
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bossier Deputies deserve better

I have been trying to understand exactly what happened in the "under-withholding" that the sheriff reported, and the ensuing confusion over repayment to the IRS.
The official explanations were as clear as mud, and in fact misleading.
Nothing was "under-withheld". Income was incorrectly reported on Sheriff’s employees pay stubs and W-2’s for 10 years. Ten years until an employee looked at her pay stub and realized that it was incorrect.
Ten years without, apparently, any oversight that would have caught this error.
From what I am able to gather from people in the know, the sheriff agreed in 2002 to start paying 2% that employees had been paying toward retirement. The problem was, that although the sheriff paid the retirement system, employees’ pay still reflected that 2% as deferred income, rather than as taxable income. The result of this, of course, was that when these employees filed their yearly return, the income they reported was actually lower than it should have been.
The IRS only has records, according to the sheriff, for the last 3 years. The cumulative total of what is owed for 2008, 2009 and 2010, and I would assume that this would include interest and penalties, is $689,000.
Employees were given the option to pay their share by December 5th, or alternately to have 2% deducted from their pay until it is paid. This, supposedly, was part of an agreement reached with the IRS. How it will be credited to each individual employee, I have no idea. Why the sheriff couldn’t just issue corrected W-2’s and let each employee deal with it at tax time, I have no idea.
Of course, to add insult to injury in a manner that only Larry Deen could come up with, was his ‘joking’ statement to deputies that their paycheck would have a bonus included. Just joking.
Oh, and they won’t get that raise next year. Although they are paying their part of the money owed, someone has to pay the interest and penalties. That will be offset by deputies not receiving a raise.
Meanwhile, Larry Deen is sitting on almost half a million dollars in unused campaign contributions. The law closely governs how he can disburse that money to certain non-profit and charitable donations.
Shame he can’t donate it to the Sheriff’s office or to a non-profit set up for that purpose, and relieve the employees of about 2/3 of their burden.


  1. I still don't buy that an employee found the error by noticing it on her check.

  2. SICK OF DIRTY POLITICSDecember 1, 2011 at 9:52 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. CFO is Mike Rabinowitz who makes over $100K per year. In the words of Chris Christie, "What are we paying you for?"

  4. To Sick of Dirty Politics - I'm removing your post while I check it out.

  5. Mike Rabinowitz wouldn't do anything underhanded. An honest mistake, but nothing underhanded.

  6. Is anything ever Larry Deen's fault? Exactly what is he accountable for and when? He certainly is not held responsible for the way our tax dollars are spent. That is not his money! Do tax dollars still belong to the people? Why are there no charges being brought against him? Why do the deputies have to be held responsible for this huge so called error? The whole department needs to be investigated regarding the expenditures of the sheriffs office. If I knew who to contact I would. Does anyone know?

  7. A simple apology would have been nice but instead he made jokes. Their salaries are public record so I would like to know if he and his cronies had to write a check to the department. I would imagine he took care of them. I would call the Inquisitor but Larry bought them off a few years back.

  8. Bossier Parish and Bossier City has the best government money can buy.

  9. SICK OF DIRTY POLITICSDecember 1, 2011 at 4:49 PM

    Thanks Jim....I would like to see if my tax money is going to his salary

  10. 3:58 PM

    That's what happens when you give Republicans full control. They've always been the party of the rich, for the rich.

  11. A.J., what is going on in Bossier has NOTHING to do with political parties. Don't get me started on the assclown democrats. This is purely about self motivated greed that has been going on for decades.

  12. I agree with you. I think both political parties have their faults. It'd be better if we got rid of them all. all the politicians.

  13. Just about all othe politicians around here were democrats at one time and became reublicans only to get elected , because the Democrat Party lost power in Louisana.

