
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Candidate Forum: Mark Toloso for Police Jury District 2

Mark Toloso has announced that he will seek the Police Jury District 2 seat.
I have been a resident of Bossier Parish for 48 years, living in District 2 for the past 19 years. I graduated from Parkway High School in 1973 and began serving Bossier Parish as a Sheriff's Deputy in 1977, retiring in 2008 as Captain. I want to continue serving Bossier Parish as Police Jury representative for District 2.
I am married to Janet Middleton Toloso. I am blessed with a daughter, Ashleigh, two step-children, Kimberly and Avery and two grandsons, Avery and Robert.
I will meet with Mark sometime in the next couple of weeks and do a complete profile on him.  If you have any questions you would like me to ask him, leave them in the comments section.
Here is a link to the maps of the new districts.  You'll have to enlarge when you get to the page to make sense of it.


  1. I have a question for Mr. Toloso, I would like to know why he thought it was necessary to hound Mr. McConnell in this blog. I hope he runs a better campaign against his opponent than that. Huh "MAT".

  2. Bill R, how do you know for a fact that he is that person?

  3. Commenters, please keep it to the subject at hand. If you have questions you would like me to ask, feel free. Don't turn this into a McConnell-Whittington forum please.

  4. Hey Jim,
    Where is Dist. 2?

  5. Haughton, I'll look for a map online and post it

  6. I added a link to the new district maps in the body of the post.

  7. Mark Toloso, LOL!
    If Vol Dooley ever stopped quickly, Mark Toloso would have broken his nose.

  8. That was 24 years ago, you can't do better than that?

  9. I can do better than that.... If Scary Larry D were to stop quick, he would bury his nose deeeeeep on him too!!!!

  10. I guess we know now why he recently retired then. What was job at BPSO?

  11. Anon @7:37,
    What was his job at BPSO? That's a damned good question that's yet to be answered.

  12. If he was close to Larry Deen. I'm sure it didn't involve fighting crime or making arrest.

  13. I don't usually post on this site but had to respond to this one. Do ya'll even know what the Police Jury does? They have nothing to do with fighting crime or making arrests. I have known Mark Toloso for years and he is an honest, hard working man. If I am in his district, he has my vote.

  14. Anon @ 6:25,
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, That's a good one!

  15. I was around during the decades some of you are talking about.
    Every sheriff has a deputy with him wherever he goes during working hours. The sheriff makes the choice and assigns the deputy to this job. If the deputy wants to keep his job and provide for his family he will do as the sheriff wishes.You don't ask for this job you are chosen. Thus the phrase "here to serve at the pleasure of the sheriff".
    These deputies are hand picked for their ability to converse with the public and represent the sheriffs department in a positive light.
    I remember deputy Toloso..he taught our kids DARE and served our parish well as a patrolman for many years before he climbed the ranks.I wish him well.

  16. 5/28 7:02
    I guess every man has their price. But is it the "right" thing to do?

  17. Looks like Sheriff Deen is trying to to hang on to any power he has left.

  18. Mark Toloso needs to be held accountable for all his employment record as a BP Deputy. Is anyone
    interested how many times he has been sued while in the employment of Larry Deen?

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I let the first of your five comments stand. Perhaps you can tell us how many judgments were entered against Mr. Toloso and for what.

  24. haughton greatgrandJune 1, 2011 at 5:05 PM

    looky here, i dont now this mark toloso fella but it seems to me he aint well liked. i wols like to konw why he aint liked.

  25. How many times has he been sued &
    for what reasons ?

  26. If things go true to form, when these bloggers don't like somebody, the general public does - and they will win.

  27. Only because they have been hoodwinked!

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Annon for obvious reasonsJune 2, 2011 at 6:36 PM

    I have worked as BPSO for many years so let me set the story straight about Capt. Mark Toloso. He spent his whole career as a "Yes Man" to Deen and even though he had rank, he supervised no one. He is a pretty boy and nothing else. He never really policed or arrested anyone and he worked DARE. Never really made his mark on anything. Just a constant "Yes Man" and that is what he would be as a Police Juror.

  30. He maybe a yes man but he is also
    one who does not tell the truth. I certainly do not think we need him on our police jury or even in any other job of authority.

  31. I totally disagree with the last post. If Mark Toloso does not tell the truth then he will fit in well with the rest of the police jurors. They all need to go.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. ok I'll put a legitimate post on this. What are his plans and what kind of changes does he plan to bring. How many police jury meetings has he attended in the past.And most importantly why does he want to be a police juror

  34. Good questions, I'll be talking to him Sunday and will find out.

  35. 7:02 AM,

    What decades are you talking about? I was a deputy in the
    1980's, under Dooley and Deen, and I never remember him being the sheriff's right hand man. As a matter of fact, I don't remember him ever being in the top echelon of the department. Yes, he did become a captain, but captains aren't hard to find within the department, because there is so much rank, but no valid rank structure. The last job I knew him to have, at the rank of captain, was to ride around local businesses and "check" on work release prisoners.

