
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Endorsement: Julian Whittington for Sheriff

My Bossier is endorsing Julian Whittington for Sheriff of Bossier Parish.
Julian grew up in Benton, has an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from BPCC and a Bachelors in Criminal Justice from Northeast Louisiana University (now UL Monroe).
Julian served Bossier City as a reserve officer for 4 years, from 1983-1987, then worked as a Detention Coordinator for Rutherford house before becoming a probation officer for the Caddo Parish Juvenile Probation Office.
In 1988 he started on patrol with the Bossier Sheriff’s Department and was P.O.S.T. certified in 1989.
In his years with the Sheriff’s Office, he has served as Supervisor for the Bossier City Substation, Supervisor/Manager of the Special Services Division, Public Information Officer, and Supervisor of the Tax and Civil Division.
He was one of the department’s first D.A.R.E officers, organizing the D.A.R.E Summer Camp at Barksdale.  He also trained other D.A.R.E. officers from around the country.  He was elected President of the Louisiana D.A.R.E. Officer’s Association.
In 2005 Julian attended the FBI National Academy in Quantico, which involves intense physical training and law enforcement education.  On his return home he was promoted to Chief Criminal Deputy and served in that capacity for over 5 years, supervising and administering all of the departments in the office.  He also served as Inspector General, overseeing all legal issues.
He is also a Boy Scout Leader, has been active in 4-H all of his life, and belongs to the Bossier Noon Exchange Club, Bossier City Lions Club, and the Bossier Chamber of Commerce.
He has been married to his wife, Melissa, for 28 years and has two children.  Julian and Melissa are members of Cypress Baptist Church.
In considering the candidates and their experience, I considered several things.
First of all, the character of the candidates.  On this test, all three pass with flying colors.
Then experience in law enforcement.  The other candidates may have more patrol and detective experience, but with four years as a Bossier City reserve officer, two years on patrol and five years as Chief Criminal Deputy, Julian is well qualified in this area.
The policing that the sheriff does is somewhat unique, in that he offers direct policing and patrol to less than half of the population of the parish, but that is spread out over 843 square miles.  Of course, the sheriff always stands ready to assist the local police departments.
The Sheriff is also in charge of courthouse security.
You also have to consider that the sheriff is the executive officer of the Bossier Parish District Court system, and as such has to serve citations, summons, subpoenas, notices, and other process, and shall execute writs, mandates, orders, and judgments directed to him by the district courts, the courts of appeal, and the Supreme Court.
The Sheriff executes service on almost 20,000 papers per year.
Upon the execution of a writ of attachment, sequestration, fieri facias or seizure and sale under executory process, the sheriff is directed by the court to seize the subject property. And, in some cases, these seizures may lead to the public auction of the seized property.
The sheriff is also the ex-officio tax collector for the parish, and as such collects all property taxes and disburses them to the proper taxing authorities.
In addition to that, the Sheriff operates three prisons, and must have first hand knowledge of daily operations and of the laws governing that operation.
Julian Whittington is the only candidate who has experience not only in working in all of these departments, but in supervising them.  The new sheriff must not only have experience on the streets and roads enforcing the law (which Julian has), but must first and foremost be a good manager.
Julian Whittington is the clear choice for Sheriff of Bossier Parish.


  1. Very disappointed in you Jim. Julian refuses to answer questions and has offered no plan to change BPSO. Mike McConnell has experience and has a clear plan to clean up the corruption at BPSO.
    I agree with your other choices but Julian has shown hecus no leader.

  2. I agree what do we have to do to get some answers. Jim, maybe You can answer that question?

  3. Questions that concern me.

    1) Will anyone be above the law? Deputies that work for Larry have told me they are afraid to give one of Larry's friends a ticket because of what will happen to them if Larry finds out about it. If this is true does Julian approve of this policy?

    2) Will promotions be based on merit or friendship.

    3) Will more deputies be available for petrol after midnight?