  14. Can someone please start a Blog about the over 2 Million dollars of the tax payers money that has already been spent for legal fees, and the estimated 3 million more to be spent before this travesty ends, to keep jobs and a favorable much needed business from building in Bossier. The Mayor, Stonecipher and most of the citizens of Bossier City approved and were excited about the boon to the city.If indeed the City Council was behind this overturn of the approval by the abrupt passing of an ordinance giving them the ability to grant or deny curb cuts. The council is passing and abusing their rights in an alarming act of fascism, and everyone knows who their puppeteer is! Are we really not going to cover this crucial act of piracy against the citizens? Hello, 2-5 Million Dollars to be spent to prevent the development of Bossier City. We are sending representatives all over the country to bring business to our city and yet we will pay as much as 5 million dollars to keep a great much needed jobs business Idea from developing. I think it certainly deserves it's own BLOG!!
    2 Million already gone, heck we could have paid the tax bill for the Sheriff dept.,hired more Police and Fireman and had money left for a pay raise! DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THIS ABUSE?? Of Course they do, and My Bossier should care too!Someone needs to be accountable for this abuse of the people's trust and if this is the council's idea of representing the people then the people need to fire the whole bunch!This is not their first Blooper!!!and if we don't make them accountable, it will certaintly not be their last!

  15. Dear Jim,

    You are perpetuating low morale in the Bossier Sheriff's Department. I am not in administration and I am not a "golden child." The mistake that was made was not by Sheriff Deen and he had things in place (like auditors) that should have caught this. There is confusion among the ranks, and them trying to figure it out among themselves and outside sources makes it worse. The 10% (not 2%) that the Sheriff put in on our behalf what we would have normally paid was accidentally shown as deferred income. I don't know who hit the button that made it like that, but who cares at this point....edcuated people in this field missed it since 2002. He didn't profit from it, and essentially, according to the IRS, the deputies would be responsible for the 2008-2010 taxes which he is trying to negotiate at HIS expense.

    I have worked somewhere else that didn't pay my retirement or my health care, nor did they care about how hard you worked. Trust me....those who are complaining are oblivious to what other crap jobs that they can go get.

    I've had enough of the Deen bashing. I don't have the facts on other complaints so I can't speak to those. But I can tell you, I have been treated fairly, for the first time in a long time.

  16. When I called the IRS, I was told that I need to contact the Under Sheriff Dempsey. I tried today...but he is in vacation for the next two weeks. He will be out of the country. Yes, not state, out of the country. Wow, his salary wasn't too effected now was it??? I have a newsletter from the Retirement System that CLEARLY states 2011 Legislative Update Act 238 Beginning July 1, 2011 total contributions due is 36.5 %, therefore employee contribution rate will be 10% (yes, 10 - NOT 12) and the employer contribution rate will be 26.5%. Any attorney want my copy of this information?

  17. Anon @ 8:19, why don't you start a blog, and the first thing you can do is explain what the hell you're talking about.

  18. 8:22 PM - "The mistake that was made was not by Sheriff Deen and he had things in place (like auditors) that should have caught this."

    The Sheriff said 'the buck stops here'. I believe him.

  19. Anon at 9:07 - "Anon @ 8:19, why don't you start a blog, and the first thing you can do is explain what the hell you're talking about."

    You took the words right out of my mouth. I have no idea what 8:19 is talking about.

  20. Jim,
    I bet he is talking about the walker place development in south bossier.

  21. Could be what he's talking about, but someone actually did start a blog about it, Save South Bossier, although they haven't posted anything in over a year.
    And, of course, I did blog about it a couple of times.

  22. ano 10:21 Correct Jim knows! But just in case?? The Times Sunday page 3A "Legal Battle cost Bossier City Since 2006, Bossier City has been embroiled in a lawsuit that has reached the federal level. Linc Coleman is a developer who plans to establish a business suite called Walker Placefor retail, housing and private businesses of the Arthur Ray Teague Parkway in Bossier City.Coleman planned to establish Walker Place near the Centurylink Centerbut had his plans stymied when the Bossier City Council passed an ordinance that gave them the ability to grant or deny curb cuts. Just before developing the council denied the curb cutting causing Coleman to sue the city, a lawsuit that has racked up more than $1 million dollars (actually $2 million) in legal fees paid by Bossier City tax dollars.Elliott Stonecipher is a local business owner and demographer who believes the development of Walker Place would be a boon to the city.
    UPDATE: Bossier City residents will have to wait nearly a year before the dispute is ended. The court date is set for late 2012, so a swift resolution is unlikely." and millions more of the tax payers dollars. Is that plain enough?? now that you know what the heck this was about, now do you care???Oh I realize this blog is only about Bossier City and Oh wait this is about as Bossier City as it gets!! 2-5 million Dollars of the Bossier City tax payers money!!just to prevent Jobs and development!!

