
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Early impressions on the fall elections

Just some personal opinions on what I see happening right now. It's still 5 weeks until qualifying and 3 months until elections, but a lot of campaigning is already going on.

House District 8
This is the seat that Jane Smith is vacating due to term limits. Duke Lowrie was the first to announce, and then Jeff Thompson. Some signs are going up on both sides, and some door to door.
Lowrie has been working hard and knocking on doors with volunteers. I haven't heard so much about Thompson doing this, but I'm sure he is.
With two candidates who have never held office before, Lowrie a businessman and retired firefighter, and Thompson an attorney, I have thought from the beginning that the seat would go to the person who wanted it the most and worked the hardest.
From what I can tell to date, this would be Lowrie.
The battle is not always to the strongest, or the race to the swiftest (but that's the way to bet).

House District 9
Has anyone even announced against Henry Burns? I don't think so. Even if they do, I believe it would be futile. Burns is very popular among his constituents.

Senate District 36
This race will pit Richey Jackson against Robert Adley. Jackson, who came within 87 votes of defeating Burns in House District 9 last time, is a retired educator who currently heads up the truancy program for the DA.
Adley, a seasoned veteran, tried to attack through Jackson's son, Parish Attorney Patrick Jackson, by having a sudden epiphany about the way younger Jackson is paid. It was such an obvious political attack that even other senators held their nose as they shelved the bill.
I wouldn't be suprised to see Jackson pull it off.

Senate District 37
This is Buddy Shaw's seat. Shaw announced that he won't seek another term, which gave Jane Smith a convenient slot to fit into. Barrow Peacock also announced for the seat. I don't know if the Southeast Shreveporter can pull the votes to beat Smith, but I'll call this one up in the air at the present time.

Tax Assessor
Ryal Siem is challenging incumbent Bobby Edmiston. Both have started putting signs up and that race will swing into gear soon. I will be writing more about it.

Police Jury
There are several races that I will get into after qualifying is complete in September. Already Winfred Johnston is in a free-for-all, with something like 6 people running against him. These may be some interesting races.

Julian Whittington has a huge advantage in money and in the fact that he served for 20 years, and knows nearly everyone in Bossier Parish. Mike McConnell has been working hard for several months, but is at a financial disadvantage.


  1. I'm confused. Jeff Thompson is running against Duke Lowrie? I've listened to Thompson's radio ad, and I swear he's running against Barack Obama.
    Jeff, do yourself and us a favor, we know about the national problems, tell us how you're going to help us in the 8th District of the Louisiana House of Representative.

    Jane Smith, do us all a favor and go to the house, and take Adley with you. You two have done enough disservice to this area.

  2. Thompson, peacock and Jackson.

  3. Thompson, Smith, Adley....They may not be popular with a few, but they work hard when the rest of us are sleeping...and they work to the good of our area!!!

  4. I got one of those Jeff Thompson "sorry I missed you" fliers on my door today. Funny thing is I saw the person who put it on my door and it wasn't Jeff Thompson. Duke came by house and I had a long conversation and he seems well qualified for the job. Duke has got my vote.

  5. Jim,

    Please tell me someone is running against Barbara Norton. She would make great comedy material if matters weren't so serious.

  6. I'll check into it, I heard that she might have an opponent.
    She needs to go.

  7. There is a City Council race also.

  8. Anon at 627 those working in the middle of the night may be the ones who have been stealing lowery's signs and sticking them all over the place to make people mad.

    Lowery, Smith, Adley

  9. Anon at 6:30, there sure is and it has been under the radar. I'll do something on it very soon.

  10. Well, we are definitely in the middle of several races, not only in Bossier City but the surrounding areas as well. What happens in other areas affect us as well... I have known and worked alongside of several of the candidates for years.

    Bossier Parish Sheriff:
    Julian Whittington is a great person who truly cares about the Sheriff's Office and the citizens of Bossier Parish. He has over 2o years of service with the Sheriff's Office, has served several different functions within the department, with the highest rank being chief deputy. Julian has always treated everyone with respect. He is a Christian, and a good father and husband. Julian Whittington is the best candidate for Bossier Parish Sheriff.

