
Monday, July 18, 2011

The Plot Thickens

Well, well.  Schuyler Marvin announced today that he will not drop the murder charges against Gerald Needham in light of new evidence that is coming in.
My hunch is that someone is talking - singing, in fact.


  1. It's like a damn 3 ring circus and Schyler Marvin is the ring master. Like I said in an earlier post. You saw how quick he was trying to get the monkey off his back.

  2. Here is the problem with the prosecution of anyone in this case. Now that so much evidence has come forth with the handgun, and Chief McWilliams lying about a suspect description, there is more than enough cause for the newest of attorneys to present reasonable doubt. Copper Head has been a drug smuggling dirt bad for many, many, years. He is the lowest form of trash, and a coward! But to convict even a coward, you must prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. So many blunders were made in this case, that it will make it extremely difficult to obtain a conviction.

  3. It seems like forever since I have had the opportunity to vote against Schyler Marvin. How long is the term of 26th Judicial District Attorney? And when does the current term end? I sure hope a competent viable candidate runs against this stumbling bumbling yahoo.

  4. I think you are right. Someone is talking. Maybe the girlfriend of the other guy. We shall see.

  5. Dan, DA is a six year term. Last election was in 2008, so 2014.

  6. BCPD giving a false description is easy to explain. The DA explaining how he had a death penalty case then he was dropping charges, no wait maybe I have a death penalty case again is a little more detrimental when it comes to causing doubt.
    Once again let me explain. The gave a false description to keep copperhead from fleeing until they gathered enough evidence on him to arrest him. Apparently it worked because his wife said in the S'port Times that he was mowing the yard the next day.
    If this case is lost it's because Marvin is not a good criminal prosecutor and his political appointed ADA's aren't either.

  7. I don't know why people are critical of the chief unless they have an agenda, McWilliams has done nothing wrong,PERIOD. McWilliams said no comment, he was not flip flopping. McWilliams stands by his people that worked the investigation, good or bad.

  8. McWilliams has done nothing at all as chief. You can't name one positive thing he has done for our department. Instead of giving a false description he should have not given a statement at all or said they were following up all leads and could not disclose the details. By showing that he is a liar, he has placed all of our integrity in question.

  9. Thanks for the information, Jim. I thought it was much longer ago, but I remember voting for a lawyer from Bossier because it seemed that Schyler Marvin's only qualification was being the son of some judge, the scion of some Webster Parish legal dynasty. I did not realize how bad things are until the day they dropped all the charges against those responsible for the death of a boy at Hope Youth Ranch except for the three uneducated lowest level employees who had no authority, and were the least culpable in the matter, and were simply being used as scapegoats. On that day I realized that something is wrong, and a lot of other stuff has gone down since then.

  10. If you don't like the way the Chief runs the department, RESIGN and stop the whining.

  11. Yeah, if you don't like the way the chief is running the department resign. That way, once the magic number has been reached as far as people getting out of the way, he will be able to hire Shriner boot lickers for Jimmy Hall.

  12. You can change the leader, but if you don't change the yahoos directly underneath him, then where are you? Jimmy Hall and Shane McWilliams did not do this investigation and if McWilliams had, I have a feeling it wouldn't have been botched. Look one rank down.

  13. It just puzzles me as to how someone within the same department can speak so harshly of the Cheif. What is even more puzzling is that you hide behind the name anonymous! This makes it even harder on the rest of the department who are trying to do the job they love! Granted there are things that could be changed! But there is not a department that does not need some change! Putting our dirty laundry out there for everyone to criticize us more than what they already do is not the answer! Let's think about what we take and make public especially the slandering of our department! Remember you anonymous may even be a Chief one day and someone else will use the title anonymous to try to bad mouth your integrity! Feel free to contact me in person to talk about what could be done to help our department if you want to talk shop in shopping ! Let's try not to look like cry babies as we have been called in other posts!

  14. Anon @ 8:45,

    I believe you are so right. It seems that since the "one level below" person has weasels himself into power things have started going straight to hell.