  23. First, this blog isn't only about Bossier City.
    As to Walker Place, the city says it doesn't want another curb cut on the Parkway, that there are 2 other points of entrance/exit for the development.
    Why don't you explain to us why that curb cut is so crucial? Better yet, write something up (with your name included), email it to me and I will be glad to publish it as a guest blog.

  24. I'm not a city official, but I have kept up with this and nutty stoner. As I appreciate it, if Walker Place gets a cut, the city has to tell anybody else yes -legally. The the completed 200 million dollar roadway becomes another Airline Drive just so a developer can make money. I hope they continue to fight. I want a good road not an apartment complex.

  25. I'm actually for the city on this one. What makes me mad is that they were told they could have a curb cut then was later they couldn't. Now we have to spend millions because once again the mayor and city council can't work together. No matter what someonevtells youbthe mayor and city council stand each other. This is why the city council pass ordinances that take away authority from the mayor. Jimmy hall is in the middle pullingbthe strings as usual.

  26. How can one say trying to get the facts is Deen bashing? He is not royality. I agree that he has not been honest and this needs to be investigated.

  27. I understand people are not fond of Deen, and maybe I am missing something, but I don't see where Deen benefited from this "error" Either way the deputies income was artificially inflated, and as a result they owe money, just like anyone else that understated income or overstated tax deductions-the deputies owe money to the IRS, period.

    If I hire a cpa and he makes an error on my return, Im responsible. What am I missing Jim?

  28. If your CPA makes a mistake, then he would give you a corrected 1099 and when you filed your taxes you would settle up with the IRS.
    Why can't the deputies do this instead of paying the sheriff's office?

  29. WALKER PLACE WAS NEVER TOLD THEY COULD HAVE A CURB CUT! INITIALLY WHEN THEY SHOWED THEIR PLANS TO CITY OFFICIALS AND THE SOUTH BOSSIER RESIDENTS THERE WAS NO CURB CUT! They were told no over a year after the land purchase. Fact of the matter they want a curb cut to put a Circle K, or a Diamond Shamrock, etc on the parkway with all the signage and neon. They recover their land investment by selling the corners. Sorry 2:45am, but you fact are all wrong. The City did nothing wrong but protect the parkway and they were bnever told anything but no!

  30. Anon 2:45, It would not matter who gets along with who. This Coleman guy is involved in 26 lawsuits at this moment. He sues everybody he does business with. I was one of them.

  31. A lot of people do not trust Larry Deen including me. I have had numerous deputies tell me that they have to be careful when making a traffic stop because the person might be Larry's buddy. They don't know how Larry will react if they give his buddy a ticket. I do not trust a sheriff whose department is run like that. Everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law. There are other things that cause distrust. What deal did he make with the Inquisitor to get Lawler off his back for example. If he had nothing to hide no deal would have been necessary.

  32. 11:29,
    Then why the lawsuit? What what I've read the curb cuts are the main reason for the suit. Im to the understanding the city talked him to purchasing the land in south Bossir after he initially wanted to build it next to Bass Pro. A curb cut onto ART was part of the deal. I could be wrong but I could swore that's what I read somewhere.

  33. anon @ 1140
    The deal that Larry Deen cut with Lawler had to do with vehicles being sent over to Lawler's auction yard. If he continued to breathe down the Sheriff's neck and ivestigate/uncover questionable acts at BSO, then Lawler would no longer get any business for his auction yard from Deen, so he eased off and the sheriff continues to send him business. How about that?? lol

  34. 11:58, None of that is true. He is making it up as he goes and in court everybody will be scratching their head. He has been offered his money back years ago and refused a refund?! Do not put stock in anything Stoncipher says. He is on his payroll to stir the water. He does not need to be allowed to set a precedent for curb cuts on that road or any other. Drive Airline Drive.

