
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the old, In with the new

In the world of politics, Bossier saw some changes in 2011. Lynn Austin is the new City Marshal. Jeff Thompson will be the new representative for District 8 in the State House. Barrow Peacock defeated Jane Smith for State Senate, even though Smith had the strong endorsement of the governor and the state Republican Party. All the better for the district, they now have a state senator who is not beholden to anyone.
Julian Whittington was elected sheriff and will take office in 2012, after Larry Deen announced that he would not run and Doyle Dempsey wisely bowed out before he got started.
Now it’s time to look to 2012 and the presidential & congressional races, along with some local ones. I don’t do a lot on national politics, I stay updated at And So it Goes in Shreveport. Pat is on top of that stuff.
The Town of Benton has a special election for Mayor in March. Interim mayor Wayne Cathcart has announced as well as Ken Shiflett. This one might get interesting.
I haven’t blogged a lot in the last couple of weeks, everyone (including me) has been busy with family and holiday festivities – the truly important things in life.
To everyone who lost someone dear to them this year, our sympathies are with you.
I was blessed with another granddaughter in April, and she is a joy. Welcome to all of the new arrivals, I know that you will all leave this world a better place than you are finding it.
Mary Celeste

So without a lot of fanfare, I am telling 2011 farewell and saying welcome to 2012.
May all of you have a healthy and prosperous new year.


  1. Wow-that's a good looking baby!

  2. That is a good looking little girl.

  3. Thank you Bill. (We had pictures of Bill’s grandaughter on the blog
    in November 2010)

  4. Sara is also a beautiful little girl and more importantly, she is a very good child. I am proud of her.

  5. Grandchildren are the most beautiful creatures on earth. Happy New Year!

  6. I agree Alex. Happy New Year to you.

  7. Isn't it the truth? Happy New Year to everyone!

  8. Jim, here's to a Happy New Year. And as Gomer Pyle would say, "Good Luck to you and Yours."

  9. Thanks for the link and happy new year to you and your family!

  10. Pat & Steve, Happy New Year. (I still think he should have his own sock monkey).

  11. Thanks Jim, so do I.

  12. The bestess New Year to you JIM
    and all your readers and contributors!!! Keep make'm honest!

  13. Jimbo, she looks just like you.

    Hey man, thanks for the work you did in 2011. All our best to you, and yours in 2012!

  14. Thank you Andy. Some people in the family think she's cuter than I am . . .

  15. Now that the new year is here, you may want to look at whats going on in Utilities Director has quit mid-stream of me construction. This will make 3rd time in less than 5 years! Coincidence .... ???

  16. Sorry for previous comment. Meant to say NEW construction!

  17. Perhaps he left because he cant keep good help because of extremly low wages. Frustrated!

  18. Maybe he left because he could not handle the job......?????

  19. Maybe he found out what a crook and a$$hole Jimmy Hall is and doesn't want to work for him. Probably doesn't want to take a chance on going to the federal pen either.


Rules of the road:
1. No personal attacks or insults.
2. No accustory statements about wrongdoing or criminal acts against anyone.
3. Say all you want about the pros and cons concerning the candidates and the issues, or the general subject of the blog post, just follow Rule #1 and Rule #2.