  15. You see, if you always do what you've always done, you will always be where you have always been! (Mayor George Dement)

  16. from all that i can see and have read the detctives at bcpd were pressured into making an arrest. i also tend to look at the da's choice to go forward with this to a grand jury. i think due diligence was not done. he should have played devils advocate with the evidence. the sad thing is that some people are going to pay for this mistake because of their position. i feel sorry for the men and women of the bcpd. it will take years for them to live this down. i also have to take into account how the bpso felt when they found the shell caseing at the robbery. what should be noted is that in the end the truth has come forward. as for copper head he will get out and get paid. enough wrong moves have been made.

  17. anonymous 8:45 P.M. I think you would have to look a lot lower then one rank to find where it was botched, if in fact it was botched. The fact is I doubt you have ever worked an investigation or know what one consists of.

  18. Did they even look into the possibility that this was a contract hit or a revenge killing of some sort? I drove by Mr. Norris' business a thousand times without ever thinking there might be a lot of money there. I am not ever going to engage in robbery, but if I were going to do so, I would go to a bank because that is where I would assume that Mr. Norris and everyone else keeps their money. Maybe this was a botched robbery, but it seems more logical to me that there would be a different motive.

  19. This is not the first blotched homicide investigation by the Bossier Police. A few years back, a young lady was killed at Taco Bell in south Bossier as she left the store. No one was ever charged in that case as well.

  20. You must be new around here, 8:27am, because when you drive across the river you are in a crime-free zone. You just ask anyone in Bossier, all of the crime is west of the river and none of the crime is east of the river.

  21. Gosh, everybody take a chill. I have never heard of so much stone throwing. I am quite sure the BCPD arrested the man they felt was guilty, and still may be. They certainly did not want a killer to remain on the street.Regardless if it is Needham or Clark, we still have the killer. There is still a possibility that these men are connected through lawn mowing and cell-phone records. Let the DA and law enforcement do their job and make certain the right man is charged. It is not like Needham is the pillar of society. Right now he is being held for a convicted felon having ammo in his house.

  22. "You must be new around here, 8:27am, because when you drive across the river you are in a crime-free zone. "

    Except of course for the triple murder less than a mile from that bridge which crosses the river.

    Also, the biggest criminals on the Eastern side of the river are the ones holding elected office.

  23. Jim... Noone is talking or singing... "One level below" is WHINING!!! They have messed up and can't admit it!!! And this is NOT the first and only person they have "convicted"...oh sorry ...wrongly arrested!!! When Needham's lawyer comes forward on the wrongfull arrest suit it may be a class action suit because there are ALOT more out there!!! In Bossier you are GUILTY until proven INNOCENT!!!

    And before everyone starts...I have never been arrested but have witnessed firsthand BCPD in action!!!


  25. anon @1136

    You must be a rookie, or you would know the homicide investigation that was screwed up at Taco Bell, how it was blotched, and who was responsible. You are an idiot for opening your mouth without knowing the history of the department.


    July 19, 2011 2:52 PM

    Duh?! And I SUSPECT you are one of BCPD's fine detectives?!

    What was your first clue? When I said I witnessed it firsthand?!

  27. You must be one of those people who never does anything wrong or even hang around with anyone whos does! Of course in your on little world of make believe! By the way, I do not work for BCPD either...

  28. The Bossier City Police Department is full of well trained, knowledgeable, smart, best, all knowing, all encompassing, brave, loyal, benevolent, never did anything or will do anything wrong, never made a mistake.... Just ask them.
    And they are led by a smug a**hole.

  29. I have a few questions I hope someone can answer for me.

    Just how was "Copper Head" linked to the crime? Crimestoppers, witnesses know him by name and by sight, etc...

    Since the witnessess identified "Copper Head" as the shooter in court, how will they be able to testify at Clarks trial?

    How can the Feds hold "Copper Head" when the search/arrest warrant was flawed?

    If Clark isn't talking, and the only thing that links him to the triple homicide is the gun, then how is a jury going to convict him of homicide if his attorney tells them that he found it after the killings?

    Just wondering.... please somebody give my questions a shot.

  30. I am a retired BCPD Officer, with some of the comments that has made on this blog; I am embarrassed to say that I was part of it. Some of you people have desecrated the uniform that I proudly wore. Do us a favor and just resign if you hate the department that much, the department will be better off! You have made it very clear; you are upset because you were not chosen for a promotion or at least considered. You are not one who unites, you are a divider; hence you cannot be a leader!

  31. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah!


  33. Thanks, and I can see that you retired as one of those high ranking officials with a hefty pay check that JH gave you.


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