  35. I hope your right and I hope the city wins. Your right we don't need another airline drive. I never liked the mayor building the veteran's home down there. He could have built it anywhere in Bossier but chose down there. To me he kind of sets a precedence with that. I understand the difference between the two but still.

  36. Ironic that the the collector of the taxes is....... the Sheriff! Mark my word, we will replace one idiot with another. Whittington said that it will be business as usual.

  37. Jim,
    You want to look into something? Find out why Lo Walker is spending half a million dollars to fill in the pond at city hall and then building a park in it's place. I would love to hear the spin they put on that project.

  38. @ 5:09

    My point is just to show that Republicans are often just as bad, if not worse, at governing. Look at GW Bush. We were running a budget surplus when he took over. 3 years later, we are billions in the red.

  39. A.J,
    Bush had to fight a war against al queda andvthe democrats approved it. Bush or Obama, I'll take Bush any day of the week. Nancy pelosi, dont even get me started. I think they are all crooked. I think they are all rich helping the rich. All politicians, republicans and democrats, do what their big money contributors tell them to do. Neither party cares about the people only about the money.

  40. AJ, Bush hasn't been in office for nearly 3 years. Look who has been in charge of Congress from 2006 to 2010; DEMOCRATS. Look who has been in office for the past three years: A DEMOCRAT NAMED OBAMA.
    I'm not saying Republicans are saints, but you liberal make me friggin' sick by pointing out all the wrong the other side is doing and and ignoring what your side is doing.
    I'm not a Republican and never have been, I've been an independent since I registered to vote 34 years ago. I use to have a liberal streak until I grew up and saw the world for what it really was about and became a conservative. I hate what both parties have done, and I've written my Republican congressman and senators to express my dismay. At least have the decency to call out your side for what they've done and not stick your head up your butts when it come to Democrats destroying this country.

  41. Hey Jim, thanks for clearing up just "how" the tax liability came to be.

    Under-reporting makes a lot more sense to me than under-withholding. Now I'll quit scratching my head trying to figure that one out.

  42. @ 9:30 PM

    I disagree with you. I think, generally, the Democratic plan for this country is the right one. I feel like they are at least moving us in the right direction.

  43. Right direction? I'm not even going to waste my time. You're head is too far up your a##. There's no hope.

  44. I think neither party is perfect. But because we have a two party system, I must choose one. And I think the Democratic plan is better.

  45. I've got to know. Please AJ, tell us how the Democrat plan is better.

  46. AJ, Let me start you off. Tell me, what is good about these democratic policies and how are they leading us in the right direction? Cap and Trade, the drilling moratoriun, Fannie and Freddie and allowing those who had no credit to borrow money they couldn't pay back to buy homes, Cash for Clunkers, the moratorium on the oil pipeline from Canada, all the EPA regulations that are killing jobs, the taking over of TARP (which was a bad Bush idea) and going balls to the wall with it, the list goesn on and on. How about the granddaddy of the all, Obamacare? Tell me who the democratics with policies like these are leading tjis country in the right direction.

  47. Sorry A.J,, there are SO MANY great democratic policies leading this country in the right driection one tends to forget them, and I forgot (God only knows how I forgot this goodie) the Recovery Act and the Stimulus Package,

  48. "I've got to know. Please AJ, tell us how the Democrat plan is better."

    Well for one, the Democrats are on the side of the workers. Even the Republicans will you tell you that they are anti-worker. They are on the side of making sure the businesses make as much money as possible while rich CEO's get even larger tax breaks. The Democratic plan is about providing relief to the middle class, the workers. This is quite the opposite for the Republicans, who's main political goal is to make sure that businesses and businessmen make more money than ever. President Obama's attempt to reform the health care system was roadblocked every step of the way by Republicans. They Filibustered all of the best ideas. So instead of having a health care reform that would help put health care back in the hands of the patients and their doctors. The Republicans filibustered because their true plan is this -- they don't want the prices to go down for the regular folks. They think it's great that insurance companies are making record profits, while people die because medical care is too expensive. I think the Democratic plan is more on the side of we the people. Whereas the Republican plan is on the side of we the businesses.

