
Friday, June 24, 2011

No Fireworks

No Fireworks for Bossier Parish, Bossier City or City of Shreveport. 


  1. It's so dry out, I had to start using plastic forks and knives while eating because of the sparks that came from the metal ones could start a fire.

  2. What about the fireworks show on the Red River?

  3. Jim does this mean you have to shut down your blog?

  4. I think we might try to fire off something next week Andy!

  5. Another example of Government choosing to restrict the freedoms we enjoy in this country. I understand safety was a factor in the decision but get tired of our leaders infrigning on the rights of citizens to enjoy such a past time. Not to mention, the restricting of those who rely on the income generated by the sale of such. They will not re-evaluate this issue as the holiday nears and there will not be a change in the decision made. This comment by those in charge is only giving vendors and citizens false hope. It's really sad that they restrict those responsible users of such a time honored tradition. Punish those who are the real problem instead. We must remember these decisions made by our local officials this election year.

  6. Anon @ 7:43,
    If the "freedom grabbing government" doesn't ban fireworks during this extreme drought, they will be acting irresponsible.
    Have you been paying attention to the news? I'll step out on a limb and say, "AAAAAAH, NO!"
    There are wildfires in various parts of the south from Arizona to North Carolina. Just last week Caddo Parish, and a couple of places down south, were fighting wildfires.
    I for one am not willing to risk losing my house and all the possession I spent a lifetime working for, just so Billy Bob can shoot off bottle rockets. Every 4th of July and New Years my backyard is full of remnants of something that flew from so jackasses yard spraying flaming sparks as it flew over half the neighborhood.
    I don't mind picking up the fireworks trash after a night of shooting fireworks, when there's no drought. I'm just not willing to pick through the ashes of what's left of my house.

  7. Well said 8:09. I'm not happy with our local government right now but I will they made the right call on this one.

  8. Anon @ 7:43, if you understand the safety factor, that should have been the end of your argument. Anon

  9. Anon 7:43

    Thanks for the craziest comment of the week. How smart would you feel if your family was injured in a house fire because trucks were scattered putting out grass fires. Foolish statements.

  10. oh my! after bar-bqing all day sucking all the bud lights we can hold what will we do to show evryone and our kids how a real man does fireworks. missed chance now but new years is just around the corner. SIGH!!!

  11. Jim,
    You really do bring out the IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @ 8:09

    As stated in my comment, "responsible users" should not be punished and not allowed to enjoy such a time honored tradition. It's people like you who spoil the fun for others and side with big government trying to control the lives of citizens by restricting activities in which you choose not to participate in. As also stated that I understand the safety aspect of the decision but am merely frustrated with the fact that government has the power to make such decisions as they please. Making decisions as easily as this only enables them to begin restricting other activities in the future. There will be fireworks shot this holiday season with or with the approval I promise you. Those who choose will travel to neighboring Parishes to make their purchases, promoting their economy not ours, and return to their homes to pop them. I simply do not agree with government controlling our lives in such a manner.

  14. Anon @ 4:40, I understand where you are coming from. Really, I do. This is a small issue in the big scheme of things, I know.

    Responsible users get screwed over by climate, too.

    It's a damn tinder box out there. I could tell a long story about how the BCFD had to come to my In-Laws' house to put out a grass fire caused by some really, really, good folks that Mama Nature played an evil trick on...wind/drought/etc.

    Lookit, I'm all for getting the gubmit out of our business. But, the FD has better things to do than run all over the country hosing down errant bottle rockets that caught pine trees a' blazing.

    Trust me, I know (and I'm pretty sure you do, too).

    Liability is paramount these days. If somebody gets killed in a trailer house in Haughton because a Roman Candle got shot by a Haughtonian, and it sparked up a pine tree, and cotched the trailer on fire, you can bet your bottom dollar that every gubmit agency in the vicinity will get blamed, and sued.

    It is what it is.

  15. Anon @ 7:43,

    Let's see. Just yesterday a brush fire erupted in Alabama and another in Oklahoma, and they both consumed several acres and houses before the fire departments could respond.

    I don't like the government any more than the next guy, but if they have to step in and stop those who are too stupid or selfish to realize they are placing others in danger, I say more power to them.

  16. The government is responsible for public safety and this is a public safety issue. Stop whining about fireworks.

  17. Anon at 5:54,


  18. Dang Jim, you catch hell for everything!

  19. That's what makes it so much fun ~

  20. And, Jim's got cooties, too!

  21. Knock yourself out 8:09 because where you by them does not effect the citation you will recieve for firing them. You will surely woo the judge . . . then go pay the ticket.

  22. Andy, circle circle dot dot - remember that one?

  23. It's true about the liability thanks to the lawyers.

  24. I'm all for shooting fireworks, I enjoy them myself. With the government aside how would you feel if you accidently burned your neighbors house. And lawyers didn't make liability the law did. It is only responsible as an adult not to shoot them and teach our kids that sometimes our rights much be infringed on to protect the masses.If not being able to shoot fireworks is what ruins your holiday then you need to grow up a little. Even my daughter understands why we can't shoot them and she's only 12

  25. Anon @ 8:45,
    It's not 8:09 who is going to buy fireworks. I'm 8:09, and I agree with the ban for puclic safety reasons. It's some irresponsible Bubba who is wanting to shoot them.

  26. Heh! Yeah, I remember that one, Jim.


  27. HEY, I resent that. Leave Bubba out of this. HUH ANDY!!!

  28. I'm not gonna shoot fireworks. I'll just have to get more ammo to shoot instead. :-)

  29. Bubba,
    8:09 didn't mean you. He said some "irresponsible" Bubba.

  30. Thats better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. The freedom for the neigbors to set my house on fire with bottle rockets and Roman candles is not what I call freedom. The insurance industry should be in court trying to get an injuction or restraining order to prevent any fireworks in residential areas. The fireworks show over the Red does not upset me, because I don't think they will set the river on fire unless there has been a petroleum spill.

  32. Old news, but Louisiana Downs firework show is canceled. Maybe we should reschedule Independence day for later in the year like we do for neighborhood night out. Maybe sometime in October when it's not 100 degrees out.


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