    4) Does Julian respect people who work for him?

    I think that Julian will be the next sheriff, but some changes need to be made. Will he make them?

  4. Jim,
    Really? Go back and read the post under his commercial article and you will see all the questions. Dont play stupid.

  5. Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim!

    All I ever hear is what Julian has done. I saw his interview on Ch. 12 News where he was asked what he would change if becoming Sheriff. True to form, he began to address the question and immediately began saying what he's done (as is his usual reply) and didn't answer what we all want to know: What's he gonna do???? It's obvious that you don't even know. All you told us in your endorsement is what he's done. It's a broken record now. Again, I don't care what he's done. I am sure I speak for many when I say: I want to know what he's GONNA do! At least Mcconnell has told us where he's been and where he's going! Maybe you should report the facts as you find them and not weigh in on the political endorsements. It's obvious you are biased and your thinking is flawed.

  6. Jim,

    When making your decision did you consider Julian's relationship to Larry Deen? How Julian hasn't earned any anything? Normally I take you for a standup guy but I think incubus decision your trying to just go along with the crowd.

  7. Wow, its obviouis that you and Julian are friends. You couldn't have made it any less noticable could you? You aren't the one stealing McConnel's signs are you?

  8. Does anyone other than Kartman have any questions?

  9. It appears that I am the only one with specific questions.

  10. Kartman,

    Are you asking if ethics will take precedence of taking care of the good old boys and pissing on those who aren't? The answer is an emphatic ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRIGGIN' MIND?

    Are you asking if promotions will be based on what a person knows and not who they know? The answer is an emphatic ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRIGGIN' MIND?

    The last two questions will have to be answered by Julian. From what I understand about him, he's friendly and respectable.

    I'm answering the first two questions, because in Bossier it what other people can do for you.

  11. I mean, what other people can do for me!

  12. Jim,

    I agree with your endorsement. Julian is clearly the best choice for Sheriff. His experience, knowledge, training, and education, makes him the best candidate.

    Mike McConnell's views and history of jumping from one job to another when he does not get his way, does not impress me.

    I have met Mr. Matlock a couple of times. He is a nice guy, and retired from BPSO. He would have been my second choice. Mr. Matlock just does not have the same experience and training as Julian.

  13. Now that we have established that my thinking is flawed, I'm stealing signs, and Kartman is out of his friggin mind 50% of the time, any more questions?
    7:08 - thanks for the comment.

  14. Jim,

    Don't foget that Jimmy Hall knows where Hoffa is and who shot Kennedy! That's why the establishment is supporting Whittington...LOL...

    Meanwhile on the homefront, why didn't McConnell challenge all of the corruption in Caddo Parish by running against Prator for Sheriff. McConnell served all of those years at SPD, and at CPSO. McConnell singlehandedly cleaned up the crime in Shreveport and Caddo! I mean look how low their crime rate is now! LOL...

  15. 7:08,
    Julian held four different jobs in the year before cousin Larry got elected and gave Julian his meal ticket.
    What is an Inspector General? who held thT title before Julian? Was it a made up position to justify his salary?

  16. I'm glad the election is two weeks away! I'm tired of hearing McConnell and his cronies crying and whinning about Julian and his positions. His qualifications justifies his positions.

    If you want to cry about something, cry about Doyle Dempsey being made undersheriff with only six years of law enforcement experience. That is a joke.

  17. Doyle is not running for sheriff. Julian moved up the ranks just as quick. What else you got?

  18. What corruption in Caddo? Steve Prator is everything Larry Deen wanted to be and Julian will never will. That the difference in working your way to the top than be given everything. Ever since Prator was elected Larry Deen constantly tried to keep up but he couldn't because he did know how. Julian is just as ignorant.

  19. I may indeed be out of my frigging mind but I did think of a few questions that I would like answered. I do not need to know what someone called anon. thinks, I would like to know what Julian thinks.

