
Monday, March 14, 2011

Bossier High School 4-A Basketball Champions

Congratulations to the Bossier Bearkats on winning the 4-A State Championship yesterday.
The Bearkats beat Peabody 59-48.


Bossier Press Tribune

Shreveport Times

WWL TV (New Orleans)

KALB (Alexandria)

The News-Star (Monroe)

WLOX (Biloxi, Gulfport, Pascagoula)

The News Star (Monroe)

USA Today

WXVT (Greenville, Ms)


  1. Congratulations, indeed! If I heard the news report right on KEEL, it was 51 years ago that the Bearkats won a State Title in Roundball.

    Heck, that would have been the year I was hatched. And, I'm old.

    Good on y'all, BHS!

  2. You're an old Bearkat youself, aren't you?

  3. REAL OLD BEARKAT...and getting older by the minute.

    I'm really very, extremely happy that our boys whipped Peabody, too!!!

    I remember sitting in the stands at Walbrook Park, and watching our Bearkat Baseball Team get beat by Peabody for the State Championship in 1972 (roughly). I think it was 1972, because I still had not trod the hallowed halls of BHS as a student. I was still in Junior High (now knowed as Rusheon Middle School), but it was a big deal to go see our famous BHS 'Kats that had not lost any baseball games that season play for the 3-A Championship against Peabody.

    If my memory serves, we lost 3-1 to those miserable, worthless, good for nothing cheaters from Elec. Could be wrong. Probably am. But, I know we lost.

    So, it is with extreme satisfaction that I give kudos to the Bearkats for whipping Peabody's fanny...and making 'em like it.

  4. Jim,

    Courtesy of Mr. Darby we will be recognized tomorrow.


  5. Couldn't have been 1972, Andy. In 1972 Minden beat undefeated Bossier for the state championship and the game was in Minden. They were in the same district and Bossier had beaten Minden either three or four times during the season. But Minden won with a no-hitter by Ronald Martin.

  6. Hey Anon, must have been '71, or '73. Not really sure. But, somebody knows. Maybe they'll chime in.

  7. BTW, I remember that there was a stretch of three or four years about that time where BHS went undefeated each season, and lost the champeenship each year.

    I didn't know that one of those years it was to Minden. Learn something new every day.

  8. I am happy for the Bossier Bearkats on their victory.


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