  49. Bulls+++ AJ, I don't want a blanket statement . I want details. Give me details how.

  50. AJ is probably a good person who really believes what he/she is saying, but is uninformed. You, AJ, have bought into the liberal bs and usually there is no hope for changing a person who thinks like that. My dad went through the depression and after that was a life long Dem. He thought that the dems was for the poor and reps were for the rich when in reality the dems try to keep folks poor so they have a voting base. The press is on the side of the dems so the truth is not always told.

  51. One can find Details every day. Just yesterday, Republicans allowed a pay roll tax cut to fall through. This tax cut, proposed by the Obama administration, would have cut taxes by $1,500 on the typical American family. Why? Well, I don't see any common sense reason why the Republicans wouldn't support such a measure. I guess they just don't want the middle class to succeed. (Also, ask them if they support a tax cut for millionaires -- all of them will say yes)

    I side with the Democrats because I side with the regular people. The working people. Not the millionaires.

  52. I work for one of the evil rich bastards who owns a small business that had five employees. The company earned close to a quarter of a million last year. Do you want to know what that s.o.b. wants to do in about six months? That is if his taxes don't stop him. He wants to start producing a new item and hire at least two more people to make him more money. Greedy bastard!

  53. It's sad that a lot of people are like AJ and do not understand that Obama is against small business owners like Anon just described. Class warfare is all the libs can hope for since they have no ideas that the voters like. We have about 47% of the population living off the other 53% of people that pay taxes.(The rich bastards). Our country is in serious trouble if we don't make big changes shortly.

  54. Rich bastards that pay taxes? Do you mean the deputies that are getting a tax bill from their employer and no cost of living allowance despite paying higher property taxes also?

  55. Anon 8:38

    There are some business owners who are good to their employees. I know this. I also know that there are a lot of people, especially millionaires, who deduct corporate jets from their taxes while their employees struggle to pay health care bills. It's this income inequality gap that needs to be shortened.

  56. A.J., I can't put this delicately. Go occupy a tent with the rest of the scunbags. You are a moron.

  57. I think someone should explain capitalism to AJ. It worked well in this country for a long time.

  58. Anon @ 11:16, no sympathy here about not getting a cost of living allowance. Just about everybody I know hasn't had a pay raise in years. As for the reason you're not is a different story. You guys are getting royally screwed.

  59. A.J., years ago I had a chance to take a short tour of a place where there was equality in pay: East Berlin. They showed us an area of the city that was modern and extremely nice, but the only problem was there were no people to be seen. It was all for show and not to be used by their citizens. The East Germans, like the other Soviet-Bloc countries and communist countries today, didn't have real pay equiry. There were the workers, and there was the ruling politicianswho had all the wealth. Yes, there are those who make money illegally or unethically, but I would rather take my chances to gain what wealth I can make where I have a chance to make it.

  60. A.J., your party is fast becoming socialistic, redistributing the wealth, take from the person out there making money and give it to those who do not or just want work. I have held a fulltime job since the age of 16 and never been unemployed. Yes, I had to work jobs that I hated and others would not do, but I worked for everything I got, so I expect everyone else to do the same. I believe in working hard and making a difference and providing for my family. By the way, before you say anything about helping others, I do give to charities. Why does your party always want to take money from everyone else and give it to those who refuse to work or even look for a job?

  61. I'm assuming that most of the people commenting here make above $100,000?

  62. AJ I have defended you in the past and said that you were probably a good person who is misinformed. The more you comment, the stupider you sound. Please wise up.