    I would also like to say that I know both Julian and Mike. I think both are good men but I have specific reasons for my skepticism that things will be different with Julian as sheriff. Not just that I am out of my frigging mind.

  20. Julian would have been the under Sheriff, but he got crossed up with Deen. In comes Doyal and out goes Julian. Its all about who is in the good graces of Deen at any moment in time. Julian didn't stay any one place for very long either. Julian just did it INSIDE the BPSO. Look at all the deputies he went around to get what he wanted. Gimme a break.

  21. 1. What's going to happen to all the supervisors that were give rank and didn't earn it? Maybe I'm a supervisor maybe I'm not but I would like to work with people that know what they are doing.

    2. Is he goimg to beef up patrol deputies on evenings and midnights?

    3. Is he going to give some of the younger deputies a chance for dayshift so they can be with their families at night?

  22. I like this endorsement. I was actually a student when Julian BEGAN as a D.A.R.E. officer for Bossier Parish and am willing to bet that his tenure as a D.A.R.E. office DID make a difference in the lives and futures of the kids (me!). I'm excited to vote for Julian for this and so many more reasons.

  23. Wellllllll, looks like Julian got another endorsement. This time it come from someone who I thought had some crediblity. He got one from "cousin Larry", and one from "slow Lo" and now one from Jim... Yea, I knew that was comin.
    So Jim, riddle me this, Julian has lived with Larry's corruption for 20 years and didn't say a word and when folks start askin him questions, he runs and hides. So here is the question... Is he going to hide at your house when folks start asking him questions when he becomes sheriff? Did you see the paper today where he took a $17k pay increase at one time and the the underlings got nothing? Does Julian have somethin on you, cause I'm stumped over your selection.

    When this dumb-bell falls on his face, I hope you do the right thing and write a retraction.

    Julian is doing the same thing that Lynn Austin did, run and hide, don't answer any questions because you will lose votes every time you open your mouth. The only thing he ever talks about is what he has done... which aint much, and nothing about the future.

    And my final words are this...
    You will never see Julian only Dempsey answer the questions from the public and media. That is the only reason Julian will keep Dempsey around. Hes smarter than Julian.

  24. He will keep Doyle and Doyle will keep his 100k salary. Nothing will change. Like I said before, all he knows is Larry Deen's way

  25. Lynn Austin is a joke too! Typical good ole boy. Austin will be like Barack Obama. A one time loser! Richard will put Austin in his place next time.

    The city needed Richard and the SO needs McConnell. What a difference that would make. All the good ole boys would be out! It's funny how two Shreveport law enforcement officers have to come to Bossier to clean things up!

  26. Dempsey makes $130,000 a year. get your facts straight!

  27. Jim has a right to endorse anyone he likes. Just because I might not agree with his endorsement, I certainly respect his right to his beliefs. I said a few days ago and I still believe that he has been fair to all candidates.

  28. Jim is very fair to all candidates! This is his blog and he could refuse to mention anyone other than those he supports.

  29. 9:46,
    I stand corrected. Thanks. He will keep his $130k a year salary.

  30. McConnell,

    BCPD is looking for a good homicide detective since they have been unable to solve any. That may be a place for you after the election. No McConnell, Copper head did not kill your election.

  31. Jim does have a right to endorse who hecwanrs and ivfeel like recall respect that. But we also have a right to disagree. That why he puts it out there for everyone to see. And that's the point of this blog. Discussion.

  32. Ano Oct 9 6:44 Thank God At last someone who speaks the truth and obviously cares about Bossier! Thank You!I can't believe that your Bossier is going with more of the same?? Oh Well!Umm sad!

  33. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree. The proof will be in the pudding, as they say.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Doyle makes $130K a month, that is unbelievable. If the sheriff is evidently out of hand what can be done. What is his job description? How much does the sheriff make a month? Can the police jury get this under control? Does the police jury have any authority over the sheriff's department? If not who does he answer to other than the taxpayer? My God I can not believe this is going on. Somebody needs to held accountable for this.