    Caddo Parish Sheriff:
    Steve Prator has served way over 30years in law enforcement. He was the best Chief of Police that Shreveport has ever had. When Steve lead the department, it was operated within budget, had adequate staffing, the crime rate was a lot lower, and the citizens had a great communication with the department. As Sheriff, Steve has greatly reduced the Caddo S.O.'s Budget, initiated numerous programs for the community, and has lowered the crime rate dramatically. Steve is a Christian, husband, father, grand-father, and overall great family man. Sheriff Steve Prator is the best candidate for Caddo Parish Sheriff.

    Senate District 36
    I have worked alongside Richey Jackson for several years since he has been associated with the D.A.'s off and the Truancy program. Richey has a passion for serving the public and the children of our community like very few others. He always has the best interest of the families at heart. A retired educator, Richey has served the public in many aspects, and as the Director of the Truancy Center, has done an outstanding job. Richey is a Christian, father, grand-father, and overall great family man. Richey is a man of his word, and is a man that we can depend on in the state senate. Richey Jackson is the best candidate for Louisiana State Senate District 36.

    I will voice my supports for other races shortly as well. One I would like to start hearing candidates talking about is the Bossier City Council Race. That will be a highly profiled and probably highly contested race. At least I hope so. We need some changes in the Bossier City council, and the upcoming race will be one of the first of several to come.

  11. I have always liked Buddy Shaw. He's one of the few Republicans that I would actually vote for.

    I hope that McConnel is able to raise awareness about himself. He has some great ideas about fixing the budget problems in the Sheriffs office. Other than those two, there's not any candidates who I'm particularly enthused about.

  12. I guess being twice divorced and on your third marriage makes you an overall great family man.

  13. Word is Whittington is courting a soon to be retired state trooper for his chief deputy. Is there any truth to that?

  14. i dont know much about the other races,but i know richey jackson. he is a very dedicated person. i don't know adley very well but am aware that he does not play well with others.

    i also know julian and believe in his ability

  15. Gee, Sammy Wyatt throws his support?

  16. Ready for a change! Richey Jackson, and anybody except Jane Smith!

  17. I think the races between thompson and lowrie and adley and jackson will be barn burners. With the first race - whether we get Thompson or lowrie - bossier wins - two very good men. Jackson would be a substantial improvement for our area in nothing else but the approachable non-arrogant category. I think smith wins over peacock - both being very good choices for our community. Lastly, I think Whittington and Edmiston finish strong. Will be interesting in to see how it finishes out

  18. Anon @ 6:07,
    I know people who are still on their first marriage and are the biggest scumbags I ever met.

  19. I'm not voting for richie Jackson because of his relationship to Schylur Marvin. I didn't really like him to begin with. But here lately all I have been reading and hearing about him he has really turned my stomach. I'm a firm believer in your character closely resembles the people you associate yourself with. I'll continue to educate myself about Adley also.

  20. First, from what I've heard, the Jackson/Adley race looks to be ugly and quite frankly, I don't relish pulling the lever for either.

    In district 8, I like Duke Lowrie. For one, he appears to have the credentials we need in the legislature. I like the idea of a firefighter and businessman going to Baton Rouge. Plus, I've actually seen him walking the neighborhoods in 100+ degree heat talking to people.

    Thompson has burned his bridges with me by claiming to have walked neighborhoods that he has not (I too got a letter after watching two of his people drive only to select houses to drop flyers). That stinks of typical politics to me.

    Additionally, we have had too many lawyers in government service. I've noticed how Thompson hasn't put "Trial Lawyer" as his job on his mailers and is trying to claim running the Bossier Chamber of Commerce as his experience. To me that is another attempt at deception.

  21. ANON JULY 28 4:21

    You are right about Thompson!!! You could say the same about his mailers. Substitute any race anywhere and they still apply. I also noticed that the pictures were the same as his old mailers from the 2008 Congressional race! So, not only are the ideas old, but the pics too.

  22. To Anon 7:46 July 29 -

    I bet the good ole boys are trying to shut Lowrie up by stealing and messing with those signs.

  23. Anon at 906, its funny you bring up the pics from the 2008 race, can you use work product from another race for this race?

    Also I hear that he used Whittingtons picture from the congressional race in his first mailer and Whittington called him to to tell him to stop using his image.

