
Friday, August 5, 2011

Endorsement: Duke Lowrie for State Representative

Michael "Duke" Lowrie is a retired Bossier City Firefighter, who retired with the rank of Captain. He and his wife Kara own Acadiana Mortgage.
Duke has been a public servant in the best sense of the word, and I believe that he will represent District 8 in the State House of Representatives well.
Duke’s opponent paints himself a businessman, but the only business I can find that he is involved with is his own law firm. In addition to Acadiana Mortgage, Duke also raises crawfish in North Bossier Parish.
Bossier needs someone to represent the interests and beliefs of the people, and Duke reflects those views and will not back down to special interests once elected.
He hasn’t been anointed by the powers that be in the parish and the city, but the only votes that count are those of all the people.
I believe that Duke Lowrie will receive those votes.
For more information about Duke, check out his website.


  1. Jim,

    I think your assessment is spot on. Duke has worked hard for everything he has and never backed down from a fight, even when the deck was stacked against him.
    He has my vote as well.
    Besides anyone who will walk when its 109 degrees deserves it.

  2. Jim I completely agree. I mean this guy is a retired fireman and raises crawfish. Enough said......

  3. Your 1 for 1 so far.

  4. This is a no-brainer! Duke is the clear choice.

  5. Duke's got a meet-n-greet at the Crispy donut shop off Wemple road today at 9am. I'm going so I can get a sign for my yard and let him know I back him.

  6. Even with his hard work, Duke is going to need our help. Donate, volunteer, put a yard sign up. Whatever you do, make sure to vote.

  7. I hear there are a lot of Thompson supporters privately supporting duke.

  8. This site never picks winners.

  9. I feel certain that Duke will get all of the Martian vote.

  10. By the looks of signs we may need to call NASA and the INS then.

  11. I see a lot of Duke Lowrie signs. I mean, A LOT!

    I'm sure both are fine men. I do not personally know either man. But, from what I've heard on radio ads, Thompson opposes Obamacare, and wants it repealed, too!

    Has anybody asked Duke about his stand on that? I mean, it'll play in to my decision. Just sayin'...

  12. I like that Duke isn't a lawyer. We already have too many lawyers in congress and every other facet of politics. I think they have proven that collectively they like to argue, put special interests in front of the collective majority, and run this country into the ground (read: debt)

    I made an incorrect assumption that Duke would not be the sharpest tool in the shed coming from a firefighter background, but I was wrong. Smart guy, appears to be a good guy, not enough of those around, at least in politics anymore.

  13. Andy, if my assessment is right, Duke is to the right of you, and we all know that you are to the right of Atilla the Hun, so I'd say he is opposed to 'Obamacare'.

  14. Well, I'd like to hear it straight from Duke anyway.

    I mean, a State Rep. candidate should be bold enough to buy radio ads and make sure everybody knows.

    Just sayin'...

  15. Forget the radio ads, I can arrange for you to hear it straight from the candidate himself if you would like.
    Just say the word.

  16. Imma pass on that, Jimbo. From what I've heard, he'll be around the 'hood pretty soon.

    I'll axe him when he gets here. Plus, Imma axe him about his stand on US Supreme Court nominees, too. I mean, a State Rep candidate needs to let us know what he's gonna do about that.

  17. Rule #4: (Only for Andy)
    Don't mess with Jim, he's old and slow.

  18. Andy if you would like, you can catch him somewhere around downing court in greenacres place. He just left my door. It was 107, and he didn't look like he was stopping.

  19. Richie Jackson is not going to run. Pick Adley and get one right.

  20. Definitely interested to see who you pick for Smith V Peacock!

    -- Bossier Democrat

  21. "Richie Jackson is not going to run. Pick Adley and get one right."

    Wow man, thanks for the tip. I can tell you're in Jackson's inner circle, you know, from the way you misspell his name and stuff.

  22. Thompson has radio ads because he doesn't have the time to get out in the public and meet and greet the people in his district. He is to busy sucking up to the upper class of folks. The middle class voter doesn't mean a thing to him. After all like most attorneys he has a God complex. He knows it all and really doesn't care about your opinion although he is supposed to represent all the people not special interest groups. Duke has no problem answering your questions "anonymous poster" and he has made him self available to answer your questions anytime you are brave enough to come out in the open and ask. Jim I think you are right on by endorsing Duke. He has never backed down and will represent all the people not just Attorney interest and the good ole boys in his district that have already bought him off. Duke will not be a yes man like Thompson already is. He is a proven hard worker and has the people of his District's interest at heart. Not just the ones that can dish out $1000's of dollars to a man wanting to be a career politician.