  36. Two major issues turned me against Dean. 1 - The raising of taxes without a vote or even listening to public opinion. He gave a 15 minute hearing and refused to take questions. 2- Dean appointed Doyle Dempsey as Under Sheriff. A man with only six years experience in law enforcement. Dempsey is from the oil field.

    I don't like my taxes being raised without input from the public and I don't like the idea of a man with only six years experience in law enforcement being second in command.

    I fully expect Julian to correct both of these issues, otherwise he will lose my support as well as many, many others. I believe he will correct these problems.

  37. I am making my decision on which candidate to support based on the candidates knowledge, experience, training, and education. That is why I am supporting Whittington.

    If the race would have been between McConnell and Dempsey, I would have supported McConnell because of the same reasons. Dempsey only has six years of law enforcement experience, and most of that is in the office!

  38. Expecting him to correct these issues and him saying he will make corrections are two different things. I was voting for JW because I believed he would do us a good job. Because he is not talking and telling us exactly what he is going to do is scary. I have had it with the sheriff's department being run as a private little empire. I also had JW sign in my yard. It is being taken down now. You need to start talking. We have already have a sheriff who thought he was not responsible to the taxpayer.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. This is about the sheriff's race, keep it on topic

  41. BPSO is full of great guys who are dying to get out and be allowed to actually do their jobs, but they are so hamstrung by the current administration and its politics that they simply can not do what they need to do. There are literally hundreds of younger guys who have been loyal to the department for years and they are aching to get the chance to show their abilities and enthusiasm, but they are being road blocked a bunch of old men who have been hired (and promoted) around the younger crowd because they are friends with the sheriff. The sheriff's office is not a welfare system used to supplement the retirements of a bunch of old good old boys, but it is being run that way right now. If some of you only knew how often it is repeated that the sheriff wants the "older" crowd on patrol because he doesn't want the public to see "young aggressive deputies" out there because he is afraid of what the public would think. He leaves his younger go getters in the jails where they stagnate and lose faith in the entire system until they go elsewhere. What happens when someone gets killed because we have made it a habit of moving the good old boys and old timers into these positions rather than the most qualified candidates? Is JW going to follow suit and leave many of the most qualified people he has out of the loop while making sure the coffee shops are manned with plenty of deputies to rub elbows with the old men that control so much of the "old money" in Bossier Parish?

    I know I would feel safer with a bunch of fired up deputies out there actively looking for and bringing in criminals rather than a bunch of old men waiting for something to happen and hoping that it all works out....

  42. You will never know because we can't get any type of response. You will have to a gamble on your vote.

  43. You are only gambling by voting for Whittington. McConnell has made it clear what his intentions are for BPSO.

  44. What are the demographics of the BPSO?

    What are the credentials of the top officials of the BPSO?

    What, if any, are some changes that Mr. Whittington proposes for the BPSO?

    How can Mr. Whittington as a 24 year employee of the government, afford to loan his campaign $150,000?

  45. @649

    1. male, female,a couple of other; black, white, yellow, brown; young and old

    2. high school, Associates. Bachelors, and Graduate Degrees

    3. Tell ya later

    4. If you knew all that you thought you knew, you would know.

    Can you smell what the rock is cookin! Jack Rabbit!! LOL...

  46. McConnel,

    I know that you have had a tough go at it, and you are at a loss. So to help you, I have attached a campaign concession speech for you:

    "Just moments ago, I spoke with Julian Whittington and congratulated him on becoming the next sheriff of Bossier Parish. And I promised him that I wouldn't call him anymore names. I offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and the contest through which we've just passed.

    Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the voters decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome. And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession. I also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor the new Sheriff and do everything possible to help him bring the citizens of Bossier Parish together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our Constitution affirms and defends. I know that many of my supporters are disappointed. I am too. But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of our parish.