    It seems some deception is at play here.

  24. Thompson is the man we need. He is a former Chamber President. Not a trial lawyer. Thompson runs because he was asked. Duke has been running for this office for two years.

    Thompson wins and we are better for it.

  25. You say Thompson is running because he was asked. Well who asked him? And if he is only running because he was asked then that tells me he doesn't really want the job. If he is lying about walking the neighborhoods then what else will he lie about? Yep, it seems to me this is just an attempt by the old political machine trying to hold onto power.

  26. Whittington-top notch individual, intelligent, has the experience, does the right thing.

    Jackson-Marvins boy, this guy looks like typical polititian.

    Lowrie/Thompson-firefigher vs attorney. Guess I would rather see a seasoned businessman with some ethics in this race, or is that a misnomer?

    Perhaps an executive from Apple Computer will move to Bossier and help us out, I just saw on the wires they have more cash on hand than the U.S. Federal Government.

    Im really tired of the politicians talking the talk and putting their own special interests in front of the people they are suppose to serve.

  27. July 29, 11:29 PM

    My comment was not a shot a Prator. I was trying to point out to the poster that in his comparison of Whittington and Prator he ranked Prator higher on his family values. (Once married Whittington did not get an "overall great family man" in his endorsement by the poster.) I thought that was a stretch, not to mention, why a person who barely showed in the marshal's race thinks everyone is interested in his opinion.

    And his endorsements were like endorsing the New Orleans Saints to beat the Greenacres Mustangs. If he wants to be taken seriously, he should only post his endorsements of close and controversial races . . . like others have done on here . . . not pick the obvious winners.

  28. @ Anon July 30, 2011 5:25 PM,

    My support and comments for the candidates were not a slight to any of them. I know all three personally, and each of them are very good people. I did not rank anyone higher than the other. They all are the best candidates for the office they are seeking. As far as my opinion, it is just that. If you don't like it, don't worry with it! If you want to be taken seriously, stop using anonymous, and use your name.

    As far as the Marshal's race, you win some, and you lose some. Thank you for giving me your feedback though! I will pay better attention to my terminology!

  29. Anon at 2:43 You only stated two things correctly. Jeff was a chamber president which doesnt say much and he was asked to run. I would like to know who asked him as well?

  30. Anon @ 4:53,
    Duh, politicians only care about you if you give them money. Everything else they say or do is just for show. That's why my votes are going to those without all ofvthe political ties and hopefully we will get some new blood in there who want to do good by the people and not the money. When I hear a candidate say he will not be influenced by "special interest groups" or they are going to Bato Rouge to "change the way business is done", red flags go up immediately because only politicians talk that way. You hear that and that means they have been hanging around other politicians as well.

  31. Thompson, Jackson, Peacock, Siem, Whittington. Will be some upsets.

  32. Whittington, Jackson, Thompson, Smith, Hanisee (city council).

  33. Whittington,Adley,Lowrey,Bobby,Peacock and who cares about the city council race?

  34. I care more about getting the sorry, crooked politicians off the city council than out of baton rouge

  35. Larry Hanisee and Tommy Harvey are the two I hear mentioned for the city council race. Any others?

  36. Jimmy Hall for Mayor!

  37. Where is that springer woman at, shouldnt she be spouting off something by now?

  38. Richie Jackson should do well. He runs his camapign out of the taxpayer's Truancy Office and his taxpayer owned car. What an advantage.

    On Friday, July 22, 2011 he was in Shreveport on Moon's show. Guess what? On our taxpayer's dollar. He was NOT on vacation.

    He SHOULD take a leave until after the election.

  39. So far there are 38 comments on this thread. 33 were posted anonymously and four of the five remaining were posted by two posters. Just a warning to anonymous posters . . . you aren't being taken seriously by some . . .

  40. Smith, Thompson, Whittington, Jackson.

  41. Hey Sammy, it's already been proven that less than 15% of voters like your opinion. Time to go on ahead and get over yourself.

  42. If averages hold, there are 41 comments on here. That means that 6.15 people like his opinions.

  43. Well, I like the way Sammy Wyatt recommends candidates by saying he is a Christian, father and grandfather. All any of that proves is that he knows how to walk through a church door, and his testicles produce sperm.