  23. Full disclosure: I'm helping the Duke Lowrie campaign with technology and the website. I am not paid.

    With that said, Jim you are very correct in endorsing Duke. I've had hours of conversations with him in person, attended campaign meetings, and other events. He is genuine and sincere about trying to make a difference.

    It's going to probably be a close race mainly because a lot of voters probably don't know about it except the signs and a few TV ads. However, Duke really is walking...a the heat.

    He IS paying attention to what voters say - I know because I'm helping him track feedback through technology.

    Andy - Duke has no problem meeting with people and answering questions. I could probably answer yours, but it's best if Duke does that.


  24. Hey Andy - I forgot to ask him about the SCOTUS nominees. Now you have me wonderin' how he is going to vote on them in the future as state rep. It will make a difference in how I pull the lever!

  25. Rex, Andy just loves to mess with me. I'm going to do a Woolley on him on election day and feed him some wangs and give him a ride to the polls in a limo.

  26. @Jim - yeah, I know how Andy loves to yank your chain. I want my limo ride and hot wangs too! ;)

  27. I guess since Rex is supporting him that must mean he's pro second amendment.

  28. Nyuk! Rex, ya' kill me!

    Jimbo, I shall require my own limo, sir!

    Just as a side note here. I received a very nice e-mail from Mr. Lowrie this morning. He had noted that I had some questions to ask of him, and offered to come to the house and talk about anything I'd like. From his e-mail, I knew he understood that I was just joshin' with Jim.

    But that, my friends, is impressive. I am quite sure that only one other office seeker has taken the time to personally contact me concerning any issue I raised on a blog. No...twice.

    Once was Senator David Vitter, and the other was Sam Wyatt.

    He wants it. Lord only knows why?!?!?!?! But, God bless him.

  29. well I will not be voting for Mr. Lowrie. I have personal issues with him. He tried to get me fired for something someone else had done and used my name. Then wouldn't call my bosses when he realized it wasn't me. That shows very low charecter. If he can't admit a mistake like that how can we trust him to stand up as a State Rep.

  30. Jason Clinton, former La. Wildlife and Fisheries agent. To blame Mr. Lowrie for your misfortunes is not telling the whole story. Perhaps you would like to share everything about your different experiences with law enforcement.

  31. Is there any real difference on the issues between Thompson and Lowrie? They both seem to spout the typical Republican mantra. Thompson even has Obama in his ad. I think he forgot he is running for State office.

  32. Duke is a former firefighter and a businessman. Thompson is just another lawyer.

  33. Jeff, I know personally, and I can assure you he is not just another attorney, although there is nothing wrong with that group. He is well educated and knows how to debate and will understand the law which is absolutely necessary in state government. You will not be disappointed in anything he does. He is a fine person foremost and has the qualifications as well.

  34. I remember going south on Benton Road in the right lane near this mortgage co. A white Escalade Caddy was in the left lane, made a right turn from the left lane into this mortgage co. I had to lock up my brakes to keep from broadsiding him. Now I know who it was. If he intends to represent his area the way he drives, I'll be looking to cast my vote somewhere else.

  35. Looks like the Lowrie detractors are getting desperate

  36. 2:22,
    I have heard it all now. Your not going to vote for someone because you think he is a bad driver. Wow

  37. Duke drives diesel vehichles because he makes biodiesel, didn't know they put diesels in caddis.


  38. I just saw the first city council sign on Benton Road today.

  39. If Thompson is such a great trial lawyer, why doesn't he mention it on any of his campaign literature?

    Second, why is he implying he is walking neighborhoods when he is sending others out to drop flyers off at doors for him?

    Third, if he "knows how to create jobs" like he says in his commercial, how many jobs did he create as chairman of the chamber of commerce?

  40. Judging by Thompson's commercials, I'm not sure he knows that he is running for state representative. It sounded more like hecwas running for U.S senate. If Thompson was running against Mary Landrieu I would vote for him for sure. But in this race, Duke has got my vote.

  41. Hey, I'd vote for Thompson against Mary! But it is commercials like the ones he is running that make me think he is just another poli wantabe.