    As for what I'll do next, I don't know the answer to that one yet. Like many of you, I'm looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends. Some have asked whether I have any regrets, and I do have one regret: that I didn't get the chance to stay and fight for the citizens of Bossier Parish over the next four years, especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removed, especially for those who feel their voices have not been heard. I heard you. And I will not forget.

    And now, my friends, in a phrase I once addressed to others: it's time for me to go.

    Thank you, and good night, and God bless America."

  47. Jim, good choice on deleting that previous comment, but apparently some folks figured it out. JW, we all know that you will win. Hopefully you will take that department out of 1960 with women, minorities, and young men fighting on the field. Work smarter not harder.

    Good fight, McConnell. But give it 8 more years before Plain Dealing implodes and the old folks turn their hearing aids off and die. Those of us left get it. Hopefully, Bossier Parish won't fall to the wayside in the meantime.

  48. Jim, good choice on deleting that previous comment, but apparently some folks figured it out. JW, we all know that you will win. Hopefully you will take that department out of 1960 with women, minorities, and young men fighting on the field. Work smarter not harder.

    Good fight, McConnell. But give it 8 more years before Plain Dealing implodes and the old folks turn their hearing aids off and die. Those of us left get it. Hopefully, Bossier Parish won't fall to the wayside in the meantime.

  49. Hey anon 7:39

    You should take up writing for the National Rifle Association. That was a tear-jerker! A small favor though; where you have place McConnell's name (you misspelled it by the way), could you erase that and put, "place name here"! That way your prose could be universal for Whittington as well!


  50. This is in reply to Anon 8:17.

    Good luck with the 1960s issue. We can't get Whittington to say anything on any issue, much less trying to bring the Sheriff's department out of the last century and into this one.

    Whittington may have management experience, but that does not make him a leader. The only time he speaks is to tell us about how many years he spent at the department. When profiled on the news, he had an opportunity to tell us about his thoughts, ideas and direction for the Sheriff's department if given the opportunity to be Sheriff. He fell flat. Disappointing.

    McConnell may not have management experience, but he has a direction and that already makes him a leader.

    I'm voting for a fellow who at least is trying to tell me what he sees as a direction for the Sheriff's office for the next 4 years.

    That's got to be better than voting for someone who hangs back, doesn't say anything and stands around with his hands in his pockets!

    Lead, follow, or get out of the way, Julian!

  51. Maybe that's because he doesn't know WHAT to do.

  52. Anon: 7:39

    Hey that's pretty good. You put alot of heart and time in to it. Can I add some to it?

    Here it is:
    I have learned alot during this campaign and I have met hundreds of people who have touched my life, but most of all, I want to publicly say that I adore my wife and children more than ever and love them even more. I have been gone more than at home this past year and I have missed them greatly and I will be very happy, win or lose, to be able to do things with them again and have a normal life.
    I find it interesting that some folks think Im going to be upset if I lose, this is not the case. I will be happy winning or losing because I fought the good fight. I have always stood up to the bullies of the block and this was no exception. It was just on a grander scale.
    To all my supporters, I say thank you for believing in and supporting me and to all of my detractors, I also say thank you for making me stronger and..... this aint over yet.

    I will see you all at the polls!

  53. Anon 7:39

    Hey Julian, I think thats the most you have ever said. Please keep it up!

  54. McConnell, don't go away mad
    McConnell, just go away
    McConnell, don't go away mad
    Now McConnell, just go away
    Here we go

    Don't go away mad
    I don't want you to stay, Yeah
    Come on, McConnell

    Come on, McConnell
    I'll say it one more time

    McConnell, don't go away mad
    McConnell, just go away
    McConnell, don't go away mad
    McConnell, just go away yeah, yeah
    McConnell, don't go away mad
    McConnell, just go away, Yeah
    Now I said McConnell, don't go away mad
    McConnell, just go away
    Now I said McConnell, don't go away mad
    McConnell, just go away, yeah
    McConnell, don't go away mad
    McConnell, just go away...