  63. I just figured I could reason with you and perhaps show you that the Democratic party is working for you and the Republican party is working against you. It seems, however, most here are not so open minded. And in all honestly, I find it moronic that one would support a party that is actively trying to make you poorer while making the very riches of society richer. It's like shooting your self in the foot every time you vote Republican because you then affirm that you are content to be poorer while the very richest of society takes all. I dont know, I just don't understand why Ianyone would support a party that would want to make them poorer while making others richer. So you can call me moron all you want. I'm on the side of the common man. The man who struggles to make ends meet.

  64. A.J., I'm glad you are in here commenting. Sometimes it's good to hear a discordant note when the choir is singing.
    And other than a moron here and there, the conversation has been pretty decent.

  65. It's not the democrats or republicans job to decide who iscrich or poor. The problem with both parties is they both have step outside the lines of what government's job is. They are getting to involved in private business. Both parties take huge campaign contributions from big businesses. I've said it and I'll say it again. Our government is by the money and for the money. Bossier is no different. Everytime an election comes up, the one to beat is the one with the most money.
    Government's involvement should be setting the rules andvthen enforcing the rules. That simple. But lawyers and businessmen have invested every level of government and muddied up the rules so much that they are hard to enforce. Thats why at the end of the day, money rules the day and the middle class always suffers. Sorry A.J, the democrats do not care about the middle class either.

  66. A.J., I find it mindboggling that you actually believe or even understand what you are writing. To believe the democrats are for someone like me, a working person who sometimes lives from paycheck to paycheck is laughable. They are for themselves and do not care about anyone else. I pray one day you will wake up and see the democrats for who they are, they just want control and to be the puppet masters!

    I was a lifelong a democrat, but wised up just before Clinton was elected and registered as a republican because they represented who I am. Now, they have gone too far on some things and I consider myself somewhere between the Republican Party and a tea party person. This is not Russia and we do not want our government taking money from the workers of this country and giving it to the non-workers.

    Obama will try to use his give away and redistribution of wealth programs to buy the votes he needs to get reelected and that is all he cares about doing, oh yes and to tear this country down as far as he can!

  67. Dec 6 8:27 You cannot possible believe that the Republican party is for the rich, no way that yall actually are falling for the ridiculous propaganda OBAMA is spuriously putting out with his every word!If we collected every single penny the 1 % had we could not even come close to balancing the budget much less pay the interest on the debt he has accumulated on purpose!! The congress was in control the last two years of the Bush years and the the first two years of Obama's reign so 4 years and he did nothing but destroy America as we know it!!Thousands of jobs could be created just on him firing his do nothing Czars and dozens of jobs could be created with the elimination of his wife's 20+ fashion and beauty consultants, obviously they are not working out anyway!!!Just one vacation would feed thousands!!He is not for the middle class as he has proved over and over again, and no one sits at their kitchen table anymore, he is a broken record just like his promise of HOPE, oh I do admit there is CHANGE, OH MY GOD is there CHANGE!!!!!All the money from the RICH would not even begin to put Humpty Dumpty back together again as long as he is in charge! Be for real!! And what's with you liberals letting him get away with allowing his buddy GE to reap all the benefits from the US but that's Okay take your business oversees and I'll cover for you and continue to stand proudly beside you!Just one of thousands of the same!!! Just a small part of the plan to take us (U.S.) DOWN!

  68. Anon Dec 7 @ 2:23, I'm the one who commented on Dec. 6, @ 8:27. but I made no comment about "Republicans being for the rich." You need to address your rebuttal toward A.J.

    To give you a little background, I'm not a Republican. I'm a conservative independent.

    With that said, I cannot agree more with what you've said.

  69. Not to change the subject but did anyone read in the Shreveport Times where the city council is building yet another building at CIC? We were warned on this blog that this was coming. At least they aren't promising jobs this time. They said they were building it in HOPES of bringing high tech jobs to the area. Unbelievable. They also tried to say the original building is 85% full. They barely made mention of the fact the 8th Air Force is leaving soon and they have yet to find anyone to occupy the top three floors. Again unbelievable.

  70. Thanks Jim. I'm glad you support the diversity of opinions. And to he who said I should wise up, my only rebuttal is to say that hopefully one day you will understand what I mean. Until then, we will be in our opposing corners.

