! I just saw the video, shared it with my whole office, and saw more laughter than we have had here in ages! Thanks Scott for being goofy enough to think you are remotely qualified for the position and then videoing it for our entertainment. Your own community isn't going to back you for President, but they would probably send you a few bucks to make another stupid video for us!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. It seems people in bubbaville LA are jealous of this guy, but like someone said in a post keep up the post, it's funny how stupid you all must be, this guy I'm sure will profit from a book or something the more critical of any public figure the more people follow that person, it's DRAMA AMERICA loves it I'd like to know how much $$$ he makes off all the Negative comments, Mr. Tubbs good move and great marketing move, the old saying is true the smart & rich, get rich off the poor and stupid

  18. Go Scotty Tubbs were behind you all the way like the last comment stated somebodys jealous, we know you have a big heart and helped many people time and time again, remember people will always be against you and what you stand for, we will never forget you and Kelly for all the help. To everyone out there Scotty as we call him gave his time and money to 1st jump in the water to pull my mother out after she drowned from Hurricane Katrina,then donated 8500.00 to lay her to rest.
    David and Lilly Vincent

    1. If you think Scott Tubbs is a good guy. You must think Hitler is a hero. Blind and. Dumb you are: Scott is about to get everything he deserves. It’s only taken about 10 years to get his karma. But he will be repaid fully for his karmic debts. 2019 is not going to be a good year for Anthony Scott Tubbs

      Yes I am anonymous
      And We are legion
      We do not forgive
      We do not forget

  19. Wheeler

    so you're a TEACHER? I think you should stick to the lesson plan & not involve yourself or the student-body

  20. Scott has helped no one. He has destroyed lives. He is currently destroying a friend of mine life. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He wants money and will do anything to get it. He has scammed so many people. Ruined lives, destroyed families. He is going to get what is coming to him

  21. This is Anonymous
    We are Legion
    We do Not Forgive
    We do Not Forget

    Anthony Scott Tubbs,
    You have our full attention.
    We apologize to the victims of this lump of a human being.
    We wished we could have helped sooner.
    2019 will be a year of change for this despicable excuse for a human life.

    Tread Lightly all associated with Mr. Tubbs
    For you too, are on the list

    All will be revealed soon. As the black web exposes all. And that is our playground. We know where you hide about. And you can hide no more. Anything you have done to a family this year (2019) Mr. Tubbs, I suggest you make it right. You have 15 days before your life and accomplices are exposed


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.