  55. Skip a rope skip a rope,
    listen to the candidates while they play, Ain't it kinda funny what politicians all say,
    skip a rope

    Lowrie hates Thompson, McConnell hates Whittington,
    Last night you should've heard the fight they had
    Gave little McConnell another bad dream, he woke us all up with a terrible scream
    Skip a rope skip a rope...

    Cheat in the campaign don't be a fool, what was that they said about the golden rule
    Never mind the rules just play to win and hate the other candidates for the race their in
    Skip a rope skip a rope...

    Stub 'em in the back that's the name of the game
    And Duke and McConnell are the ones to blame
    Skip a rope skip a rope listen to the candidates while they play
    It's not really funny what candidates say skip a rope
    Skip a rope skip a rope

  56. Wow Julian your college degree has helped you out with your nursery rhymes. Keep up the good work!

    And whats wrong with Duke?

  57. Bill R.,

    Obviously you do not know old country music. Skip a Rope is an old country song from the 60's. Lighten up! You guys are going to have a heart attack. This is poking fun at all of them!

    As far as what is wrong with Duke, nothing! Duke and Jeff both are good people. As far as McConnell he has been the one making personal attacks every since he decided to enter the race. He is the only one that has made himself look like such a fool.

    The McConnell concession speech is excerpts from Al Gore's concession speech the last time G.W. beat him.

    McConnell don't go away mad is the Motley Crue song "Girl don't go away mad, girl just go away" because the only thing he has done this entire election is whine and cry about Whittington and Dean supposedly being cousins. Maybe if McConnell stayed somewhere long enough, he would get a better position.

    Y'all will be okay. Your pain and suffering will be over next weekend! And I must admit I am ready for it to be over as well. I'm sick of seeing McConnell's big head on the trailer park signs made from pcv pie from a junk yard. I figured since he was the law enforcement savior of the world, and top crime fighter, enough Shreveport people would finance his campaign enough to buy signs. I almost felt so bad for him that I almost gave him a donation. But then I realized Obama is already wasting enough of my money!

  58. Anon October 11, 2011 6:30 AM

    What personal insults and attacks has McConnell made?? Name one PERSONAL insult, please. He has attacked Julian's inability to perform the job he is applying for. How many people took a look at the Shreveport Times this past Sunday?? What a fine example of Julian's managerial abilities. . . . Deficits ranging from 400,000 to 1.9 million predicted by the sheriff's office through 2015. . . WASTEFUL SPENDING is going to cost me my retirement thanks to people like Julian. His 17,000 plus raise over the last 6 months of employment there is absolutely ridiculous. The Louisiana Sheriff's Pension and Relief Fund cannot sustain itself with these numbers. By the time I get ready to retire, the money won't be there for me to have after I put in my 30 years unless something is done. Don't even try to say that poor, helpless Julian couldn't do anything with that mean, old man, Larry Deen at the helm because Lary Deen is supporting and backing Julian while Julian sys nothing of change. Julian has made well over 80,000 a year for YEARS and ya'll talk about Doyle's salary. Julian got on that train years ago and was still riding it when he left the SO. When asked about changes to the budget, he says he'll take a look at it, but the key is doing more with what we have instead of getting more. . . Well, no crap; there isn't anymore to get and according to the sheriff's dept.'s own projections, they won't be able to pay the bills as early as July 2011 with only 23,000 left in the general fund. Not to mention the fact that his campaign has blown through money like it was going out of style. The fact that McConnell used a more cost effective version of a political sign is indicative to me of his ability to be frugal while Julian continues the extravagant spending spree that is the Bossier Sheriff's Office. The puprose of those signs is to have your name seen and allow people to show support for their candidate. The materials used to make them are irrevelant. Open your eyes people! Have ya'll not read the comments from people who currently work there or formerly worked there?? Do you honestly think you know more of that place than the actual people who goto work there everyday?? A couple of examples of Julian being a manager: He was Chief Criminal Deputy for 5 years but is unable to tell you how many deputies are on a shift at any given time. Wouldn't that be pertinenet information if you were the leader of the criminal division of the Sheriff's office? He said that home invasions and burglaries happen during the day, while everyone is at work and that graveyards are the least manned shifts because everyone is sleeping. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? Why don't you clue in that meth head who's been strung out and awake for two or three days who just ran out of dope and money, but needs a fix, and is eyeing your big, fancy house by the lake getting ready to kick the door in and take whatever he can, by any means necessary, because his mind is fried on dope. Just because you're sleeping at night doesn't mean these types of people are. Those types of people are addicts who are out of the minds due to the amount of drugs they have put into their bodies at the time they are considering committing their crimes, but the only problem is, when you call 911 for help, the closest cop to your house is 30 minutes away because we staff the graveyard shifts lightly "because everyone is sleeping". That definitely shows some great ideas from a man who wants to be our next sheriff.

