
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

State House District 3 Race - Lynn Cawthorne

I blogged yesterday about State Representative Barbara Norton. Fortunately for the people of District 3, they not only have an alternative, but a good one.
Lynn Cawthorne is managing partner of Cawthorne Financial Group. He has a degree in Business Finance from Dillard University and an MBA from Troy State. Here is his biographical info from his WEBSITE.
• Lynn D. Cawthorne is the 7th child of 13 born to Mrs. Fannie Johnson Cawthorne and the late Robert Cawthorne, Sr. He is the proud father of two children; Tatyana age 15 and 10 year-old Tylinn.
• He is a 1985 graduate of Booker T. Washington High School where he served as Senior Class President. He went on to graduate from Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana with a degree in Business Finance. He also holds an MBA from Troy State University.
• His career has spanned more than 20 years working at all levels in the financial community. He began his career with Whitney National Bank in New Orleans where he rose to the position of vice-president before moving into the investment industry at UBS Paine Webber and Axa Advisors. He is currently managing partner of Cawthorne Financial Group.
• Lynn is actively involved in his community. He is the General Manager and Coach of the Caddo Heights Storm Spar League Football Team. He is the Founder of the Booker T. Washington Scholar's Society, as well as President of United Citizens and Neighborhoods (UCAN) Community Development Corporation. In 2010 he served on the Citizen's Bond Study Committee. He has been a featured panelist on Dateline Shreveport in addition to serving on the Shreveport Times Editorial/Community Board.
• Lynn is a member of Shady Grove #2 Baptist Church and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.
Representing an inner city district that is plagued by poverty and crime is a difficult challenge. Cawthorne has a platform that stresses education and economic development.
• Promote laws to improve education for inner city students
• Retool educational opportunities for public school students
• Establish legislation that will create Business Enterprise Zones
• Enact laws that will assist in reducing crime
The people of District 3 deserve a representative who will do his best to build the district, not to embarrass it; to serve the people of the district, not to serve himself; and to be a credit to not only District 3, but to Shreveport and all of Louisiana.
Lynn Cawthorne is that person.
Cawthorne has a YouTube channel with several videos. You can check it out for yourself here.
There are five videos on the channel, so I picked one at random to share with you.


  1. This should be a no brainer but you never know. I have seen strang things happen in elections. Al Franken is in the senate.

  2. Hope he gets it. Sounds like he is on the right track.

  3. Norton is one of those politicians who has let the power go to their head. You know, the "Do you know who I am?!" kinds of legislators. She's the kind who, if things do not go her way, she will quickly abuse her privileges of public office to her own advantage. As a proud Democrat, I will say this -- Barbara Norton is an embarrassment to the city of Shreveport and the Democratic Caucus as a whole. Lynn Cawthorne is the right man with the right plans.

  4. A.J., hope the voters of District 3 agree with you.

  5. Mista Jim, only a wite mofo like yous wood sappote a Unca Toms like dis oponut ov mine's. You needs to keep yo wite entroodin ass out ov the bizznuss ov mine's and da peepoles ov da therd distruct. What duzz wite folk knows bout what my peepoles wants?

  6. Great article! He looks like a great person for that district - but moreso just for the state

  7. Let's hope the people of the third district realize they have a viable option that could bring good to their district other than total embarassment.

  8. Again, this should be a no brainer. But we will see there is no reason to send this fool back to Baton Rouge

  9. Best wishes to Mr. Cawthorne. The district really does deserve better.

  10. Cawthorne is a Republican who switched parties in order to run for the House Seat in District 3. Don’t be FOOLED. I don't know who to vote for?

    Someone sent me these links: Lynn D Cawthorne is a Republican… Check out this Youtube Video: Also read this

    Lynn Cawthorne – Member of the Orleans Parish Republican Party Executive Committee

    Lynn D. Cawthorne says, “Republican” isn’t a Dirty Word!
    Cawthorne agrees, saying “It’s time to show Blacks that Republican isn’t a dirty word.”

  11. You should listen to Cawthorne. Republican is not a dirty word. If you can't decide between this well qualified man and the idiot Norton, I feel sorry for you. You deserve her.

  12. He's too conservative and she lacks leadership.

  13. He changed parties to run in a district that is 80% Democrat. How many D's have switched to R's in Bossier Parish for the same reason?
    So what?
    I have said that the people of District 3 deserve better. If they vote Barbara Norton back into office then they have what they deserve.


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