  71. It is somehow mistakingly assumed, not only on this board, but in the general public, that the Republican party represents "CAPITALISM".

    Ayn Rand would have found the Republican party laughable, and the Democrats even more laughable.

    The root of all this, as someone mentioned, is the corrupt system. The "politicians" are puppets, they are bought and paid for.

  72. Thanks Mr. Sigis!A.J. what part of 4 years under Democratic rule do you not understand or remember, yall conveniently forget that the last two years under Bush were Democratic rule, then 2 under Obama DUH! thats 4 years, yall could have done anything yall wanted and were actually able to bring us down to a critical all time low, PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS, your DEMOCRATIC 4 year reign!!!

  73. I'm done debating for now. No one here seems to have an open mind to the idea that the Democratic party might be the right one for them. Until then, I'll keep sticking up for the party of Jackson, Roosevelt, and Clinton.

  74. A.J., I for one am sick and tired of being called closed-minded by liberals, because we disagree. Clinton? Roosevelt? Here, let me put some more names of Democrats you failed to mention: Wilson, LBJ, Carter. Every damned one of them had policies that damaged this county and are still harming us. Oh, and let's not leave out the non-presidents: Pelosi, Reid, Landrieu,..........
    These idiots are just a very few names why I hate Democrats. (I can't stand Republicans either, because their core values are like the Democrats.)
    Just about every person here who commented said they're disappointed with the Republicans. You, on the other hand, have pushed your rinky dink arguments why we should embrace the Democrats and not once said anything critical about them. That shows me who's closed-minded.

  75. A.J., How is it that by no t embracing liberal values is being closed-minded, but your reluctance to embracing conservative values isn't?
    How do you know some if us haven't espoused liberal values at one time in our lives but came to a realization that conservatism was better?
    When I was younger I leaned to the left, but events in my life changed me: military service under the Carter Administration and a career in the military reserves. The real eye opener was a career in law enforcement where I saw first hand how liberal philosophies were entrapping people in poverty.
    Until you've walked in the shoes of others please refrain from calling others who don't believe like you "closed-minded."

  76. how has this site turned into a debate between Dem. & Rep.? I want to know what is going to be done about the BPSO. What about the stupid purchase of the so called war wagon. The tax dollars spent for that could be used to help with the IRS screw-up. There needs to be a come to Jesus meeeting about Larry's Deen out of control power & he needs to be held responsible. Alot of questions need tobe answered.

  77. How? Because someone wanted to lay the blame of what Larry Deen did to stroke his ego at the feet of Republicans.

  78. There is a rumor floating around that there were a select few (10-12 people) that received pay raises on Dec. 1st while everyone else was trying to scrape together the money to pay their tax error. Some of the raises were rumored to have been as much as $20,000 per person. Has anyone else heard about this and does anyone know how to find out if this is true?

  79. My nephew told me that he was told to keep quite because "the brass" was directed to get a list together of the names of the deputies that were "bitching" about the tax error. What happens once they have a "list" of names?

  80. Isn't BPSO employee salaries public information? I know BCPD employees' salaries are.

  81. The Inquistor used to investigate alot of the sheriff's secrets until he & the sheriff got to be big buddies. Guess there is a price for everything. Hope it was worth it to be the one who gets paid to do the auctions for the BPSO.

  82. Danny lawler is a business man first and a good Samaritan second. He prints the paper to make money. He just thought he was going to print dirt on ole larry deen. Larry played a trump card and Danny's need to make money outweighed our need to know Unethical behavior at BPSO. Danny will print it if he has no need for you.

  83. I remember the days when journalists were salilvating to bring down politicians who were corrupt. Now they're in bed with them. No wonder crap like this happens.