  44. Jim,

    I guess I guess I'll keep commenting for those 6% or the 15% that voted for me! LOL... I'll get over myself in my office in the morning, while I'm drinking my coffee! LOL... As I said, win some lose some!

  45. I like the way get real doesn't use his name and Sammy Wyatt does. At least we know who it is that thinks the way he does. You are just a coward behind a keyboard.

  46. Coward Behind the KeyboardAugust 1, 2011 at 6:52 PM

    One thing you can say about Sammy, he loves Sammy and wants everyone else to do the same.

  47. Why would you choose someone to be your COP with NO supervisory/budget experience over many higher experienced police officers? It's who you know and who you used to live next to. It's too bad you don't know the real person who used to cheat on his wife, slap her around and then act like he's a great family man with Christian values. Don't try to get his divorce papers-they are sealed.

  48. Richey Jackson is clearly his own man and has contributed to the high marks Bossier Parish receives in their Education program. The facts speak for themselves,Jackson and members of the Truancy Program received National and Internatially acclaim as The Best Truancy Program In The World. The Jackson family has proudly called Bossier City their home since the early 1900's. Jackson has been a Christian Conservative Republican since 1967, where his opponent Adley will run his first Campaign ever as a Republican.Jackson's plain heartfelt compassion for the people and Louisiana will make a hugh difference in the % of the La Misery Index just as the Truancy Department under his leadership has successfully turned young lives around,his ideas and commitment will make a positive impact in North Louisiana as well as the state as a whole. Anon July 31, 9:30 The Truancy Program is closed the entire month of July only, but Jackson was there everyday and on Moon @ a lunch break. BEST TRUANCY PROGRAM IN THE WORLD AWARD speaks for itself. THE WORLD, WOW! I think he is truly giving the tax payers their money's worth and so much more. you will have to go to plan B with your attacks! He will be the new Republican Senator for District 36and he will do us Proud!

  49. BEST TRUANCY PROGRAM IN THE WORLD? Who votes on that? Who determines that it's the best in the world? Sounds like some B.S award to me. I have a t- shirt the says WORLDS GREATEST DAD. Does that make it true.

  50. August 2, 4:44 You are too funny! What a sad person, but if you do have a "Worlds Greatest Dad" shirt, I don't doubt that you deserve it-You can't fool Kids!!
    LOOK in the Fax-net Update Vol 13 Issue 1 Tuesday July 12, 2011 about Jackson's International award for his Truancy Program, By Lou Gehrig Burnett.

  51. Marvin created the Truancy office especially for Jackson. Jackson is never in his office.... He hires every coach in bossier parish before the ink is dry on their retirement papers to do his job!!! As far as Jackson being from a long time Bossier family......I come from two long time Bossier families, there is even a street named after our family in old Bossier.....guess that means I'm qualified to run for office!!!! Lol NOT!!!!!!

  52. Well, at least Richey Jackson can tell the voters he's "created jobs." LOL!

  53. August 3, 2:48 AM: How can you spout off your mouth about something, not knowing if you are telling the truth or not and look at yourself in a mirror? You must be so proud of yourself and I guess it comes so easy to some people like you to do this sort personal injury to someone you really don’t know! You are a very SAD person with apparently no self-esteem that you have to do this to others to make yourself feel better about yourself. Do me a favor, look yourself in a mirror and repeat, “I am better than this, I am worth something, I will not tear others down to make myself feel better than others!”

  54. I don't know if Jackson stays in his office or not, but I do know that the person who said he hires coaches is correct. Having worked in the school system I have witnessed Jackson and his team visit schools once a year. They told students what would happen if they faild to come to school. All that I saw were former coaches.

    By the way, if a student missed too many days they usually knew some doctor who would write them excuses so nothing happened to them.