  59. Anon 6:30 (or should I say Julia Whittington)

    I believe you have your facts wrong. Mr. McConnell hasnt made any personal attacts on any of the other candidates and you know it. You are the only one I know of who is throwing stones. And besides you were too weak to take a stand against tyrannical dictators. You went along with the corruption for 20 years which makes you no better than Deen himself. The only reason you may make sheriff is because of your family name and that is all. You never made your mark in this world, you only rode on your father and cousins coat tails. I for one am glad Deen got run off, Mr. McConnell or someone else like him should have come along years ago. but hey, when you fall on your face, you can always write childrens books.

  60. Anon 6:30

    Along with Obama wasting your money, you forgot to mention the Bossier Sheriff's Office.

    Only see what you want to see, eh?

  61. Sorry Jim, I have to go with the Democrat in this race. I can relate more to a Democratic candidate and I feel like he will have my best interest at heart -- I'll support Matlock.

  62. For all you Deen/Julian die hard worshipers; instead of going bonkers and posting off the wall bigoted comments against candidates that you believe haven't a prayer anyway, just simply vast in your self victory. And why would you even waste your valuable time in a discussion of a situation you consider is in vain anyway. And oh how proud your chosen candidate must be to have you and your type of support!

  63. I met some of Mr. Whittington's campaign workers yesterday. When I asked about Mr. Whittington's background, the worker, who came to my door to give me a flyer, said she was just getting paid to deliver the pamphlet and didn't know anything about Julian.

    Jim, here are my questions:

    1. Do the campaingn workers get paid from Julian's campaign fund or is that from his personal account?

    2. Is it usual for a campaign worker not to know anything about the person they are supporting?

    When the worker moved on to the next house, I stood there dumb-founded and speechless.

  64. 1. I would imagine from campaign funds.
    2. I don't know the answer, perhaps the were just paid to leave the pushcards or whatever with people.

  65. I agree Jim, they were probably hired to distribute the push cards.

  66. Jim...Having been involved with the door to door campaign in north Bossier City to Benton, I am sure there are no paid workers passing out pushcards for Julian in that area. We do have several volunteers that have been doing this for over two weeks and will continue through next week. Most everyone knows Julian well enough to answer most basic questions,

  67. Why isnt Julian knocking on doors so he can answer the hard questions himself? Oh yeah, hes still hiding. And, I dont believe your answer about them not being paid, cause other folks have told me the same thing.

  68. Bill,
    "Other folks" are lying and Julian is going door to door. Can he hit every house? Nope...but he is out there. Anon at 11:00 is right.

  69. You would think that Julian would at least come by BCPD and talk with the officers seeing how we ate going to be working with one another. I guess ole Julian just assumes he has our support. He is sadly mistaken. Mike took the time to come talk to us. Julian just seems to be a no show everywhere.
    Just in case you do decide to show up before the election, i must warn you, there will be some questions asked. One question will be will you put an end to your deputies having to call other agencies to do their jobs. I mean Larry Deen and you talk so highly about how they are the best trained deputies in the state. Just wondering why most ofvthem can't even fill out a simple accident form. Be prepared to explain that.

