
Monday, August 1, 2011

Duke Lowrie on Moon Griffon


  1. Wow! That was an outstanding interview! Go Duke!

  2. Duke did do good and I agree government is involved in to many things.

  3. Why did you not publish Richey Jackson's interview with Moon Griffon? It was great!

  4. Send me a link to the video and I will. I didn't know he had been on there.

  5. Good Luck to you Duke, I believe you are the right man for the job.

  6. Another typical cookie cutter conservative.

  7. In Louisiana, we have no choice. It's either ultra-right wing Republicans or super-right wing Republicans.

  8. I'm not so sure Duke is the "right man for the job". He is too well connected to the good ol boy network. Sorry Duke.

  9. I need a refresher, what makes a good old boy?

  10. Bill R,
    I'll have to correct on that one. Thompson is the one backed by old politics. Thompson is backed by Jane smith and that bunch. Everything else I read from you is usually spot on though.

  11. 6:33
    Thanks for the complement. You may be right. I cant win them all.

  12. Duke may know some of the good ole boys, but I know for a fact he will butt heads with them if it comes down to it. He will stand for what is right.

  13. We will see who is the good old boy when the reports come out.

    Duke does have integrity, his reputation was made by standing up to little Hitler, sorry halpen.

  14. Of all the candidates, Duke is probably the newest. He is the least connected to the establishment. He's making gains just by walking door to door. He's never held office and never ran for office. Thompson, however, ran for U.S. Congress against Fleming in 2008.

    -- Bossier Democrat


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1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
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