  55. ano August 3 2:48 Not to dignify your comments with a response but to set the documented record straight; the Truancy Program's success today is attributed to Jacksons intense heartfelt desire to continue his work from BHS "I Can" program initiated by Freddy Shewmake, a program that turned young lives around and interest in any other programs or solution to our critical student Drop Out problem. Richey Jackson went to Baton Rouge with his program Ideas plan and poured his heart out to anyone that would listen, and for the first time in our Truancy history he was able to aquire funding for Bossier/Webster Truancy using his God given talent to relate with the respect and genuine Home Town values associated with growing up in this Special town. His compassion and determination to make a difference has made a hugh impact on our youth and future adults earning his Program International acclaim. And you are absolutely right a family being proud to call Bossier City home since the early 1900's does not qualify a person to run for office, what it does is give one the opportunity to use that respect and pride to make a difference and protect the virtue of your hometown that structured who we are today.There is no street named for the Jackson, Arnold, Richard, Brice, McKenzie, Cutright,Dominick,Waite or Shewmake family but their footprints are everywhere, he is just simply trying to make a positive difference for this great place we call home and for the people that make it so special.How proud you must be to have a Street named after your family, this is indeed an honor, your family must be very special. No bells or whistles, Richey Jackson is the real deal and if you ever get the chance to really listen to the excitment in his voice as he lays out a plan to drastically change our Louisiana misery index percentage with Help from the good people and God of course.
    He can and will make a positive difference in how North Louisiana is viewed by others, show Respect and you will be Respected!

  56. Judy is back. Yippee.

  57. What's this crap about Julian Whittington being the "best man for the job" Sammy? That is a joke. He was hired by cousin Larry the same month that he took office and he, Julian, skyrocketed to the top of the food chain and has been there ever since. He knows nothing about crime and as far as I can tell, B.C. is having a crimewave with all the killings. And, that so called fued between him and cousin Deen is crap too. Larry's daddy has a large "Julian for Sheriff" sign in his damn yard. Fued my arss, and to top it off, Julian is not a true Republican, he changed parties several years back along with cousin Larry. You people need to educate yourselves with the issues about who should be Sheriff. McConnell is the only candidate with real experiance with crime. Do you really think that Whittington is going to change all those over inflated salaries in the sheriffs office if he is elected. Nope, those are all his friends. So much for my tax dollars being wasted.

  58. Any Democrats running yet?

  59. Good Idea! A good cry may be just what you need!! Are you sure you are from Bossier? Most lifetime Bossierites are not judgemental or mad at the world, Did you move away and come back maybe?? Wish you Well! anyway!

  60. 1:44,
    There are plenty of tax spending liberal democrats running. They are just call themselves conservative republicans for political purposes.

  61. Hey bill,
    I agree with 100%. But the people of bossier don't care. It seems if you and your family is from bossier and you go to church your qualified to hold office around here. As far as spending money. Just drive around bossier and see all the signs he has put out. All those signs can't be cheap. I ask why? According to everyone on here, Julian has nothing to worry about. I tell you why he is spending so much money. Because that's the way cousin Larry taught him.

  62. Anon @ 2:43

    Oh, really? How can you tell the difference between the real conservatives and the tax and spend liberals who call themselves conservatives?

  63. 3:45,
    The difference is obvious. I would love to get into a conversation or debate about the topic but not on here. You and I would typing forever. These self described conservative republican around here have wasted more money than you can imagine.

  64. 1:44

    John Hall Matlock is running and he is a Dem!

  65. Anon @ 4:07,

    And I think you're about to see another round. I keep hearing that they are wanting to build a couple of more buildings at the Cyber Innovation Center, because the first phase was such a "resounding success. "

  66. Does anyone know what is under the ground where the city council wants to build another river boat casino? A land fill.... oh, that will be good for your health... But, that's ok. Nothing surprises me anymore about them.

  67. 6:35,
    A casino and golf course. We all know how successful the golf courses have been around here. A David Toms golf course. I guess he figured if the retirement fundcwill give Hal sutton 30 million then somebody will give him millions too. Thank god the election are soon.

  68. I see on ktbs chan 3's web site where Jane Smith threw Tim Larkin under the bus. Lol. I guess the rattlesnakes are starting to bite each other.

  69. I know of several peole running for city council this time. A few of them have never held a public office ever.

  70. people....forgot how to type....LOL

  71. Good, something new and someone fresh with no political ties.... we can only hope. And, while I am on it... we all need to replace everyone in public office, and yes that means Julian too!!!

    The only way we are going to get change around here is to hire a whole new crew in every public office.

  72. Bill R. Where do live and why don't you run? You seem like reasonable guy. I think most people agree with the things you say on here.