  42. Duke sued the city is that the fight he did not back down from. Mows he's drawing retirement fro the government and making biofuels, is he getting government subsidies for that too.

  43. You're upset because he stood up to the Halphens?

  44. You are right he did fight the City Fathers against what he believed was not right. He did not back down from any of them. But to show you what you don't know is. He retired from the city with 20 yrs service but he is only 40 yrs. old and not old enough to draw his retirement. His Bio-diesel use is because he has always been passionate about natural resources and their use. He learned how to make his own fuel and no the government did not subsidize him in anyway. He owns Acadiana Mort. a succesful business he and his wife built from the ground up. No windfall from lawsuits to start his business with. No inherited money because both of his parents were working to support thereselves. He owns over 100 acres of land that he bought with his own money and took the intiative to learn how, through LSU, how to farm Crawfish. He is a self made man. And no he does not drive a Caddie, his wife does and if I am correct it is several yrs. old. He can be seen driving his Big Red Diesel truck all over Bossier and Benton. He also drove ambulances during his tenure with the Fire Dept. and had much more training on safe driving than the average person would receive. As well as how to save lives in the back of a ambulance while someone else drove. Having been raised in a home environment that taught by example that you work for what you get in life with the help and blessings of his higher power. So if you got a problem with that and that is all you can condem him for. You need to start learning and get the facts before you throw the first stone.

  45. And yes he did go up against the Halphens. He is not a liar and will not cover up anything for anybody for personal gain. I have known Duke for many yrs. He treats people equal and fairly and does not have a problem admitting if he is wrong about something. Mr. Clinton you need to tell us about your law enforcement career. I would really be interested for the public to know. Having been in law enforcement I already know. But since you threw that out there why not tell us the whole story.

  46. Thompson is probably using the same material, radio ads, etc. from when he ran last time when he ran against Dr. Fleming for a congressional seat. He just forgets he is now on the State level, probably still has visions of grandeur about Washington. Someone needs to remind him. And yes I do believe he wants to be a career politician. Like most attorneys they want to stand on their pedestal and believe they no more than anyone else because after all they went to law school and learned how "to DEBATE". Please give me a break. Do you not think you have to have a little education to learn how to save lives in the worst scenarios? Oh but their just fireman what do I know ! Next time you have an emergency and a family member dying call your attorney. After all just a dumb fireman/paramedic doesn't know how to debate or know anything about governmental affairs.

  47. That's funny about the Halphens, Sammy has a big old Thompson sign in his front yard. I think if the public ever finds out the whole story of what duke fought bossier over they will be shocked.
    Duke truly fought the good fight, with all the odds against him at his own expense.

    Haters keep slinging the mud, you and Thompson are going to have to do better than this.

  48. How will Duke vote on matters concerning the out of control police and fire pension funds?

  49. He probably will fight to clean up the corruption like that lawyer who defrauded the police system dealing with the golf course at old oaks. By the way now that I think about it didn't Thompson represent someone regarding the skannel property which was part of old oaks?

  50. Just drove out by the lake and saw a bunch of Duke signs that were defaced by someone who wrote that Duke doesnt pay his bills. Whats that all about? Anybody know?

  51. Guess he did not pay a bill.

  52. The good old boy network must be trying to keep Duke from winning.

  53. To those of you, Halphens, etc. that work on the dark side of life, maybe it is time for a little exposing with the facts about your underhanded ways from someone who knows and has the proof to back it up. Things that would really make your family proud of you. Sammy keep up the good work for Mr. Thompson he is gonna need it with you backing him for sure. And for those who think Duke has no money to run a campaign against Jeff Thompson you certainly do not know anything about him or his family. Just keep on guessing Jeff. Duke has nothing to hide. By the way those commercials are those re-runs from the race you lost last time? And to the poster implying fireman are less intelligent than a lawyer! You need to wake up. Call a lawyer the next time you have need for EMS. He might can debate your life away for you. To attempt to lessen a fireman/paramedic credentials versus lawyer is a poor attempt. It is obvious the curriculum of a paramedic is a little above that of a debater/want to be career politician.

  54. May the mudslinging begin.

    Personal attacks will not be a surprise in this race. The only question is who will be first.

    Who do we believe a lawyer or a fireman.

  55. I'll back the fireman 9 times out of 10. This ain't the 10th time by the way. Jeff Thompson is about to be 0 for 2.


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1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.