    But I always knew him to be a perfect yes man.

  36. Anon @ June 2, 2011 1:20 PM said, "If things go true to form, when these bloggers don't like somebody, the general public does - and they will win."

    Your way of thinking is one reason Bossier City and Bossier Parish is run by Good Ole Boys. I, unfortunately, know the people running the city and parish, and I'm not proud of that fact. What you're reading concerning bloggers not liking somebody are people who do know these rats and what they are up to but can't divulge their identity for fear of retribution.

    It is people like you who will help perpetuate the problem of allowing dishonest people continue screwing and ripping off the honest people in Bossier City and Bossier Parish.

  37. Anon, 6:57, are you saying that Mr. Toloso is dishonest, or that just because he had been around awhile he must be dishonest?

  38. If he wont say it, I will...

  39. Anon @ 8:05, where did I even mention Mr. Toloso? My comment was about the rats already in power in Bossier City and Bossier Parish.

    But since you're bringing up Mr. Toloso, let me say this.
    I do know Mark Toloso and being a "yes man" doesn't mean he's dishonest.

  40. I know for a fact that he lies to cover larry deens butt and that he is not smart enough toget out of the rain. I wish some one in authority would get a work history on this man about how many times he has been sued and what was his employment before he became a deputy. I love this parish and we do not need someone with abosutely no code of ethics and a complete disregard for the truth. to bad any idiot can run for public office, rocket scientist he is not.

  41. I had a meeting with the administrator of this site today and he will be posting on our meeting soon. I will be glad to answer any direct questions about my career as well as my work history, after it is posted.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. At BPSO, it's the only way to move up the ladder. That's funny. I don't care who you are.

  44. Mark, are you sure you want to take direct questions in this forum? You might go home with your tail between your legs.

    This requires an answer please.

  45. Bill R, I am not afraid to answer direct questions that pertain to the election, Or my ability to serve the citizens of Bosseir parish.

  46. What about your personal life, you didn't mention that. Hiding something?

  47. Jim, I'll save you the time and copy and paste: "This post has been removed by a blog administrator."

  48. Thanks, I hate doing that . . .

  49. A simple I don't really like him! would better serve your character and maybe readers would read your facts of record you have the need to present. I do not know Mr. Toloso but his right to pursue the challenge of running period shows character and mental strength, with bloggers like yourself he will need them!!!!
    Reminds me of the main object of the Civil War, where we fought for a Right to have Rights, since the North was calling all the Shots!! He has that Right, Thank God!

  50. MAT is that you?

  51. I live in district 2, and when the current PJ brought up to have the speed limit raised on my street, I called him. The response was "we had complaints that the speed limit was too low.... I drove that road, and it's hard to stay at 25." Humm.... been doing it for 20 years I can stay at 25. The the people complaining??? Guess they got a ticket! ITS RESIDENTIAL, very narrow road -- not a cut through to town of Haughton!

    Mark you have my VOTE!!!

  52. Anon. 2:39, Thank You.

  53. All we are doing out here in Haughton is trading one crook for another.

    Please someone else throw their hat in the ring.

  54. I agree, Mark Toloso aint worth a plug nickle. Worked for the Bossier Sheriff's Department... thats a hoot. He aint never worked. All he has ever done is cause problems.

  55. Why would we want to replace Glenn Benton when he has done such a good job? And what does Mr. Toloso have to say about the Barry Elliott case??? Did have anything to do with it? LMBO!

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  57. The Bedingfield's aren't going away as easy as you thought from what I hear. Barry Elliott never should have lost his life either. I just would like to kown what all have you and larry Deen covered up or tried to. Maybe just maybe the truth will come out about what really happened to Trey Bedingfield. I have known this family for a long time and it is an absolute disgrace want happened to their son. What scares me is that it could happen again to another family if the persons reaponsible are not held accountable. Mr. Toloso how would you like to be that sick and totally dependent on your warden not letting you have medical attention until it was to late?

  58. Thank God he lost. I did everything I could and talked to everyone I knew regarding Mr. Toloso. Who a person is and how he acts and that tells the truth about his values and Mr. Mark Toloso has no regard for the truth.

  59. This website really has all of the information and facts I wanted concerning this subject and didn't know who to ask.
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