  84. Anon @ December 8, 2011 2:50 PM:

    I only know of one such raise, but that doesn't mean there haven't been others that I just haven't heard about here (which is common practice). Promotions are rarely publicized at the SO, however I do know that retired Shreveport Asst. Chief, and currrent "risk manager"/internal affairs investigator, Charlie Owens, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant effective December 1st, to continue in his current duties. The sheriff just felt like he has been so effective in his job that he should deserve some more rank and money although his day to day routine will be the same. On a personal note, I am not going to downplay his effectiveness. He may be very good at his job, BUT the sheriff just got through telling us that he couldn't afford COST OF LIVING raises next year, but he CAN afford a MERIT raise for him when he is doing nothing other his job just like the vast majority of us who will continue at the same rate of pay, and, in all reality, most of us are making less due to the "error". He was just promoted to sergeant a few months ago at the same time Bronnie Tennyson was and now lieutenant?? When the dept is in financial shambles?? Yea right. . . Not to mention he is a retired Asst Chief, which I'm sure brings in a nice salary. There is no question that he put his time in there and deserves that, however I'm not so sure about his most recent bump at a time when were told that there is such a shortage in our budget at BSO.

  85. The 2% pay deduction for 2012 will be for the entire year, not just until the owed tax is payed off. Where will all the extra money go to?

  86. From what I have heard, deputies are asking for an itemized tax deduction statement and the payroll office is refusing to give one out.

  87. I'm still wondering how if the IRS didn't catch this error all this time, then how did some employee catch this mistake after all this time? Has anyone asked this question?

  88. I'm still wondering how an agency who is responsible for tax collection could have screwed the pooch when it comes to tax collection from wages.

  89. Larry Dean spent over 2mill this year in promotions for his friends so he could line their pockets before he leaves office. What a crook. Julian Whitting is also to blame for this blunder, he was over the division the whole time and now no one knows how it happened. A computer error my butt, that is a load of crap. The media and the AG should be demanding answers. I wonder what else will we as tax payers are going to find out about the Dean/Whittington clan over the next four years.

  90. Bill, there is so much dirty s¤¡± going on in Bossier Parish and Bossier City it's not even funny. When questions are raised the replies are the same, "If have proof, produce it, or if you don't like it, move!".
    The proof is in events that should be investinated like taxes not being withheld, some deputies losing pay, while friends of Larry are getting promotions and raises. The building of a cyber innovation center that wasn't needed but was, and yet there's going to be the expasion of a facility that is hardly being used. Millions of public dollars being spent to build a parking garage for a private venture and supplying that private venture with police officers who are paid with public dollars.
    It's too bad that only a small petcentage of Bossier citizens read this blog, because if more did there'd be more demand for hell to be paid.

  91. The main problem with this blog site is that people can blog anonymously. They say, whatever they want and do not need to have any kind of proof and of course blatantly lye about people because they do not like them. I do know there is also truth spoken here and some people are afraid to post their names with it. I can stand the truth, but it is the lies that I hate. Some good people have been bashed pretty badly, but again some deserve it! Some people just like to stir whatever emotions they can and get an argument going. Just sayin...

  92. Anon @ 10:57, You're bashing people who post anonymously while posting anonymously? I agree some are stirring the pot, but some are in the know about what's going on but can't reveal their names for fear of retaliation.

  93. 1:53PM, you can post anonymously, but do not lie because you can, just be factually, that's all I am saying!

  94. Wonder if all employees of the Sheriff's Dept know they won't be getting paid until the 3rd of January 2012? Hope they've all paid any property taxes and such....
    How exactly does it work with employee/personal taxes when you don't get paid during the year you work?

  95. Let me give ya' one last tidbit of info that has been "snuck in" prior to his leaving office.

    North Louisiana Criminal Justice Academy will be graduating next week. As "personal favors" two of the NEW B.S.O. Deputys that will be serving you have a bit of a shady past. Recruit Carter showed up for the first day of the academy with marijuana residue in his personal vehicle, and yep, he is still graduating. This wasn't his first run in with being busted, it has happened several times. Just ask the undercover narcotic agents he has sold to. However, that last name keeps getting him special favors. And what about Garland? Not one, but TWO prior DWI's and lets not overlook that Indecent Behavior with a Juvenile, but opps, those are overlooked and he will recieve a gun and badge - and going straight to the streets to "protect" you. LOL! Soooooo hoping our house sales soon - can't wait to get OUT of Bossier Parish!!!


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