  70. Well, maybe Julian is just paying people to pass cards out in South Bossier. We all know he's too good to come down here. We know where we rank when it comes to living in South Bossier. We've been put on the back burner way too often!!!

    I have personally recieved a visit from McConnell as he was going door to door in South Bossier. I'm sure he can't hit all the doors, but at least he gets an "A" for effort in my book!

    By the way, I know someone personally who is getting paid to pass out Julian's cards. So I KNOW it's happening!

  71. Julian,

    I have been with BCPD for many years, and I assure most of us are fully behind you! We have enjoyed working with you in the past and will enjoy working with you as the Sheriff!

  72. 6:30,
    I figure it this way. All the old geezers are for Julian. All the young officers who actually do the work are for McConnell.

  73. No sir. Most of us young officers know McConnell. We do not support him. He represents the reasons why we came to work for BCPD and not SPD. Look at the poor leadership at SPD / Shreveport and the crime rate in Shreveport. And now he wants to come to Bossier Parish and tell us how to police? That is not happening. Julian Whittington has our support!

  74. 6:08,
    Thanks for that comment. You just confirmed your not a police officer. Your just some Whittington supporter pretending. Busted.

  75. @8:40,

    Well slick, I assure you I am, and much better than McConnell ever will be, and probably you too.

  76. Slick? Your not an officer and you certainly aren't young. Young people don't use the word "slick". Keep proving my point. Thank you.

  77. After the election, you will either congradulate or curse yourself after they are in office a few months. It will be either the same old-same old or a change. There is a certain few that now don't get tickets, get priority treatment and don't have to stand in line for help at the court house. Money is going to be exchanged for preferential treatment for the next four years. By the way, no one has ever flunked out of the national academy to my knowledge. It's a political appointment. The toughest thing about the school is that you are away from your family for three months. It's up to you how you want the next "legacy" to operate. Try to elect someone that has been in the rain investigating an accident, family/bar fight, and all of the other pleasantries of law enforcement. Select someone that is innovative. Don't copy Caddo SO, their leadership is flawed.

  78. This is to Anon 10/14 6:08pm,

    How does McConnell have anything to do with how the Shreveport PD is being run or the crime rate in Shreveport????

    Next time you sound off, make sure you at least have something worth while to say.

    Maybe it's because of you that people don't move to the state or why they move away. Get my point?

  79. Mike McConnell left SPD because of the poor leadership. He came to BPSO only to find the leadership was worse.

  80. Anon Oct 16, 10:27

    You are spot on! Only time will tell if we made the right decision for our new Sheriff. The candidates made it easy for me to make my decision. One answers questions and the other does not. One walks the streets and the other does not. One has poured several hundred thousand into the campaign and the other has not. One has a HQ and the other does not. Sounds like one is frugal and the other is not. One has made promises to the tax payers and the other has not. One has been endorsed by Larry Deen and the other has not. One has been endorsed by Mayor Lo Walker and the other has not. One stood by while Sheriff Deen was a dictator and the other took on the establishment..... yeah, pretty clear choice.

  81. If you dont know why he's endorsing JW i've got two words "special deputy"

  82. 2:35 PM,

    Is it true folks paid a yearly fee for special deputy badges that went to Deen's warchest?

  83. 5:54,
    Not only do they pay, the poor guys he calls his "posse" have to pay into his campaign fund plus they have to buy their own uniforms. How he has convinced these people that it's such a privilege is beyond me. In my opinion he isctaking advantage of people and of course Julian stood by while he did it.

  84. Thats on the posse Never have I had to pay a dime

  85. 5:32,
    Your not on the posse, your not a BCPD officer. You are delusional human being. Good lord.


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