  73. Not a Good Old BoyAugust 4, 2011 at 9:43 AM

    Bill R.,
    The problem is the average person in Bossier Parish doesn't pay attention to what's going on. I've been asked several time, "What do you think about so and so." I tell them what I think, and the usual reply is, "Well, that's not what I hear..."
    People around here will go on what those already in the system tells them, and anyone else who tries to tell the truth is shot down as a malcontent.
    That is why you will never get anyone fresh and with no political ties elected to office. I hope I'm wrong this time, because more than ever we need new blood. The same old same old isn't working and hasn't worked in a long, long time.
    It has been said in this blog that certain individuals have done more hard work when the rest of us are asleep. That's the problem, the majority of the people have been asleep and not aware of the "hard" work these people have been doing, which isn't always for the good.

  74. Dear Not A GOB

    Preach it brother!! You and I are alot alike in many ways. Maybe we can get the rest of this parish on the same page as us and drive out the "Machine". The reason good people dont run for public office is because they are then crucified by the "good ol boys" and their lackies. It takes a strong person to run for office.
    Everyone knows where I stand with the sheriff's race and who I support. Now let me tell you the reasons why:

    I didn't know this young kid named McConnell until I happen to meet him one day (I say young, hes about 45 or so, but he is way younger than me), and during this conversation I asked him what he did for a living and it went on from there. I saw a passion and conviction in this young man about what he called his "calling in life" of being a law enforcement officer and he astounded me with his knowledge of the law.
    This is a young man who became a cop because it was his calling, not because his cousin promised him a job with a large salary.

    If the people of this parish would, just for a moment, sit down and listen objectively to the things he has to say, then they too would join him in trying to make this a better parish.

    All it would take is one public office being overtaken by someone new, and the head of the snake is severed.

    I feel that when McConnell makes sheriff, if he can defeat the "Lary Deen/Julia Whittington machine" we will not be disappointed. He will make a positive change and he wont owe anyone anything unlike Whittington who raised more money in one night than the major candidates in the other races. I know that I cant afford a $2500 a plate dinner and I suspect most folks in this parish cant either.... so who is he courting.... the rich. Nothing will change under his leadership.

    McConnell told me during our conversation that he has a plan to put more deputies on the streets without any cost to taxpayers and the sheriff's office would no longer be for sale under his leadership. I then asked him the million dollar question of who endorses him? He said that he did not want any endorsements from any political figures because he wants people to form their own opinions about his candidacy instead of being swayed by others.

    I was sold after that.

  75. Posters lose me when they want to dump everyone out of office. What a mess that would be...a bunch of inexperienced folks who would take the entire term learning the job. Granted if someone doesn't do a good job based on facts and not how many times they were married or what organization they belong or who backs them then I can take a closer look and make an educated vote not based on rumor nor irrelevance. I think many of the posters on here would be wise to read ANIMAL FARM....the theme being that the new ones to take over the society no better and worse than the former. But having said all this, I am thankful we live in a country with freedom of speech no matter how vicious, how intelligent. Our enemies keep us on our toes.

  76. I would rather a bunch of new people come in and learn the job than to keep heading in the direction we are heading. The biggest problem I see right now is the politicians in office right now have been there do long that they no longer care about the people or the area which they serve. They only seem to care about taking care of the ones who gives them money. Will new people change that? I don't know but I know the ones in office now are not going to change. Jane Smith is prime example. He record speaks for itself.

  77. Anon 5;41,

    We need to read Animal Farm? Why in hell do you think we're bitching about the people who are already there? They are the ones who think they're more equal than others.
    Read Animal Farm? What a dumbass!

  78. Anon 6:34, no personal insults please

  79. Have fun in your wacko club. No normal, down the middle, Bossier person would agree with you. You are more dangerous than the far left. Thank God you continue to pick losers.

  80. 7:57 what are you talking about?

  81. I heard that jackson is not going to run against adley. he would have probably beaten adley. is anyone else going to run? as arrogant as adley is, surely someone will want to take him on

  82. What a bunch of wackos. Thank goodness there are not many of you.

  83. Wackos...har har har!!! I see the english language escapes you or you cannot comprehend what you read. People are very concerned about the upcoming elections... go back to sleep.


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.